
Hi, I'm new and realised the fact the site keeps reminding me that I have no friends on here is kind of sad, so I thought I would introduce myself and see if I could make any friends. I'm a 20 year old female from the UK and my main goal is to drop a dress size to a beloved UK size 10, I don't know if anyone else has ever found it really difficult to loose inches not pounds as it seems almost impossible for me.


  • Hi,Look on ebay for a book called Rosemary Conley's inch loss plan, it is an old book,,mine is blue,, it is a 28 day exercise programme, and it really works, it is excellent for waists and thighs, it has large pictures on every page,explains what to do, i always get up early and do it so it is out of the way, i do it in the kitchen, 1st couple of days it takes about 10-15 mins, as you get better at it and do more of the aerobic type ones it tends to take a bit longer,,20-30 mins.
    I can promise you it really does work for toning and strengthening and it is not hard, i have done the whole book several times over the years.
  • Oh really I've never heard of It, I'm going to look it up now the fact that it seems to not take much time sounds magical lol I also tend to do mostly cardio which is probably not good, thanks for the advice :)
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me. 134 pounds since July 1st. I don't have answers just some ideas that have worked for me. My diary is open to friends. Welcome!
  • Hi you, I'm sorry you don't have friends out here, but am happy to be added to your list. I am much older than you at 52, and have had gastric bypass 7 mos ago. Weight loss is never easy but if you have others around to support you, once you make the decision, it does make it easier. I see from your post that you only have 13 lbs to go. You can do that!!!! You are so close. Best of luck, and feel free to friend me if you like!!! Happy Losing!!

    Janine Alfke
  • it is an excellent book ,but old,, late 1980's,wouldn't want to be without my copy,,,keep putting it away,, but always get it out again.:-)
  • Hi I'm catrina and i'm a 30 yr old female that just started here and my diet. im from ohio
  • donnadavies72
    donnadavies72 Posts: 29 Member
    I started yesterday also. I live in Wales
    I would love to gain friends to keep me motivated

  • paulaann67
    paulaann67 Posts: 145 Member
    Welcome anyone can feel free to add me we all need support on this journey.:smile:
  • Thanks everyone for the replies I was expecting no one lol I think weight loss is 10x easier with support and motivation.... and of course no cakes in the house helps a lot too :)
  • angelpearls
    angelpearls Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've just started reaching out for friends too.
  • Hi, Thank you for the motivation. Wow a gastric bypass must of took a lot of courage, I could never imagine adjusting to such a drastic change in my diet sounds like a lot of hard work.
  • lilithXrei
    lilithXrei Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I know the feeling, I'm trying to inches myself, though I have about 30 pounds left to go as well.
  • Hey! I'm from the UK also. I'm new ^_^ Trying to achieve the same as you! We can motivate each other? Feel free to add me :) x
  • anaquay
    anaquay Posts: 150 Member
    I'm also from the UK and I'm new here too. Happy to be added as a friend by anyone :smile: