Women Only...BC Help!

I'm 29 years old and have never used birth control before. I finally started 2 1/2 weeks ago because I wanted to see if it would really help my periods become shorter and lighter. I had been doing MFP for about 6 weeks prior to starting and had lost 12 pounds with calorie counting alone and was feeling FANTASTIC with very few cravings.

2 1/2 weeks later, after taking Sprintec BC pills (which my Dr. assured me were "weight neutral") I am feeling so frustrated! I've gained 2 pounds despite doing a reasonable good job sticking to my daily calorie goal of 1500/day, I crave terrible food ALL THE TIME, have lost so much motivation, I feel fatigued all day and worst of all I feel like I'm pms'ing every single day!

I know I should know this at 29, but I honestly don't. Will my body adjust to the hormones in the pill after a little time? How long should I give it before talking to my doctor about alternatives? Have any of you had particular success with a certain type/brand of BC (I've heard especially good things about IUD's, but after working in a hospital and registering several women for surgeries to have them removed after they punctured their cervix, the idea of an IUD kind of freaks me out).

I want so badly to stay motivated and follow my weight loss journey through to the end this time, but I'm afraid this may derail me. Any advice/experience is appreciated! Thank you!!


  • MzHornedOne
    MzHornedOne Posts: 71 Member
    You may need to look into something that is lower in hormones. I used the nuvaring and really enjoyed it. It was lower in hormones if I remember right.

    I would give it a little time before dismissing the current one. Your body is going to need to adjust so I would try and give it a chance.
  • agottula
    agottula Posts: 13 Member
    I can't really say which pills work better, I'm on Levora now, and do find it more difficult to lose weight. I don't have any excessive cravings though.

    From what I'm heard though, it takes at least 3 months for your body to get used to the pill so you need to give it time.

    I had the Mirena IUD awhile back and would fully recommend.

    Good luck.
  • acora
    acora Posts: 25 Member
    I have been on the Depo Provera BC shot for almost 2 years now. I can definitely relate with you! Within the first 6 months of being on it, in combination of working at a pizza place, I gained 25 lbs. YIKES!

    I really do love this form of BC because I don't have to remember to take a pill everyday, and while I used to get AWFUL cramps and crazy periods, I only lightly spot occasionally, if all at, every couple of months. IT'S WONDERFUL! So I mean, if you are looking for an amazing form of BC that helps your period, this one definitely wins my vote.

    As far as losing weight, being on most forms of BC can make it tougher to lose weight. I recommend just waiting it out. Keep doing what you are doing to eat right and be healthy. If you still continue to gain weight, then I suppose that is your decision whether or not to stick to it. I a=have found though, that with just a little extra push, I am still able to lose weight just fine (No more gaining and down 7lbs so far! yay!).

    Also, as far as cravings go, I got those quite often when I first started, and with my willpower and healthy eating, they went away.

    I hope this helps a little! Let me know if you have any other questions! :)
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Sprintec made me feel a lot of side effects: achy breasts, bloated, water weight gain. Everyone is different, though. I will say this-- in general, it can take your body 3 to 6 months to regulate itself while on hormonal birth control. If you're looking for something lower in hormones, I've always had great luck with Loestrin (they also make a Lo-Loestrin that's even lower in hormones). Everybody is different, though.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I am on the ring, the hormones are less because they go right where they are needed instead of completely through your blood stream.
  • Bjoyz
    Bjoyz Posts: 24 Member
    Last time I talked to my DR about BC, she said it wuold take around 4 months for my body to adjust to a new pill. It may be the same with you. It's always hard on your body to introduce something new, but it may adjust in time. If it doesn't seem to be working out, there are other pills and other methods you can try!
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Most BC pills make you gain a few pounds. But mostly never more than 5.

    I never had any mood related side effect while using BC pill and i've been taking it since im 14 and i'm 28
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    Wait a little longer to allow your body to adjust before talking to your doctor. She will likely tell you to give it at least a month before changing to a different pill. There are a lot of different pills out there with different hormone combinations. It might take awhile to find one that works for you. Good luck!
  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    It takes me 3 months at the very least to get used to a new b/c pill. I really love LoEstrin. It is expensive if you don't have insurance but it is what has worked best for me.
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    The 2 pounds could just be water weight.

    In general it is said that the body takes 3 months to adjust to new hormones. Some women take a little less, some take a little more.

    That said sprintec is one of the higher hormone options out there. Loestrin is another option (Junel is a generic) there is also loLoestrin now.

    I personally wouldn't go the IUD route only because I have tried it and it didn't go well plus the copper one typically makes periods heavier and the mirena one can make them very unpredictable.
  • Great job with your weight loss! Don't let some issues with this one formulation and type of birth control discourage you...there are many, many types of birth control pills out there and lots of other options beyond the IUD for you to consider. If you are not happy, then change it - and your doctor should be more than happy to prescribe something else for you. Make an appointment for about a month after you started taking them, and if you aren't completely in love with your pill then ask them to change it.

    Although the Pill you are taking is one of the better ones for avoiding weight gain, every woman is different. You have other options which you might like better.
  • That's a very personal decision, but I'll give you my take on it.
    I'm 27, and single (unmarried). I don't use hormonal birth control. Eventually your body will probably get used to the hormones, but it will hold on to fat a lot harder. Basically, the hormones make your body think it's pregnant, so it'll stay in that mode. make sense? There's also the long term fertility issues, but I won't get into that. IUDs may travel, or embed into your uterus, etc. Also will provide a direct pathway to your womb if you get any kind of infection in there. That scared the hell out of me. I had Mirena for a while, but removed it. made me too nervous. I've done the shot (it took over a year to get my cycle back), and the pill (I'm not that reliable) also.

    Nowadays, I have one partner. We use spermacidal foam or gel or whatever (or cum killer as he calls it... lovely). I also keep track of my cycle and we avoid my fertile window. TMI, maybe, but it's been working. I tend toward more "natural" things, though. Hormones make me nervous. Were I more promiscuous, though, I would certainly be using condoms as well. I have one child, and probably don't want more, but I'm protective of my reproductive ability. Just in case.
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    You may need to look into something that is lower in hormones. I used the nuvaring and really enjoyed it. It was lower in hormones if I remember right.

    I would give it a little time before dismissing the current one. Your body is going to need to adjust so I would try and give it a chance.

    ^this. The nuvaring has made my periods more regular and less severe (lighter flow, less intense cramps, etc.) and I have never experienced any other side effects. It's a hormonal BC but doesn't go through your whole system like a pill you ingest. Every body is affected differently, though, by every medication and your body needs time to adjust.
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    I was on Sprintec last year and it wrecked havoc on my moods, weight, hormones, etc etc. My doctor switched me to the lowest hormone dose of OrthoCyclen and it is amazing the difference! My weight loss is ongoing and everything is great again. I've been on it for over 6 months now and it is the best.
  • mahonia_repens
    mahonia_repens Posts: 10 Member
    Both types of IUDs are wonderful. You would probably really like mirena.
  • I just took myself off of sprintec because it was turning me into a crazy person... Seriously bad mood swings, anger management problems. I've had success with trinessa.
  • AmandaDawnRN
    AmandaDawnRN Posts: 29 Member
    Be careful and do your own research. I am a nurse and had the Mirena for several years. It can take up to a year to regulate your cycle and can result in very long periods (think spotting for a month or more) while you regulate. However after that year they are as others have said very easy and have few issues.
  • I hated the Mirena. Haaaaate. I constantly felt pregnant, I gained lots of weight on it, my moods were awful, and I had zero sex drive. The only positive was that my periods disappeared.

    I was on loestrin, and it sucked too. I am one of those that just can't handle the hormones, I guess :/ I hope you find something that works for you!
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Not sure if you have a child yet but Mirena can be difficult to insert if you haven't (I was going to go with Mirena but couldn't because of this).. I have Nexplanon (implant in my left arm) and so far it's been pretty great..
  • jessicarn76
    jessicarn76 Posts: 94 Member
    Give the pill 3 months for your body to get used to it. If you want to switch, you can try a lower dose estrogen pill. The lowest is lo loestrin, but it's pretty knew and most insurances aren't covering it yet. It's a 10mcg pill. Another good one is microgestin fe 1/20. It's a 20 mcg and it's a generic so it's cheap. Sprintec is a 25mcg pill.
  • I hated the Mirena. Haaaaate. I constantly felt pregnant, I gained lots of weight on it, my moods were awful, and I had zero sex drive. The only positive was that my periods disappeared.

    I was on loestrin, and it sucked too. I am one of those that just can't handle the hormones, I guess :/ I hope you find something that works for you!

    I never thought part of my weight gain could have been from the Mirena... huh. It's about time to get it removed anyway and I've been wondering what to use instead. It's nice to hear positive reviews of NuvaRing.

    On the topic of BC pills, they wrecked me completely. Mood, weight, everything. It was horrible. Some women can handle them and some can't. It's your call which kind of woman you are.
  • bethkrusac
    bethkrusac Posts: 45 Member

    I'm on Sprintec pills as well. I'm not on it for BC reasons, but for other medical concerns, so I don't really want to switch it up. If you're uncomfortable, talk to your doctor about switching things around.

    However, when I first started taking it, I did gain weight. However, I've started to lose it again now with diet and exercise. I think you'll get used to it (I know I did) with time, but if you're not wanting to wait and it's really bothersome, talk to your doctor.
  • Tash128
    Tash128 Posts: 66 Member
    If your that worried you could always just use protection and not the pill, As we know not even the pill is 100% effective . As everyone else said it will take your body to adjust but everyone is different my friends body never really adjusted she gained 10 pounds and it took her forever to lose it even thou she was tracking her calories and everything, it just depends on your body and how it reacts to the different pills.
  • toodloo
    toodloo Posts: 58 Member
    Any BC can take awhile to adjust to, but it sounds like you know your body well enough to know that this ISN'T working! Everyone's body reacts differently, so despite your doc saying something is weight neutral, well.. your hormones are specific to you :) I honestly think the key to BC is just to keep trying different things until you find something that clicks for you.

    That being said, I've tried Nuvaring and Mirena and hated both. Nuvaring gave me constant headaches and killed my sex drive to a point where I didn't think I'd ever want to do it again - that may not be a big deal for you, but it was for me since I was in a relationship at the time. I got a Mirena and at first it seemed fine, but I eventually developed horrible cystic acne. It left awful scars which I still have after almost a year. Apparently it's a pretty common side effect of Mirena (based on my googling). For me, the negative side effects didn't crop up until about a year after I started each medication.

    I decided to stop using birth control since I'm not in a relationship, but I guess my advice would be to be open and direct with your doctor. I've had doctors react with skepticism when I told them I was certain I didn't like a particular BC and wanted to switch, but you know your body and what feels right. You have every right to insist! Ortho Tricyclen Lo worked fairly well for me, but I have heard that it can cause weight gain.

    Good luck!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Usually it takes about 3 months to figure out if your side effects will subside.

    They say that pills don't make you heavy, but they certainly made me hungry and tired. I feel a lot better off of them. I have the Paraguard IUD, and I love it.

    However, you've only been on these pills for 2 weeks and gained two pounds. My weight has always fluctuated about 5lbs or so during the month, regardless of whether or not I was on pills. I think that's normal for humans in general, and especially for women.

    I wouldn't worry so much about the scale, but if you feel like crap, you should say something to your doctor.
  • Maybe try the rhythm method with spermicide on the days you're ovulating. That's what I did for years because I didn't want to take birth control, I had too many side effects from them.
  • There is a lot of mixed information on birth control. Personally I am on Depo, and I love it. I have been on it for three years and have lost over 50lbs. It does cary risk for developing osteoporosis, and the normal blood clot risk if you are over 35 and/or a smoker, but it has lower risk of strokes for some populations.

    I get migraines with a visual component and am therefore unable to take mixed hormone birth controls (stroke risk). To combat bone loss I take calcium regularly and lift heavy things.

    In the end the choice is yours, just don't let anyone set the priorities and agenda for your health FOR YOU. You are in charge.
  • mabupi
    mabupi Posts: 15
    This is one of the many reasons I love MFP. Thank you, thank you to all you ladies! A couple of things, I'm not in a relationship and not really sexually active on a regular basis, which is why it's taken me so long to try birth control in the first place. It's much less about pregnancy prevention and more about my heavy, long (as in 8 days, with 8-10 days pms'ing beforehand) periods with bad cramps. But I'd rather pms for 10 days a month than 30...I'm mostly concerned with the fatigue, constant state of irritation and food cravings. (But DEFINITELY want to avoid significant weight gain and loss of sex drive as well).

    It sounds like I should wait a few more weeks at least to see if my body adjusts, although I may ask my doctor for a pill with a lower dose of estrogen (which I'm interested in anyway, since I haven't had children yet and I'm not sure what the long term effects of hormonal BC may be, which is why I've waited so long in the first place to try it.)

    Thank you again for sharing your experiences and knowledge, and even more for the encouragement to just keep trucking along. I hope you ALL have a beautiful rest of your week!
  • courtniesolis
    courtniesolis Posts: 19 Member
    I have the Mirena IUD and I DO NOT recommend it. Everyone is different, but for me it is HORRIBLE. Migraines, lower back pain, weight gain, anxiety, mood swings, inability to lose weight, fatigue, bad cramping, cysts, and just recently 2 full weeks of heavy bleeding (and I barely bleed). My doctor says "it's normal", but I am getting it taken out ASAP. I have a few friends with the same problems, Again, I know everyone is different, but I wouldn't suggest this to my worst enemy. I don't know if this helps, but I hope everything works out for you :-) Birth control is tricky. lol
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    After extensive research previously, I found that most weight gain while on the pill is caused by salt, and water retention. Reduce salt as much as you can, if possible, make all your own meals so you can control what condiments and seasoning goes into it, and keep up your fluid intake.