Take a look at my diary.

Tell me what you think. What should I add or remove from my diet? Just basic critiques. Thanks :D


  • ChristineH1001
    :smile: Watch the sodium, seems like alot comes from processed food....try some simply prepared foods. Keep up the good work!
  • jolson54829
    jolson54829 Posts: 32 Member
    It's hard for me to judge someone else's diary, knowing full well that my own isn't perfect, but I would suggest eating more fruits. You have a lot of things that have a lot of salt in them. Maybe an apple or banana instead of those chips. The fat isn't horrible, but maybe alternate days that you eat peanut butter with days you eat a salad with cheese (I'm guessing the cheese is for the salad, but I could be wrong.). Anyways, best of luck to you. It looks like you are doing very well with yourself as it is.
  • ms_tris
    ms_tris Posts: 82 Member
    Sodium is a bit high, but as long as you are drinking water that shouldn't be THAT big a deal. I say raise your protein a little and lower the carbs a little. By a little I mean shift maybe 30 grams (up for protein and down for carbs...).
  • Dolci07
    Dolci07 Posts: 37 Member
    My suggestion would be to make a lot of your processed premade meals fresh from home. Lean cuisines and such are good sometimes if it is between that and overeating junk but soup can be made in big batches and frozen. Pasta dishes are also pretty easy to make. :)
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    Looks like half of your fat intake is coming from cheese and ranch dressing, so both saturated and trans fat. Make a small change by making your own vinegarette dressing with olive oil. Try adding nuts or avocados to your diet.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Overall I think your diet over the past few days is pretty decent, especially if you don't/can't cook. If you can cook then I agree with the others who recommend making your own food and limiting the processed meals. You could also do better at eating a healthy breakfast and upping your calories. Your profile pic indicates you are very thin, depending on your size and activity level I would guess that you should never dip below 1600 calories.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I would choose one or two 100 calorie items and switch it out for more fresh fruits and veggies. 100 calories of veggies will fill you up and give you so many nutrients. It looks like you don't cook much, so getting easy snacking veggies like carrots, sugar snap peas, broccoli, cucumbers, celery and whatever else you like, will be easy to munch and require no cooking or clean up!!
  • dls1957
    dls1957 Posts: 34 Member
    I have been at a stand still for the last 3 weeks, actually gained 3 #'s (I upped my calories some). I have lost them now but if anyone wants to look at my diary please do. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. I am currently at 139#'s and would like to loose 9#'s and tone up. I am a 56 yr old female and am 5" 3 1/2 ". Thanks for any input.