Trying to stay off the Splenda and Aspartame!



  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Does it bother you? I've used them since the early 80's and have no side effects yet. I don't use them exclusively but I refuse to drink 120+ calories if I choose to have one soda, and don't fear sweeteners. I'm more worried about the pesticides sprayed on food.

    ^^ this.

    I use the fakes in one way or another every single day. No problems here.

    Talk to me once you've give up ALL fried foods.
  • jackhoskinson10
    I m hooked love splenda in my coffee and cant seem to break the habit , had no issues that im aware of
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Read a few articles about how terrible the stuff is. I have been trying to stay off of it but man I miss my Diet Coke! I have kicked it out of my coffee and I miss that a bunch too. Is adding some sugar in the raw so bad?

    I have replaced a good deal of my Diet Coke with LaCroix Lime sparkling much better and I still feel like I am getting a drink that is more fun than plain water
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Several years ago, I began to have mini seizures. While researching anti seizure meds, I found a link about seizures and aspartame. I gave up the aspartame and never began the medicine and never had another seizure. I dont think that was coincidence.
  • graciesmomma0209
    graciesmomma0209 Posts: 36 Member
    I gave up diet sodas because of all the sodium in it. I do drink tea periodically throughout the day because I love caffeine lol. I sweeten it with splenda but I try not to use a whole lot in. Just enough to take away the boring taste of unsweetened tea,
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    I m hooked love splenda in my coffee and cant seem to break the habit , had no issues that im aware of
    This^ Love my Splenda!!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Definately stay away!!!! It causes headaches, joint pain, stomach issues and is just no good!!! Be sure to check yogurts and flavored waters to be sure it doesn't have them in it either.

    Good Lord.

    Let's just start panic and irrational fear, shall we?
  • eaglewoodwill
    Thanks everyone for the feedback! So many different viewpoints is really helpful. I think I will go for the "once in a while is OK" path. I used to have a few splenda in my coffees and three or four diet cokes a day. I appreciate all the info and any friend requests will be accepted!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    DO you have a sensitivity to sweeteners? If you don't I personally don't see a reason not to consume them as long as you aren't consuming a lot of them. So far the only "proof" they have come up with relates to rats. They have yet to properly prove it causes issues in people aside from those who have a sensitivity to sweeteners.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I gave up diet sodas because of all the sodium in it. I do drink tea periodically throughout the day because I love caffeine lol. I sweeten it with splenda but I try not to use a whole lot in. Just enough to take away the boring taste of unsweetened tea,

    A lot of fresh foods contain more sodium than diet pop does. The amount in a can of pop is pretty much nothing compared to some other foods out there.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Read a few articles about how terrible the stuff is. I have been trying to stay off of it but man I miss my Diet Coke! I have kicked it out of my coffee and I miss that a bunch too. Is adding some sugar in the raw so bad?

    If you have to have a sweetener, glucose (the industry name is "dextrose") is the safest. You can get it at your local bulk foods store. I wouldn't eat a lot of any kind of sweetener, but when you have to have one, glucose is the one. It is sometimes called "corn sugar" but you shouldn't confuse it with high fructose corn syrup solids. The hfcs industry people recently asked the FDA for permission to call their stuff "corn sugar" but thankfully, the FDA turned them down so as to not confuse people. Dextrose/glucose and hfcs are totally different substances. There should be NO fructose.

    p.s. Table sugar (i.e. sucrose) is 50% fructose--not a whole lot less fructose than hfcs and we know how bad hfcs is for us.

    Fructose is fruit sugar. Sugar = sugar = sugar by any name.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Read a few articles about how terrible the stuff is. I have been trying to stay off of it but man I miss my Diet Coke! I have kicked it out of my coffee and I miss that a bunch too. Is adding some sugar in the raw so bad?

    If you have to have a sweetener, glucose (the industry name is "dextrose") is the safest. You can get it at your local bulk foods store. I wouldn't eat a lot of any kind of sweetener, but when you have to have one, glucose is the one. It is sometimes called "corn sugar" but you shouldn't confuse it with high fructose corn syrup solids. The hfcs industry people recently asked the FDA for permission to call their stuff "corn sugar" but thankfully, the FDA turned them down so as to not confuse people. Dextrose/glucose and hfcs are totally different substances. There should be NO fructose.

    p.s. Table sugar (i.e. sucrose) is 50% fructose--not a whole lot less fructose than hfcs and we know how bad hfcs is for us.

    Fructose is fruit sugar. Sugar = sugar = sugar by any name.

    No, I don't think you quite understand what I posted. I KNOW that fructose is fruit sugar---but sucrose (table sugar) is 50% fructose. Too much fructose is bad for us for a lot of metabolic reasons. Glucose, on the other hand, while we shouldn't "go hog wild" with it, does not have the same metabolic consequences as does fructose. Glucose and fructose (sucrose is also 50% glucose) are metabolized in different ways. Glucose is taken directly into the blood stream from the intestines; fructose is sent to the liver to be metabolized before it can be utilized. People who lack the enzyme fructokinase, cannot metabolize fructose and suffer miserable intestinal distress when they eat fructose in any form.

    Researchers believe that eating a lot of fructose (and most of our exposure comes through eating sugar--not fruit) acts as a type of "fat switch"---telling our bodies to store fat. A couple of pieces of fruit are fine but regular table sugar (sucrose) is a no-no if you are very sensitive to the "obesigen" that fructose is believed to be. Researchers feel that obese individuals should limit their intake of fructose to 15 grams or less per day and that normal individuals should limit their fructose intake to 25 grams or less per day. That is about what you would get in a couple of fructose-laden vegetables like tomatoes (which are, technically fruit) and carrots, and then a couple of servings of low-fructose fruit like berries or citrus.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i sacked up and stopped using sugar in my beverages. i drink water, or unsweetened tea, or unsweetened coffee with milk.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Fructose is fruit sugar. Sugar = sugar = sugar by any name.

    nope to your sugar=sugar=sugar. chemistry.
  • jivitasa
    jivitasa Posts: 150 Member
    I gave up diet coke, soda in general, years ago. Not because of the sweetner, but the dyes and chemicals. I gave of artificial sweetners a year or so ago. I tried a few things. There are many types of stevias, and the taste is fine for me. My absolute favorite though, is NuNaturals. They have many options, some for baking. I use the liquid drops. 5 drops in a glass of coffee or tea=perfection. I use it in anything, even nonfat plain greek yogurt with a table spoon of cocoa powder. It's like chocolate mouse. No after taste. And the bottle is small so I have it in my purse for whenever I need it. The best!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Moderation and Stevia. Heck with the computerized sugars.
  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    Splenda doesn't have Aspartame in it. I've never had problems with it but I only use it for my coffee in the morning. I think just like everything else in the world it all depends on how much you put into your body. There are articles out there that say this stuff is horrible and then there are articles out there that say it's fine, that it only hurts you if consumed in large quantities. If you're drinking 5-6 diet sodas a day it's not the sweetner that's the problem. Too much of Anything can be bad.
  • cazzer69
    cazzer69 Posts: 162 Member
    20 coffees a day for 30 years with 2 sweeteners (mainly splenda or canderel) and I don't have headaches or joint pain or seizures.....

    Reading this thread I should have twitched my way cramping into an early grave by now.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    i sacked up and stopped using sugar in my beverages. i drink water, or unsweetened tea, or unsweetened coffee with milk.

    Yes--I avoid all sweeteners. Unsweetened coffee with cream, is quite easy to get used to. Now, if I happen to accidentally pick up my husband's sugar-sweetened coffee and take a swig----:noway: Gecckkk! Now that I have been off of sugar for several years, if I do go to a birthday party or something, and accept a piece of cake, I honestly can only eat a bite or two because it is nauseatingly sweet to me.
  • christypaxson

    This article sweeped FB - i don't know if it's true or not. It did scare me a little....A LOT! I cut out all artificial sweeteners and substitute with honey if needed.