Menopause and weight loss



  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    As in most things, it is different for everyone.
    I am 61, well past menopause.
    I signed up on MFP in February 2012. Procrastinated until 3/12/12 until I buckled down and really began logging all the food I was eating, everything that went into my mouth, I totally bought into the myths of the difficulty of losing weight for women over 40.
    Now I am approaching my 1 year anniversary on MFP. Down 136 pounds and still going.
    Can it be done? Yes. Is it easy for anyone? NO!
    Is it the same for everyone, NO
    As in most things, you have to find what will work for you. No one knows your body as well as you do. It can be done.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I hit menopause a few years ago and I truly have not seen any difference (my thyroid went wonky about the same time, and I attribute most of the symptoms to that; after half of it was removed, I was pretty much back to normal), except that my hands are warmer to the touch than most people's are (I am the person you want when you get an ECG!).

    I don't take any supplements. I had one thing that might have been a hot flash, but not any others. Bone loss worries me, but I'm getting a DXA scan in a couple of weeks, so hopefully that will put my mind at ease about that.
  • lrbassmom
    Only your doctor can discuss what is best for you based on your symptoms and health/family history. Not well meaning people on MFP. They can only tell you what worked for them and you are an individual. I myself am peri-menopausal and have lost weight thru diet/excercise - for symptom relief I have started back on bc pills since I still have regular periods. After all periods have stopped for approx. 1 year are you considered post menopause and symptoms are treated differently either/and holistically or traditionally..

    Agreed, most of the time. But often doctors don't allow for an extended office visit to talk through all the options. Most of the time, they throw a prescription at you, telling you that the Rx is better because you don't know what is in the OTC. And quite frankly most are just plain ignorant of anything outside of traditional medical care, not to mention writing 90% off to quackery. Not saying that some of it isn't but...

    let's just say, I know my body pretty well, and I don't want to take 'another' prescription. I tried the bc pills to control the symptoms and it worked while I was on them but heaven help if I went off.
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    I'm with not taking hormones. I haven't hit menopause yet and up until last year I was planning on doing hormone replacement when it hit. However, I developed multiple pulmonary embolisms while on the birth control pill (I'd been on and off the pill for over 30 years) so I realized at least for me taking hormones in that form is not good. I'm planning on just eating less, eating healthier, getting as much exercise as I can, and keeping my fingers crossed! ;-0
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    46 and menopausal here. For me to lose weight I do have to exercise more. If I just go low cal my body just shuts down. I have a very low resting heart rate 38-42. So I am jogging and doing circuit training and yoga. I am.losing weight and feeling better than in my 30's when I was lazy and got fat. I do also have to lose in stages. I seem to be able to only lose for 3 months then I maintain so I upped my calories for a bit and then I lower them again and start losing again. When you have 100 pounds to lose it is very hard to lose straight through. Good luck with your journey.:flowerforyou:

    A resting heart rate of 38-42 needs to be investigated. I would see my physician.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm 60 & had a late menopause. Since then (in the last year) I've lost 60-odd of the surplus pounds that have been accumulating for decades.This is the first time I've stuck to a diet / healthy eating regime - ever! (For long enough to make it work, anyhow).To me, it's all in your head - MFP is the best tool ever for weight loss and helps, but if your head & heart aren't in it, it's not going to work whatever age you are. If your head and your heart are going for it, it doesn't matter what your age is, you will lose weight.

    agreed. I am 48 years old and when i stick to exercise and portion control I see results. I think a lot of our issues are is we won't lift heavy. With Cardio and weight training we can't help but succeed. Its all a state of mind.

    ^^^^THIS^^^ But a little bit of natural progesterone (please--no synthetic estrogens/ progestins!) goes a long way toward making a woman more comfortable in the transition.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am 53 1/2 yrs old. Hot flashes started a few years ago. I found some herbal supplements (chaste berry) that were very successful for about 10 months, then they ceased to be effective. Then I got a period that was SOOOO heavy, that I had to go to the doctor at 10 days to stop it! I was almost anemic. So then I got referred to a oby/gn. He did a D&C and then put me on progesterone and estrogen. No periods for 4 months, then I have had 2 periods since then, and the odd hot flash. Going back to see him in 2 weeks.

    So that all said, I have been gaining weight slowly in the past 4 years, definitely since the hot flashes started. I have been doing 1 hour Zumba classes (cardio dance) twice a week this whole time. Burning about 400 calories a time (measured by a heart monitor.) This same monitor measures 700 calories burned by my daughter who is 21. We both 'give 'er' in the classes. So that is proof for me that our metabolism slows down and the exercise that we do is not as effective as when we were younger. So I then added in some classes at our fitness centre. Increased exercise alone was still not doing it. My weight crept up to 160 lbs. For the past year, I have been doing 2 Zumba classes PLUS 2-3 weight training sessions per week. (weight sessions designed by a personal trainer). Still no weight loss. :( Then, in January, he said "I want you using My Fitness Pal" as well as doing this new program....which is 3 weight training sessions per week, plus doing my 2 Zumba sessions per week. FINALLY SUCCESS. Down 8 lbs in 5 weeks and feeling great.

    What this taught me is that with NO changes in my eating - quality or quantity - I still gained weight due to the increasingly slower metabolism brought on my menopause. The only thing that has turned this around is eating less, eating much more healthy choices, AND putting in 1 hour a day/5x per week doing strength training AND cardio exercise. The strength training has really been positive in kicking up my metabolism.

    I still have over 10 lbs to go to get down to my ideal 140 lbs, but at least now I know what I must do to achieve it. I am glad I stopped the upward climb at 160, because it requires so much effort to take it off. But at least I figured out what worked for me. The strength training is benefiting my bone density, and muscle definition, so as the weight comes off, my body is adjusting nicely to the new look!!

    Strength training, because it is anabolic (builds muscle) is better for boosting metabolism than a lot of cardio. Because excessive cardio (anymore than about 2-3 hours a week) tends to be catabolic. That is, it breaks down body tissue and unfortunately, that tends to be muscle in older women--rather than the fat that we would prefer to break down. And the breakdown of muscle leads to an even slower metabolism! The only way to work against it is to weight train with rest days in between and to eat enough (especially protein) to fuel the building of muscle.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Strength training, because it is anabolic (builds muscle) is better for boosting metabolism than a lot of cardio. Because excessive cardio (anymore than about 2-3 hours a week) tends to be catabolic. That is, it breaks down body tissue and unfortunately, that tends to be muscle in older women--rather than the fat that we would prefer to break down. And the breakdown of muscle leads to an even slower metabolism! The only way to work against it is to weight train with rest days in between and to eat enough (especially protein) to fuel the building of muscle.

    I worked out on resistance machines for most of my weight loss phase and then gave up my gym membership (I never enjoyed going there) and did mostly cardio after reaching my goal weight. BIG mistake. I didn't regain any of the lost weight, but I quickly lost strength and after a while I started doing face plants while I was out running. So after 2 falls in as many weeks I went out and bought a set of heavy dumbbells, and also doubled up on my flexibility exercise routine. Worth doing. Definitely worth doing. A stronger body at nearly 60 is more stable and more comfortable, and not just when I'm out running.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Strength training, because it is anabolic (builds muscle) is better for boosting metabolism than a lot of cardio. Because excessive cardio (anymore than about 2-3 hours a week) tends to be catabolic. That is, it breaks down body tissue and unfortunately, that tends to be muscle in older women--rather than the fat that we would prefer to break down. And the breakdown of muscle leads to an even slower metabolism! The only way to work against it is to weight train with rest days in between and to eat enough (especially protein) to fuel the building of muscle.

    I worked out on resistance machines for most of my weight loss phase and then gave up my gym membership (I never enjoyed going there) and did mostly cardio after reaching my goal weight. BIG mistake. I didn't regain any of the lost weight, but I quickly lost strength and after a while I started doing face plants while I was out running. So after 2 falls in as many weeks I went out and bought a set of heavy dumbbells, and also doubled up on my flexibility exercise routine. Worth doing. Definitely worth doing. A stronger body at nearly 60 is more stable and more comfortable, and not just when I'm out running.

    That's great that you have gotten back to resistance training. The personal weight trainers all say that free weights give superior training. That the machines are only good for training specific muscles. It is never too late to start resistance training--they do it with octogenarians at nursing homes! :smile:
  • crazydaisy15
    I am encouraged by the women who are going through this, or have been through it, without taking any supplements. I just want to let my body does what it is meant to do, naturally. I hope I can handle it. I know everyone is different, but it sounds like not every menopause is a nightmare. I know some are, and I'm not saying that people shouldn't take supplements. I just hope I don't have to.
    I am accepting the changes, and am trying to manage them just by doing what everyone needs to be doing. Eat good food, and exercise. Portion control is my best friend. I could not do some strict, picky diet. I'm just watching the calories, and trying to up the fruits, veggies and calcium.
    I do need to up the strength training too. I'm not a fan, but I know it's so very important.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I was on Premarin and Provera for years. Have been off for about 5 years. Early or late menopause? Not sure where I stand. Was 52 when I had an endometrial ablation. Dr said someone my age didn't need to be having periods when I'm showing all signs of menopause. Now in the last 6 months I am having spotting periods again.

    Last year or so have been consciously working on losing weight. Have lost 23 lbs since July when I joined MFP. Overall, in last year or so have lost probably 50 or so lbs.

    Does menopause make it harder to lose weight? No, I don't think so. To me it's mind over matter -- I am going to lose weight in a healthy manner until I get to a point where I am comfortable with myself.

    A year ago August I also underwent a thyroidectomy for cancer. Metabolism out of whack for a long time. As my dr says, I am starting to get normal now.

    You need to get to your doc ASAP---If you have had a cessation of periods for a number of years and then started having spotting periods again, that could be a real problem. Please, go see a gynecologist.

    Exactly! Get to the GYN sooner, not later! Not meant to scare or alarm you...but these message boards are no place for medical advise.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I am encouraged by the women who are going through this, or have been through it, without taking any supplements. I just want to let my body does what it is meant to do, naturally. I hope I can handle it. I know everyone is different, but it sounds like not every menopause is a nightmare. I know some are, and I'm not saying that people shouldn't take supplements. I just hope I don't have to.
    I am accepting the changes, and am trying to manage them just by doing what everyone needs to be doing. Eat good food, and exercise. Portion control is my best friend. I could not do some strict, picky diet. I'm just watching the calories, and trying to up the fruits, veggies and calcium.
    I do need to up the strength training too. I'm not a fan, but I know it's so very important.
    Supplements or medications?
  • turbojam_rocks
    turbojam_rocks Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 60 & had a late menopause. Since then (in the last year) I've lost 60-odd of the surplus pounds that have been accumulating for decades.This is the first time I've stuck to a diet / healthy eating regime - ever! (For long enough to make it work, anyhow).To me, it's all in your head - MFP is the best tool ever for weight loss and helps, but if your head & heart aren't in it, it's not going to work whatever age you are. If your head and your heart are going for it, it doesn't matter what your age is, you will lose weight.
    This.. don't use menopause as an excuse. It's not different than blaming your period for making you pig out at a buffet. Just do the work and the weight will come off.
    Doesn't sound like anyone is, really. Just looking for some support.
    Exactly:)) I had major surgery in September..The highest I ever weighed was 137..During that time from September to January had complications and couldn't really do much,,,so it wasn't from pigging out at a buffet..LOL....I went up to 163 from then and as of today I am 157..So I am working my butt off...I was just finding it more difficult and wondered if menopause had that effect on weightloss...I think I will skip the estrogen for now and see how it goes...Thanks for all the advice:)))))