First time going to the gym

Hello, i am 6"4, 195 lbs, about 25% body fat. I am looking to eventually bulk up and lose the fat, i am not looking to end up like a body builder but i would like to be fairly cut in the end. I have never gone to the gym before so i really don't know what to do or how to do it, what is recommended for beginners? Should i also be taking any supplements of any kind? Thanks for any help!


  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Don't worry mate. You're not going to look like a bodybuilder if you don't want to. The amount of time and effort it takes to look like that is incredible. You don't wake up with that type of physique.

    Stick with the basics. Ignore all the marketing hype and BS that is meant to sell products and magazines. All you need is a simple weightlifting program, and use this website to track what you eat and results will come. Enjoy the journey, not the destination because the truth is fitness and health are lifelong things.

    There is a lot of good information here, more than enough to get you started:

    Take care!
  • MapHax01
    Ah yes the first time at the gym. I remember it well. Its perfectly natural to feel nervous about going. Especially when you see all the people with amazing bodies lifting the weight you can't. First piece of advice I would give any beginner is to relax and try not to be self conscious. It's natural to get the "all eyes are on me" feeling every now and then. Just remember. They aren't. As for a routine I would probably say hire a trainer, they're paid to teach you about fitness so if you can afford it pick their brains. If you can't afford it then places like have workout programs you can follow. They usually spell out everything from diet to training splits. Personally I tried them when i first started and knew nothing and I made some decent gains (fat loss). Also a lot of gyms do orientations where a fitness staff member will take you through and give you a rudimentary overview of the different equipment and its use. As for supplements I would recommend a multivitamin, whey protein and a per-workout but honestly if your nutrition is in check then nothing is mandatory. Don't fall into the marketing hype of X fat loss pill.

    Good luck man!
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Hey there,
    A good website for beginners I think is All of his info is free and he has tons of info posted for beginners. Including beginning workout routines and videos on how to do exercises with PROPER form. Always focus on proper form and not the amount of weight you're lifting. Strength comes in time.

    Also, gaining muscle takes time. It's not something that occurs in a few weeks.and I don't personally take any supplements. I take a whey protein powder.

    Hope this helps :)
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Ok first question is how do you know you're 25% body fat? At 6'4" and 195? That seems very lean.

    Start slow. Use machines at first. Ask for help to learn how they work. Use light weight to start. Don't overdo it at first.

    Eating protein is very important! Also how old are you? Muscle is easier to build when you're younger.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • tobiascaden
    Ok first question is how do you know you're 25% body fat? At 6'4" and 195? That seems very lean.

    Start slow. Use machines at first. Ask for help to learn how they work. Use light weight to start. Don't overdo it at first.

    Eating protein is very important! Also how old are you? Muscle is easier to build when you're younger.

    Good luck! You can do it!

    Thanks for all the feedback! The reason i say 25% is based on the profile creator at, in reality I don't know what my % is. I am 22 and not really lean, I definitely have some flabby spots. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • amiskinnyyetorwhat
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Try some group exercise classes. They are fun, motivational, and will give you some structure as to what to do while you are at the gym.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    build a program around bench press, deadlift, squat, over head press, chin ups/pulls up, etc and then devleop a total body routine around these moves where you hit arms, chest, back, shoulders, arms/trics, and legs three days a week and throw in some cardio two days a week ...this should get you down to about 18-20% body fat...once you get there you can start to back off the cardio more and maybe go to a four day a week upper/lower split or something like that..

    Oh and calculate your TDEE and deduct 25% from it....

    Good Luck to you..

    remember its a lifestyle change....

    If you have to get a trainer to teach you the basics tell you want to learn to squat, deadlift, etc...
  • amiskinnyyetorwhat
  • GettinYolked_
    To cut you gotta do some aerobics. (running, boxing, swimming, biking)
    However, if u wanna like get ripped and strong. Start off with basic lifts.
    -Dead lift

    Body weight:
    -push ups
    -weighted dips
    -sit ups with weights
    etc etc.

    Good luck man.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Hey there,
    A good website for beginners I think is All of his info is free and he has tons of info posted for beginners. Including beginning workout routines and videos on how to do exercises with PROPER form. Always focus on proper form and not the amount of weight you're lifting. Strength comes in time.

    Also, gaining muscle takes time. It's not something that occurs in a few weeks.and I don't personally take any supplements. I take a whey protein powder.

    Hope this helps :)

    I second this-- he has a lot of very easy to understand information on diet and fat loss, a page that suggests a weight routine for you based on a few basic questions, video demonstrations of the exercises, etc., etc. All free. Great guy.