Wow seriously 3 months and nothing :(

So I've hanged my diet and work out almost everyday doing very intense work outs and I have lost exactly 0lbs in three months any advice? I literally measure my food don't drink soda any more with the exception of maybe 1 on the weekend. I don't eat fast food. But subway . What am I doing wrong!? And please don't say " muscle weighs more than fat" I'm tired of hearing that. Losing all hope:(


  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Hi - please provide your height, age, and weight, and your daily calorie goal.
    It might be helpful if your food diary was unlocked so that we could see.

    You sound like you've been extremely fastidious and accurate in your logging.
  • deniselynnae
    5'0" -23-1200 - 140lbs

    For what I eat is seriously 1/2 cup cottage cheese & 1/2 cup of peaches lite for breakfast or a bowl of cereal ( 1cup soy milk & 3/4 cup Special K fruit and yogurt)

    Than I work out and burn upto 900 calories
    I drink a p90x recovery drink after my workout for less muscle pain

    For lunch usually a salad 1 cup lettus 1cup spinach 1 cup chopped mushrooms raw and 1 cup chopped tomato with 2 table spoons raspberry lite vinaigrette. Or a sandwich with about 1oz Turky ham 1oz mozzarella cheese 3 slices of tomato and 1 tablespoon mayo. OR if I'm lucky enough to get my husband to grill.. Chicken salad 4oz lemon pepper chicken breast grilled , 1cup lettus , 1Tbsp Caesar dressing creamy , 1oz cheddar shredded

    For a snack fiber plus peanut butter chocolate bar or slim fast 321 drink or weight water creme cake ( chocolate raspberry my weakness) on days I burn a Lot of calories it's almost all three and sometimes a skinny cow bar once in a while.

    For dinner Vegitable soup Campbell's chunky healthy requests . Or a homemade recipe
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Thank you :-)

    You have a basal metabolic rate (BMR) of 1,440 calories [1]. This is the amount of energy that your body uses in a day for life-sustaining functions like respiration, circulation, processing toxins, etc. This is the nutrition that you would need if you were on a hospital bed in a coma. Goes without saying that you shouldn't be eating less than this.

    Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is probably on the order of 2400 calories per day [2]. This is your BMR plus your lifestyle activity - brushing your teeth, going to work, walking the dog, working out at the gym. I selected a moderate level of exercise based on your description.

    I'm not sure if you're eating back your exercise calories at 1200 (net vs gross) but I think your single biggest problem is that you are undereating. For corroboration, please read this:

    You should probably be eating around 1900 calories a day if you are exercising as vigorously as you say. You should definitely not be netting less than 1450. It screws your body totally up and prevents you from losing weight.

    It's a shame because it sounds like you have really been working your butt off and you deserve great results! So loosen the reigns a little bit, stick to a higher intake for about 6 weeks, and watch yourself feel better and the pounds melt away.

  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    You may not be eating enough. Do you eat back your exercise calories? Also, check your sodium levels. I know that, although subway is healthier than other alternatives, most of their sandwiches are LOADED with sodium.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Muscle burns fat. You probably need to build more muscle, and to do that you must eat more. It's a fact. Then you should start seeing a drop in fat percentage but not necessarily in weight. However, since muscle takes up less space than fat, you can weigh more but still look and feel fit.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Eating too little
  • deniselynnae
    I do eat back my burned calories this has confused me of I should do that or not . When I made my account it gave me a net of 1200 calories much to my disapproval.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    DAMN! After reading your caloric intake in light of your exercise . . . you're STARVING yourself!

    Ditch that slimfast junk and the recovery shakes and eat some roast chicken, whole wheat bread, full fat ice cream; cook with butter, have some eggs and bacon! Keep going with the greens, and the fiber bars I guess, but you've got to overhaul your intake.

    Hit a reasonable calorie target and get your protein higher. Get some good fats and carbs in your diet.

    I'm sure this sounds like crazy talk to you, but you're trying to fuel a sports car with watery gasoline.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Have you measured yourself with a tape measure? You probably have lost inches.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    agree...not enough food...not enough seem to be trying to punish yourself. Live a little! Eat GOOD food, in reasonable amounts.
  • deniselynnae
    I have an do weekly in 3 months I have lost approximately .25 inches from my waist..
  • deniselynnae
    What variety am I looking for? No matter what I do or change nothing on me changes :(
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I second what everyone else is saying. Your body is attempting to use the food you put in it as fuel and little else. You should be eating at least 1500 calories (probably closer to 1800, use a bmr caculator and then TDEE, and make sure you eat just less than that), if not more considering the amount you exercise. Mix it up, eat MORE - more whole foods, more good for you fats like avacado and peanut butter, more of everything - and don't lose faith! Make sure you stick with a new intake level for at least a month before expecting changes/assuming something's wrong.
  • UnicornRides
    I suggest eating more calories (include some healthy fats in that diet) to bump up your intake. You probably should do a standard, 2k diet since you're pretty active. Also, eat healthy for 6 days a week and then have a day where you eat CRAP. Just once a week, it helps your metabolism adjust (there are plenty of articles on this and was mentioned on Dr. Oz.)

    Hope that helps (sorry if it doesn't) you see results soon!
  • deniselynnae
    My average calories burn is about 550 . On days I'm really motivated I burn UPTO 900calories. On a very not feeling in it day it's about 130 calories . I really don't know if I'm not eating enough or not. on days I do very little exercise I feel starved but not on super workout days
  • bigjretrac
    bigjretrac Posts: 80 Member
    DAMN! After reading your caloric intake in light of your exercise . . . you're STARVING yourself!

    Ditch that slimfast junk and the recovery shakes and eat some roast chicken, whole wheat bread, full fat ice cream; cook with butter, have some eggs and bacon! Keep going with the greens, and the fiber bars I guess, but you've got to overhaul your intake.

    Hit a reasonable calorie target and get your protein higher. Get some good fats and carbs in your diet.

    I'm sure this sounds like crazy talk to you, but you're trying to fuel a sports car with watery gasoline.

    ^^ This man speaks the truth! I was undereating for the longest time until he explained to me that I needed to eat MORE.
  • lauren_3243
    lauren_3243 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not even going to begin to pretend that I know very much about weight loss compared to what a lot of people on here do, but if you're doing everything you say you are doing, and still not losing weight, maybe you should talk to your doctor. You never know, there could be a hormonal or thyroid problem that needs addressed. Like I said, I am no expert, but if you're this frustrated it can't hurt.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    What variety am I looking for? No matter what I do or change nothing on me changes :(

    More lean protein - chicken, turkey, eggs, legumes.
    More dietary fat - butter, cheese, milk, yogurt, olive oil.
    More carbs - bread, fruit
    But the most important thing is more!

    Don't feel discouraged. What you've proven in the last three months is that you have the grit and determination to make it to your goals! It just turns out that they're easier to achieve than you thought.

    (Edited to add: BigJ has been dropping pounds the last few months at higher intake after being stalled out like you are starving himself. He's kicking butts and taking names!!!)
  • deniselynnae
    Lol thanks I use to set aside Sundays and my eat crap day but I stopped because I wasn't loosing any weight and figured it was my Sunday hurting me. I keep thinking I'm eating too much because I almost always meet my green limit in my app on sometimes more and that's so disappointing to me when I go over. Yet everyone's telling me eat more lol
  • deniselynnae
    I don't think I have a thyroid problem, I was always skinny as long as I was up and doing something all day I literally could eat anything and weigh about 115 max. I'm not up all day long for hours at a time as I use to be. I exercise daily now but no go my weight is mocking me -_-