How do you stay motivated? NEED HELP!!

Okay, so, I'm not some extremely busy person who works all day and then comes home to family to do house/family stuff.. no, just an in between college kid; I wake up around 10am, go to work at 12pm.. and then I'm home at 7pm. That's it. I have so much time to workout and diet-plan.. but I just don't. Spend plenty of time online or watching tv.. or sleeping, even. But I don't work out.

I have a roommate who does nothing to stay in shape despite eating Domino's and Taco Bell for every meal.
I have another roommate who works all day and comes home tired..

So no one really to challenge or workout with.

I look at all these pics of people in bikinis, of fashion, healthy food, things to do when you're in shape and I want to be like that.. but. when I actually do get up and hit a gym or walk.. that motivations burns off fast. 20 mins in and I'm bored (and I have NO stamina.)

So. What do you do? What keeps you going? What do you suggest I do?


  • jon1289
    jon1289 Posts: 24 Member
    To start with try waking up earlier and getting out of bed and making the most of the mornings. Maybe a run before breakfast ? Or a walk in the park ? You will soon feel so much better !!

    Why not set some time in the day to do something for yourself too? Coffee and reading the papers or a book for half an hour? The more you feel better about yourself the more you will become motivated to reach your goal....Trust me. If you can start running the endorphins produced from runs will drive you to want to do more, go further. It'll take time but it will happen.

    Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    First you have to DECIDE and COMMIT to actually adhering to a weight loss program. Until that happens, then you may not be motivated by what anyone says.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I just get through it. After a month, it became a habit and I just do it.
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    In my opinion the best and most lasting motivation comes from inside yourself. Other people can provide support and motivation, but they can't always be there. If you realize that you are worth the hard work and want to be good to yourself it keeps you going even when things get hard. When I lost my first 85 pounds, my motivation was to get off my meds (pre-diabetic). I needed a lot of outside support and when I lost it I began to slip a little. Now I have a goal to lose 30 lbs and it is all for me, no one else. I am internally motivated to do this for me because I want to be in shape and be healthy. I set a goal to achieve my weight loss and muscle gain by my birthday, and I will treat myself to a photo shoot. The more you do for yourself, the more you want to do, but it does take time to get there. It takes a while of exercising before you start getting that "feel good" burn. Now I want to exercise because I enjoy it, at first I did it because I was supposed to. Find an exercise you enjoy doing. I love lifting weights, so that's what I do. If I had to run all the time I would hate it. Also a good motivater is to pick an event that you have to train for, like doing a 5k. Even though I don't care for running all the time I would like to be able to jog a 5k without stopping, so I am pushing myself to accomplish that. Find goals that mean something to you and then go for it. It gets harder to do as you get older, so go for it now while it's easier. Good luck!
  • tstancom
    tstancom Posts: 47 Member
    I joined a running club that did a learn to run 10km program. At the end of it, I ran a race. It helped a lot to have the club once a week, and that end goal of the race to keep me focused. Also, workouts are better with good music. I prefer to run with an ipod. Right now, I don't have time to run, so I walk to work, and do 30 Day Shred every night. I keep my mat out so it taunts me when I'm not exercising, and I look at the "Success Stories" message board when I really don't want to work. Before and After pictures motivate me like nothing else.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Motivation comes from within. When it becomes important to you, then you will start doing what you need to do. The only thing in this world you control is you. You decide what and how much you eat and you decide how much you exercise. So you choose if you are going to be healthy or not. Other people can bug and nag you, but only you can make it happen.
  • WAnnB
    WAnnB Posts: 65 Member
    Finding what works for YOU is half the battle won. Filling out my food diary daily, no matter what, is motivating and a new habit formed. I found that afternoon workouts work best for me and it is easier to stick to something that feels right - a new habit formed. Find an exercise that will work for you. I don't necessarily like the treadclimber but it works for me and I do it 3 times a week. I found a friend in MFP that I connect with. We email each other regularly. I look forward to receiving emails from her. This motivates me to log on to MFP. I allow myself freedom as I journey to my goal weight. Short term goals and rewards motivate me. (I planned to reach a certain goal weight before my daughter came for a visit. I reached that goal weight the day after she got here. For one week I have had no calorie restrictions and no guilt. When she is gone I will continue on my journey. I planned this 3 months before her arrival) This works for me. YOU need to find what works for You. Oh, and encouraging others helps motivate me to do better.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I have an app called lift on my ipod, and I check a box for every goal I accomplished that day when I go to bed. For me, checking the box is motivation enough (strange, huh) but it keeps track of how often you've done something, so after 30 workouts or days eating right you can give yourself a reward :)

    Examples of goals for me are: Exercise, Eat Right, Walk the dog, take 10,000 steps/day etc. Just little goals :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Without a DESIRE to be healthier and live an active lifestyle, I don't think there is much I can say that will motivate you. Motivation has to come from within.

    Try setting some goals, make a mind map or mood board of what inspires you and try to get some excitement into your life that surrounds a healthy mind and body.

    Good luck!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You have to want it badly enough to make it a priority. For me, staying fit and healthy is super easy because it's a top priority for me and something I highly value. I enjoy my healthy lifestyle and I'm proud of my fitness. Attitude is key. If you can get yourself in the zone mentally, the rest is easy! :flowerforyou: