too much protein/fat not enough calories and carbs???:(

Ok, my net calorie goal is 1350. I eat breakfast at around 8-9, (maybe somethin small again at around 11) lunch at 3, then dinner at 6ish but my calorie goal is usually under but my fat and protein is over. I eat pretty healthy 80% of the time like salads lean meat, fish, eggs, fruit and veg, homemade brown bread, small potions of potato rice etc. Then when I finish my entry it says im eating too few calories and my body will go into starvation mode! Am i still not eating enough if my fat and protein is over?


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    MFP sets protein intake quite low, you are fine to go over.

    Also, the body needs a reasonable level of fat intake to assist with fat-soluble vitamins/minerals and hormonal responses.

    But yes, you definitely need to eat at least the 1350 you have been allocated. If you earn more calories through exercise then you need to eat those too.

    Your diary is closed so I cannot see what you are netting but you should be netting 1350. Eat bigger portions or eat more frequently or eat more calorie dense foods, whichever way helps you get the calories in.
  • 21Jenny21
    Thanks..My diary is not quite accurate for the last week say due to being busy but if you look at it the following week you will see what I mean.. maybe I am eating too much full fat milk cheese yoghart etc.. I will try open my diary now. And what kind of foods would be more caloric dense without eating too much bread etc cause that goes straight to my belly and thats where I need to lose weight
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    I wouldn't be afraid to go over on protein/fat, that's not a big deal. I've set mine to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat, personally, because I think MFP sets protein too low by default. HOWEVER, if you're not eating enough calories so that your net total is around 1350 (or calories remaining is around zero, same thing), you're doing yourself a disservice. That's not very many calories! In the short term, it's going to mess with your energy level, potentially your sleep, and if you're like me, your level of grumpiness. In the long term it could muck with your metabolism

    MFP already builds in a deficit so that you can lose weight if you eat all your calories. Adding extra deficit on top of that can do your body harm. Take care of yourself! Eating an extra piece of fruit or spoonful of peanut butter makes it easy to hit your calorie goal. I'm 5'6", and have no problem hitting my goal of 1500-1700 on days when I don't exercise, and more when I do. Good luck :)
  • 21Jenny21
    Thanks prokomds :) Just looked over my diary I noticed I am deffinately eating too much rashers sausages and full fat milk cheese etc. I dont know what food I can eat for luch other than eggs or bread or rashers! any ideas?
  • 21Jenny21
    Food diary now public! another question i want to ak. I noticed my protein was way over when I drank protein shake.. do you think I should continue to use them every day or just the days I exercise? if i dont drink it every day will I notice any weight loss?
  • kgoodman0108
    I agree with prokomds.The limit MFP sets for protein is a little low. I would recommend getting at least the 50 grams it has set for you. Why are you drinking protein shakes? I would try getting your protein from lean meats and seafood. You also need to be eating more. I don't know how tall you are, but you should be at least above 1200 calories per day. I have days where I dip below that mark, but I average at least 1300-1350 calories a day (I'm 5'2 and not very active).

    There is much debate around here about carbs, but I try to keep mine below 50 a day (before subtracting fiber, so really closer to 70 at the most). The ONLY wheat/grains I consume is a low carb pita bread. I also avoid yogurt and milk. You don't need to go that low, but I would try avoiding crackers and snack foods. Eat more vegetables and fruit, and don't worry too much about their carb content.

    My diary is open - but ignore yesterday and today. I was told to up my carbs for a few days to trick my body and break my plateau. :)
  • kgoodman0108
    Thanks..My diary is not quite accurate for the last week say due to being busy but if you look at it the following week you will see what I mean.. maybe I am eating too much full fat milk cheese yoghart etc.. I will try open my diary now. And what kind of foods would be more caloric dense without eating too much bread etc cause that goes straight to my belly and thats where I need to lose weight

    Cream cheese on celery is calorie dense and makes a nice snack. The full fat milk and dairy seems to be your problem.
  • 21Jenny21
    I agree with prokomds.The limit MFP sets for protein is a little low. I would recommend getting at least the 50 grams it has set for you. Why are you drinking protein shakes? I would try getting your protein from lean meats and seafood. You also need to be eating more. I don't know how tall you are, but you should be at least above 1200 calories per day. I have days where I dip below that mark, but I average at least 1300-1350 calories a day (I'm 5'2 and not very active).

    There is much debate around here about carbs, but I try to keep mine below 50 a day (before subtracting fiber, so really closer to 70 at the most). The ONLY wheat/grains I consume is a low carb pita bread. I also avoid yogurt and milk. You don't need to go that low, but I would try avoiding crackers and snack foods. Eat more vegetables and fruit, and don't worry too much about their carb content.

    My diary is open - but ignore yesterday and today. I was told to up my carbs for a few days to trick my body and break my plateau. :)

    Im 5'9 but quite small build.. im drinking protein shakes cause im doing weight training. I cant do any cardio cause of a knee injury so my trainer told me it will repair my muscles quicker. I dont know wether to drink it or not tho cause I dont go everyday but I would bring my dog out every day and walk around quite a bit even if I dont exercise.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    Weight loss is calories in<calories out. Unless you have some sort of medical condition, carbs, protein, etc won't affect that. While in a calorie deficit, keeping you protein high will minimize muscle loss. Especially since you are strength training, you will want to have plenty of protein. Carbs will give you energy for workouts. There is nothing wrong with the full fat dairy products you are eating. dietary fat doesn't make you fat...excess calories do. There is also nothing wrong with protein shakes. I always have one for my postworkout meal along with a string cheese and an apple. I eat anywhere from 130-170g of protein a day...feel free to check out my diary for ideas.
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    MFP's default macros are terrible. If you are eating anywhere in the vicinity of 1.5g protein per lb/bodyweight or less you are fine. It's the most satiating and (arguably) most useful macronutrient, so kill it with protein.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I have been seeing a nutritionist, and she has me eating high protein/fat, low-no carbs. Technically Im supposed to be ignoring the total calories eaten each day, but I still watch to see I don't over eat. That being said, you shouldn't be freaking out if your fat and protein are high but your not eating alot of calories - this is a good thing. protein keeps you full longer and helps you not over eat. Stop worrying about being over on it and enjoy it.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I consider it a good thing to go over on MFP's default protein and fat goals. Protein shakes are absolutely not necessary. I've never had one. Not knocking them at all, but since you asked if you can lose without them. And I do have the occasional protein bar. If you only have a little to lose, you might want to consider going on the 1/2 a lb per week setting. Good luck. :smile:
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    I agree with prokomds.The limit MFP sets for protein is a little low. I would recommend getting at least the 50 grams it has set for you. Why are you drinking protein shakes? I would try getting your protein from lean meats and seafood. You also need to be eating more. I don't know how tall you are, but you should be at least above 1200 calories per day. I have days where I dip below that mark, but I average at least 1300-1350 calories a day (I'm 5'2 and not very active).

    There is much debate around here about carbs, but I try to keep mine below 50 a day (before subtracting fiber, so really closer to 70 at the most). The ONLY wheat/grains I consume is a low carb pita bread. I also avoid yogurt and milk. You don't need to go that low, but I would try avoiding crackers and snack foods. Eat more vegetables and fruit, and don't worry too much about their carb content.

    My diary is open - but ignore yesterday and today. I was told to up my carbs for a few days to trick my body and break my plateau. :)

    Im 5'9 but quite small build.. im drinking protein shakes cause im doing weight training. I cant do any cardio cause of a knee injury so my trainer told me it will repair my muscles quicker. I dont know wether to drink it or not tho cause I dont go everyday but I would bring my dog out every day and walk around quite a bit even if I dont exercise.

    In my humble opinion, you are not eating anywhere near enough. I'm 5'3", only workout about twice a week and I'm eating an average net of 1600. You really can eat more and still lose! In fact, if you are lifting heavy, you should definitely be eating more to feed your muscles.

    I also aim to get about 100g of protein each day so I wouldn't worry about going over 50g really.


    ETA: As you only have a few lbs left to go, I would recommend setting your goal to 0.5lb a week deficit at most, maybe even set it to maintenance. The closer you get to goal, the smaller the deficit you should have.