Joined June 1st.

ataranto72 Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Good afternoon all! My name is Amy and I hail from the great state of Massachusetts! I've been battling like most - forever. I've also, like most, tried it all. What I'm doing this time - is just - well - changing. SLOWLY. My eating habits - my exercise habits. I have been blessed to have a few months off of work. I have an opportunity to take a few months and try to take care of me - for the first time in my short 38 years. I'm excited - because I've found this site. June 4th will be 7 months no smoking. It is safe to say - I've kicked the habit - so now time to stop with the excuse 'I'm eating because I quit'.

I hope to meet some great supporters out there!

Here's to me - here's to you - here's to day one!




  • cbezaire
    cbezaire Posts: 1 Member
    hi amy! i just started today too =) my name is Colette.
    first of all, congrats on quitting smoking! cant have been easy for you. im trying to get to a healthier place - i always start eating better and exercising but it usually only lasts 2 weeks. my excuses: too busy with university/work. well enough excuses for both of us! hopefully if i meet my goal i can treat myself to some new clothes for the beginning of the school year (now THAT is an incentive!)

    heres to a fresh start!!
  • IceFaith
    IceFaith Posts: 81
    Welcome! I started here a few weeks ago and I am still excited about how easy this site has made tracking food and exercise.
  • Collette - two weeks is amazing heehee!

    I'm the BEST dieter monday through friday and then - i swear - i eat and drink more on saturday and sunday then i do all week. My goal this weekend is to PLAN AHEAD. I have a summer home in New Hampshire so i KNOW - saturday night I like a few - i'm going to try rum and diet coke. I already bought both - so I will measure out and count. I'm sure it'll give me just as good a buzz as 4-5 beers - without the cals... You should set a short term goal...get through 1 week - a new XXXXX fill in the blank. make it through week 2? the matching XXX....could be fun and more motivating?

    IceFaith - thank for the welcome!! I'm glad to see that weeks later you're still finding it easy - i hope I do !!!!!!
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