All you stay at home mommas..

follmer20 Posts: 129 Member
What does all you stay at home moms schedules look like daily? Do you get out every day? Do you stay home? Do your kids get naps? When do you get a workout in? How do your days plan out???


  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm working now. But when I stayed home this was my schedule.

    Wake up, feed kids, bathe kids, get them dressed get in gym clothes.
    @gym by 830am
    done with gym at 10:15 am
    Grocery store if needed.
    Lunch, their nap my cleaning.

    I was nutty about the gym and we didn't have a whole lot of restrictions in our schedule.

    Saturday I'd go to the gym and take them, Sunday I went by myself.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Right now I stay home. Too cold for my daughter to go out on walks, so we're eagerly anticipating Spring where I plan to walk every single day. Luckily my daughter still naps twice a day. I've started doing Tabata at home while she eats breakfast. Sadly, my workout music of choice seems to be Blues Clues...
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    Ok, not a stay at home momma but I do look after my three year old during the day and work part time nights.

    Up by 7 (usually earlier) get my son and daughter fed and my son ready school.

    take my son to the bus for 840, at the gym by 9:00 am.

    Finished with gym by 10:30 , pick up some groceries on the way home.

    Lunch at 12 ish, nap (for me lol) while my daughter snuggles and watches TV.

    Coffee and cleaning from 2 till 330 when I pick up my son at the busstop

    4 pm-ish prep dinner, 5 to 6-ish eat.

    Play until 730, jammies and books

    Bedtime between 8 and 830
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    get up around 6am to have coffee with my hubby before he leaves for work

    7:15am I get my girls up and dressed
    7:30am feed the girls
    7:45am in the car for the drive to school
    8:10am home clean up from morning (dishes , cloths extra)
    then I`m free from about 8:30-2:45 to choose when I want to workout and how long ( I use snap fitness gym ) I do also do house cleaning (deap cleaning threw out the week) but really now that both my girls are in school my daytime schedual is very flexable. After school now thats a different story lol
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    This is my first year with all 4 kids in school and I am still "at home". I thought that it would be less busy... who am I kidding?!

    Up at 6, kids out the door at 6:45
    6:45 - 7:30 ish...Devotion time and a cup of coffee or tea
    7:30 - 10/10:30 Most days... breakfast, house cleaning, A few days a month, work in my daughter's class room, the school store, get groceries (every other week) , the usual Dr. appointments, etc...
    10:30 - 12:00 Workout, ice knees, shower, etc...
    12:00 Lunch
    start dinner, fold laundry that didn't get folder in the a.m. attempt to tackle one of the kids rooms...
    2:30 hubby home from work and see him, talk about stuff without kids around (this is one of my favorite parts of the day!)
    3:30 kids home, homework, baths, showers, dinner, bedtimes (4 kids...16, 13, 9 and 5 so this is all very spread out and time consuming) games, books...
    by 8:30 the 3 youngest are in bed
    Chill with a book till bed time!

    This all gets thrown out of whack on Wednesdays. (I have a worship planning meeting at 3 and we have church programs for the kids on Wed nights with dinner served there)
    Tues nights - band practice from 7 - 9.
  • freeone17
    freeone17 Posts: 18 Member
    We don't adhere to a strict schedule by any means, every day is different. I workout at home, either in the morning, if I can get them to stay in the living room watching a movie. If that doesn't happen, they take their nap at 1 so I will workout then. I feel like naps/quiet time are really important for everyone during the day, so even when they stop napping we will always have quiet time for a couple hours every day. It helps us all stay sane! :)
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    My daughter is three, so our days are pretty flexible, but a general day looks like this:

    She gets up, she eats breakfast, and I take my meds. (Can't eat for at least an hour after that.)
    She watches a cartoon or two, I do my online stuff.
    We play, or do chores together, or in the summer this is when we go outside, before it gets unbearably hot. If we're outside, we chase each other around or I do some yard work, which is a "mini workout".
    Lunch comes, we both eat and relax a bit.
    She goes down for an hour of "quiet time". (She has long since ceased to nap, but she plays quietly in her room or looks at books.) This time is very important to me - if I know my night is going to be busy, I use it to work out and shower. If I know I have time tonight, I use this time to grab a nap, or read a book, or have some "me" time.
    When she gets up it's a mix of errands and chores and play-alone time until dinner.
    After dinner is family time until bed - usually a movie or something.
    When she goes to bed at 7, I get my workout in if I waited for evening to do it. I'm done by 8 or so, and then it's time with the hubby or playing video games or whatever the evening holds, and bed by 11.