50lbs lost 6 to go but havent lost in a month! HELP!.

SO... I've lost 50lbs since July 2012. I am so proud of how far I've come but have 6lbs to go till MFP goal.
I haven't moved much between (9.5-9.8) since the end of Jan. Am really starting to feel frustrated.
I go to the gym everyday and feel major guilt if I over eat my 1200 calories despite burning off an average of 1000 a day.
Or if I have something 'bad' I cannot shake the guilt I feel.
I am worried that I am starting to gain an unhealthy relationship with my food but really really want to shift these last pounds!
would love some help and advice!!

Much love

Emma x


  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have not gained or lost in a month already and I have my last 10 pounds to loose. Its driving me crazy. I am trying to zig zag and hoping that will help. If not then I will try something else. We will see on Monday if that helps. My weight in is then.


  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    You need to eat more..

    Try this for a reference:

    And do you really *need* to get those last pounds, or can you change up your workouts to become more tone and be happy with your current losses?
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Boy I wish I had some advice... I'm in pretty much the same boat - 51 pounds gone (actually 50 right now) with about 20 left to go, and I haven't budged in 6+ weeks.

    The biggest problem I've had is that I've gotten "comfortable" and started slacking off - eating brownies when my wife makes them, and drinking a fair amount of beer... I haven't put any weight on, but I haven't gotten rid of any, either.

    So my only advice is to make sure you don't start giving up and letting little things slip. I myself am dedicating this week to getting back on track.

    Good luck.
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    You need to eat more..

    Try this for a reference:

    And do you really *need* to get those last pounds, or can you change up your workouts to become more tone and be happy with your current losses?

  • Skiing914
    Try eating more. You aren't eating enough and you cannot survive on just 1,200 calories. You are near your goal, so it is time to bump up your calories to a more weight management level. I guarantee you, you will lose. You're body has probably hit a "starvation" mode because you aren't giving it what it needs so it is holding onto what you have right now. Plus, you are burning all the calories you are eating at the gym! Also, I read eating a nice juicy steak will get your body going again. It works, try it! And STOP feeling guilty about eating over your calories! This app is simply a guide, not a way to live! You need to have a more healthy attitude towards food, I agree.
  • madamecj82
    madamecj82 Posts: 207 Member
    Well this is actually normal. It sounds like you've reached a plateau; plus they say it's harder once you get to those last few pounds. Maybe you can try another workout different from what you're currently doing at the gym. They say HIIT (high intensity interval training) are good workouts to get you past that plateau. TurboFire is a good HIIT workout. Also maybe switching up what you eat - adding more healthy fats, proteins can help. These are just some pointers I've read along the way. Hope this helps! You got this, though! You've done well so far. =)
  • sheepiegail
    sheepiegail Posts: 56 Member
    My friend was having a similar issue and she meat with a trainer at the gym. He set her on a program where is was no carbs, except for veggies, for 3 days and the 4th day she was allowed carbs like bread or pasta. It forced her to eat more protein and fruits most days and was more relaxed on the 4th day. He said it would help "jump start her metabolism" since she had been stuck in the same routine for her diet and exercise program. She had great success and has moved off her plateau. I am not sure what the program is called but maybe ask a trainer at your gym.
  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    1200 is the bare minimum. If you eat less than that your body will store everything it gets. Also, I always have one cheat meal per week so don't let that discourage you, its actually suggested you do that as to confuse your body to whats going on
  • Lilyyy7
    Increase your calorie intake. I know this sounds like the LAST thing you want to do... But I recently experienced this.

    I was hitting a plateu, and I wan't really realizing it. I had some crazy things take place in life where I wasn't able to eat exactly what I wanted. I found myself eating more frequently, and wasn't able to go to the gym for a good week and a half. When I got back on that scale, I had noticed I lost a few pounds! I was shocked.

    But really if you are working out everyday, your body need more than 1200. Wish you luck! :)
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I think you should look into upping your calories. I know it's scary - it goes against everything we believe. But, you want to keep your metabolism running strong, and 1,200 is very low, especially if you are doing so much exercise. You will feel better overall and it's pretty easy to do. Add a protein shake after workouts (160ish) and a snack or two, like 1 ounce almonds (140) or an ounce of cheddar (110) combined with fruit (apple - 55-100 depending on size). That's an extra 350-400 cals and it's all good food.

    Use the link that people have provided and calculate your TDEE. I've used a few different calculators and have a calorie range that I can eat - 1600 - 1800. I might even have up to 2100 cals if I've had a really crazy workout day and I feel I need it - but I try to limit that to no more than once a week and only if I feel I really need it. Those extra calories are usually from protein/fat. I am 5'10", have about 20 lbs to lose, and workout 5-6 days per week - weights and cardio. I am losing weight...slowly yes, but losing.

    Also, don't be so worried about "messing up." It is the beginning of problematic thinking to strive for absolute perfectionism. It's ok to make mistakes on this journey. Eating a brownie will not take you back to step 1. In fact, a day of increased calories will probably help jump start your metabolism again, so that indulgence is probably just want you needed! Today is a new day and a new opportunity to eat well. You've lost 50 lbs and I hope you remember what a HUGE accomplishment that is. Don't be so focused on the last 6, that you forget about the 50 that are gone!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I agree with the recommendation to eat more. If you're only eating 1200 a day and are burning 1000, you are forcing your body to exist on 200. No wonder you're not losing. The roadmap link is good, or I'd suggest that you read the stickies on the Eat More to Weigh Less group.
  • june21112
    You need to eat more..

    Try this for a reference:

    And do you really *need* to get those last pounds, or can you change up your workouts to become more tone and be happy with your current losses?

    After being in a plateau for months I upped my calories and I am losing an average of a pound a week. I know I still don't eat as much as it says I should but I eat till I'm full.
  • emmaowen1990
    emmaowen1990 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and comments. I feel so much better about what I have to do now, am planning on upping my calories to my bmr which is 1400 and see if that works.
    Its the weekends to be honest I work hard all week and can put 2lbs on over two days... although I do weigh myself daily I know this is and can be temporary weight but is so frustrating when all week ive been working off each weekend!

    Would your advice be to still continue the exercise regime I do every day?

    I do
    20 min run 6.0mph on 5% incline, then 10 mins walk at 15% 4.5mph
    30 mins on stepper machine level 15
    10 rowing level 10
    - Sometimes 15 mins recumbent bike.

    Thank you all you lovely people for helping :)
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    You need to go a bit above your BMR, that number is just so your basic body functions continue. You need some more fuel in your body.

    From that above link, you need to put in your numbers here:

    Then scroll down to the table at the bottom. Based on your workouts I would do something in the range of "Lightly Active"

    After you set that, don't eat back your reported calories burned, it calculates how much you need daily, for the week. It will likely be in the range of 1600-2000 I'm guessing. So start there, and see how it goes.

    Note: It may take a little while for your body to adjust to eating at this rate after being at 1200 for so low. Stick with it, don't give up or get frustrated.