Runners who used to be seriously unfit - how did you do it?

Because I so want to run. I started NHS C25k but just did not get on with it and over the course of about 6 weeks managed to get to week 3 :ohwell: . I am now back on the treadmill alternating between running for 1 min or so then walking to recover and gradually increasing my running until I can run for 30 minutes. But I find it so hard.

I really, really want to run - there is something that appeals to me about being able to go for long solitary runs - but I just don't seem to have the power/stamina to run for longer than 1 or 2 minutes before feeling like I want to collapse. I am also doing moderate strength training, particularly focussing on legs.

I was wondering mainly from runners who started off being seriously unfit like me - how did you do it? How long did it take? Am I doing something wrong?

PS: Treadmill is set at 9.0 to 9.5 km per hour for my running and 5.0 km per hour for my walking.


  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    Are you leaving enough rest time in between runs? If you're also working out your legs, maybe you're over training.

    I did a "learn to run" class a few years ago (when I weighed almost 60 pounds more than I do now) and it was even easier than a C25K. We started the first week by walking 2 minutes, running 1 minute for 20 minutes, 3 days in a week. The next week I went to 1:1. Then run 2, walk 1, then run 3, walk one. Only increased run time by 1 minute each week, 20 minutes each time no matter the distance and only running 3 days a week. We stopped at 10:1. I did some yoga on off days, but I really had to let my body adjust.

    After that, I started measuring distance, and always did the run 10, walk 1. Before I knew it, I signed up and trained for a 10 mile race.
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Slow down...the most annoying running advice ever but also the most accurate. You should be able to carry on a conversation while running. If you can't you are running too fast. Speed will come.

    As you keep at it, it will get easier.
  • SugarBoomBoom
    Now that sounds similar to the way I am doing it now. I did not think about the rest days. I don't feel tired but did plan to run/walk/run 30minutes Monday to Thursday and alternate lower body and upper bodyweight training on those days. On Sundays we sometimes play badminton, and Saturdays i thought i would have a go at running outside.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    try outside - i hate the treadmill. its nice to be getting somewhere while your running.
  • 416runner
    Slow down...the most annoying running advice ever but also the most accurate. You should be able to carry on a conversation while running. If you can't you are running too fast. Speed will come.

    As you keep at it, it will get easier.

    I agree - slowing it down is essential. It will feel like you're going *too* slow but when you're in the early stages there really is no such thing. Time and persistence!
  • trance79
    trance79 Posts: 22 Member
    Im new to running, but I agree that maybe you need to slow down. When I first started I wanted to run at a pretty quick speed. I find that I do much better if I just set a slow jog and work on build stamina. Thats my plan anyway.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    i've heard 'zombies, run' is great for outdoors - i don't have an iphone and my ipos's the old style so i can't get it.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Slow down...the most annoying running advice ever but also the most accurate. You should be able to carry on a conversation while running. If you can't you are running too fast. Speed will come.

    As you keep at it, it will get easier.

    I agree - slowing it down is essential. It will feel like you're going *too* slow but when you're in the early stages there really is no such thing. Time and persistence!
    This. Absolutely this.

    Oh, and make sure you eat your exercise calories. Running requires fuel.
  • PicNdazy
    PicNdazy Posts: 19 Member
    Set small achievable goals! When I first started to run, I was about 50 pounds overweight. Previous to running, I had lost 30 pounds. I would get winded just running a few feet, but I stayed at it. My first goal was to make it around half the track I was running on. I kept at this for about a couple weeks. Then my goal was to make it around the entire track, ¼ mile. I kept at this for a couple weeks. Then I slowly increased each week. It took about a couple of months for me to be able to run 1 mile. From there, I set more goals for myself and within the year, I ran (not walked) my first half marathon in a respectable 2:20 min. In addition, when you first start running, don’t worry about speed. Speed will come as you progress. After all, first time runners don’t start off running a 7 minute mile or a marathon.
  • ash1976
    ash1976 Posts: 41 Member
    Slow down...the most annoying running advice ever but also the most accurate. You should be able to carry on a conversation while running. If you can't you are running too fast. Speed will come.

    As you keep at it, it will get easier.

    I agree - slowing it down is essential. It will feel like you're going *too* slow but when you're in the early stages there really is no such thing. Time and persistence!
    This. Absolutely this.

    Oh, and make sure you eat your exercise calories. Running requires fuel.

    Another vote for this!
  • Angie52732
    Angie52732 Posts: 66 Member
    I am so interested in this as well. I really want to run and I try on the treadmill (and outside) but feel I am only doing a fast walk. I vary between 4.5 and 5 for my "run" and 4 to 4.5 for my walk. I can get about 2 minutes at my "run" before I have to slow down or grab the bars. It is so frustrating - I don't feel like my stride is long enough, I don't feel like I get my feet of the ground enough...does that come or how do you learn that? I am still about 80 lbs overweight so don't know if it will come as I continue to lose .... trying to hang in there but getting frustrated :ohwell:

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    If you can slow down your jogging, your'e going too fast. Jog as slow as you can, then add speed later!
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Slow down...the most annoying running advice ever but also the most accurate. You should be able to carry on a conversation while running. If you can't you are running too fast. Speed will come.

    As you keep at it, it will get easier.

    I agree - slowing it down is essential. It will feel like you're going *too* slow but when you're in the early stages there really is no such thing. Time and persistence!
    This. Absolutely this.

    Oh, and make sure you eat your exercise calories. Running requires fuel.

    Another vote for this!
    And another!
  • AmandaPandah
    AmandaPandah Posts: 222 Member
    i've heard 'zombies, run' is great for outdoors - i don't have an iphone and my ipos's the old style so i can't get it.


    ...I really love Zombies Run.

    As for advice, go slow and build stamina before you think about speeding up :)
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    one foot in front of the other.....

    rinse repeat.

    and the C25K app has no hard and fast rules...if you redo a week or a day, you don't get in trouble for're just building up...
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I am by no means a runner. However, I love to run (do the c25K) outside. The treadmill bores the crap put of me. I hate it.

    Maybe try outside?
  • steph14368
    Slow down. Slow to a pace that is a light jog; almost a fast walk. Keep doing that for as long as you can which should be pretty long at a pace like that. The point is to build stamina, not speed. Speed will come. Focus on just stamina.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Sloooooooooooow down and be patient. I began running in January 2012 and could only run about .5 mile then had to walk. I just ran my first half-marathon Sunday. I still run/ walk some. I can run up to about a 10k before needing to alternate. You should go for more shorter strides, sometime feeling more like a shuffle than a jog or walk. Once you build up some enurance and finish a 5k, you can begin to think about speed again. Frankly, I am very, very slow but have seen my speed increase naturally.
  • feistymoon
    About 4 years ago I literally couldn't run for 5 minutes without feeling like I was dying.

    Since then I have given up smoking, and persisted with my training and I can now run for about 45 minutes or thereabouts. I don't train as consistently as I should so i've never really made it past this mark.

    The truth is though that there is absolutely no quick or easy way to make the transition from non-runner to runner. You just have to work a little bit at a time, a little bit harder to push yourself each week, and accept that it might take you a year to get where you want to be.

    Good Luck xx
  • jpoblete77
    jpoblete77 Posts: 19 Member
    Google couch to 5k training plans. I'm a runner, and I avoid the treadmills as much as possible. Being out on the pavement is so much more gratifying, I lose motivation in the treadmill. There's nothing wrong with walking as long as you are making progress. Stick to the plan and you will see an improvement. If you're finding yourself wanting to stop too soon, slow down the pace to where you're able to hold a conversation pace. Hope it helps