Not Losing Weight !? Need help !!!

I am getting worried I am doing this completely wrong ?

Since September 2012 I exercise regularly 5-6 days / week.
1st did ChaLEAN Extreme for 3 months, then after Xmas did 1 round of Brazil Butt-Lift ( 1 month ) and now am on week 3 of Les Mills Combat and absolutely love the workouts !
The thing is.. I am not losing barely any weight ! 3.5 lbs since Xmas !!

I tried different options 1st went with MFP 1200 cals net + eating back calories but found that was a lot of yo-yo days !
So I went to a more 'stable' 1700-1800 cals / day routine having 40% carbs, 30% proteins, 30% fat
With both these options I found I was very hungry most days..
Plus, it didnt work either.. so now upping my cals to 2000-2100 / day.

Per Scooby's Workshop calories calculator my BMR is at 1821, TDEE at 3141 and to lose 20% fat I should eat 2513 cals / day.
That is a lot no ??
I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that eating 2500 cals / day can make me lose weight ?

My body is a lot more 'fit' and strong I realize that I build muscle and burn fat but I want that scale to go down !!
I'll take 1 lbs / week even !
I'm 5'8''
SW : 229
CW : 195.5 ( for Xmas I was at 199.. )
GW : 169

My diary is open if you want to check.. I eat 5/6 meals per day with at least 1 protein in every meal/snack..

thank you !


  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    I hear ya!! It's frustrating when the scale is not moving... BUT... You've got to be shrinking with all those damn workouts you do!! You are a machine GIRL!!!

    Have you taken pics??

    In the middle of January I took pics for the first time (in sports bra and shorts they aren't pretty I tell ya!) ;) I have been messing around with my calories as well... but I have been working out consistently...

    The scale has not moved in over a month!!! :explode:

    But... I was, like you, feeling more fit, stronger and feeling fantastic. So I took a comparison pic a few days ago... There was a very noticable difference in parts of my body!! I was tickled!! :happy:

    So... the moral to my story is... I am no longer being slave to the scale!!! I haven't weighed in 2 weeks!! This from a daily weigher...

    You are doing so fantastic!!! your body is improving... your health and fitness as well.... SCREW THE SCALE!!! :tongue:
  • tryttej
    tryttej Posts: 18 Member
    I am in the same boat. I just started Turbo Fire, and have been working out consistently 5-6 days a week since June 2012, slowly upping the intensity. I went from 263 to 217 pretty quickly - like almost 10 pounds a month, and then the slow down started. Since November I have only lost 6 pounds--and I did not go over daily calorie goals during the holidays. I am convinced some of it is seasonal - my body just doesn't want to give up its fat layer during the cold weather - but it's still sooooo frustrating to be working so hard and not see that scale budge! I'm not seeing any difference in inches when I measure, either.

    I know I am healthier and happier with this new routine so I have no intentions of giving up on it - but it sure would be nice to see the results I want!
  • bkciddir
    bkciddir Posts: 42 Member
    I had this same thing happening to me. So, I too asked for help from our MFP friends and was told to increase my vegtables and fruits. I did and the weight started coming off again. I try to eat lots of fruit of fruit throughout the day (1/2 banana or grapefruit withmy breakfast, carrot with hummus or celery sticks with vegan all natural peanut butter with flax seeds, or cucumbers with balsamic vinegar - just a few snack options). Then when I make lunch or dinner - I pack more veggies or fruits into the receipts. Example: Turkey meat loaf - I add carrots, celery, peppers, onions, and tomatoe puree with fresh tomatoes on top. Then with dinner 3/4 of my plate is filled with veggies. Example: huge salad, boiled fresh organic green beans with evoo/garlic/sea salt/peper, cubed sweet potatoes with a drizzle of evoo, sea salt, pepper, and sugar free honey (tossed and baked in the oven), or brussel sprouts simmered in balsamic vinegar with 2 pieces of center cut baccon). So, I hope this helps you. As long as I increased this, the weight is continuing to come off. Also, try adding calcium to yor daily vitamins. I read a study (I know it was on rats, but I thought it may help me), that the rat they gave calcium lost 3x's more weight than the rat that did not take a calcium supplement. So, I can't say if the fruits and veggies helped or the calcium I started taking at the same time. Maybe both helped!! I don't know and I guess I don't really care which one worked, but it is working so I will stick to both........I hope if you try it, that it works for you too.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Do you take measurements? It is frustrating when the scale doesn't move, but I went six months bouncing between the same 2-3 pounds, but during that time I lost a lot of fat and inches and dropped a pants size. The measuring tape and a photos will often show you more progress that the scale does.

    I would stick with the number you got from the Scooby's Workshop info for at least a month and see how it goes. If after 4-6 weeks you're not seeing results, then make some adjustments. Sounds like you are doing great with the workouts and food (can't see your diary, it's not public), but sometimes it just takes time to see the results you want. Hang in there!
  • mcouturezz
    Changed my diary to 'Public' :) Sorry I thought I had done it before! :)
  • ramsfan84
    ramsfan84 Posts: 68 Member
    I am really in the same boat as well. I started at 1200 calories that didn't work. I am now eating 1643 calories and that is not working either. I am same height and weight as you.

    Just would like to see what kind of answers you will receive from this.

  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    Just looked at your diary madame....where on earth is your vegetables?!?! ....... dont seem them all that often :flowerforyou:
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I'll bump this as I have been looking through scooby myself today and wondering whether I should leave my calories as they are or bump it up. I'm also the height as you but 203lbs. x
  • hiswife1020
    I have been having the same problem and it was not tell I took the photo that i use as my profile that I could see a little change. The scale has not moved in over a mth!!!! and yes I would love to give up But I know there is a skinny person inside of me.
  • mcouturezz
    I rarely log veggies as I am not a salad or raw veggies eater..
    But when I make rice I always put either carrots or celery or diced tomato in it..
    In stews, soups or Italian recipes its the same thing they're full of veggies in there just not logged :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Weight, and hopefully just fat loss is done by diet, eating less than you burn daily on avg.

    Exercise is for heart health and body shaping, and rarely has weight loss as side effect, though it can encourage or make harder fat loss.

    So with all that exercise, you must really be wanting a lot of body improvement, expect it if you feed it enough.

    If you don't, don't expect much improvement, and at that point it's just an additional stress on the body.

    Diet is a stress, frequent intense exercise is a stress, daily life for many is a stress.

    Too much stress will fight against fat and weight loss.

    And surprised about that amount being recommended?

    How much exactly did you used to eat that got you to the point you now need to lose, and how long did it take?
    And were you exercising this much when eating that amount?

    Do you actually have anything to compare that TDEE number to that is valid, except an 1200 you were given.

    Sounds like body can't take all this stress.
    So either eat more and recognize you'll see more improvements from the exercise but less weight loss.
    Or back off the exercise and eat where you are at and recognize more weight loss but less exercise improvement.

    This may help nail the TDEE better, plus start with better foundation to build on.
  • fitnessfreak1111
    To lose weight you need to start eating clean, whole foods. Fruits and veggies, applesauce and juice do not count as fruits. Eat green veggies until you feel like you are going to explode. All your carbs should be clean carbs. Bread and pasta are not great options. Try to eat plain oats with a little dried fruit or stevia, quinoa, and brown rice. When you eat white carbs or too many carbs your insulin spikes. That is BAD and will make your body store the extra glucose that you are getting from those carbs. Try this: really limit your carbs for 2 days. Eat less than 80g on those low days. Fill yourself up with good protein like fish, chicken, and lean ground turkey. Then on the 3rd day, bump up your carbs to 200g (clean carbs!!), keep your protein high (1g per pound of body weight), and your fat intake low. Try this out for a week, 2 days low, 1 day high and I assure you that you will start losing weight.

    I skimmed your food diary too and there is room for improvement with some things. With wonderful oils like olive, peanut, coconut, and macadamian, there is no reason to use butter or a butter substitue. Also, pizza and pasta are not good options if you are really dedicated to losing weight. Check out Tosca Reno's line of books for clean eating advice. Also look to Oxygen magazine and Muscle and Fitness HERS for some great workouts and recipes.
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    I have to agree with a couple of points already mentioned: Do stick with the Scooby numbers and your macro distribution.

    Do make some diet changes. Add fruit and veg. You'll find that you can eat SO much more when you do, since in general, fruits and veggies are pretty low-caloric. If you don't like vegetables, try roasting them. Roasting makes everything better. Broccoli, cauliflower, squash, mushrooms, green beans, etc. A little olive oil, salt and pepper is all you need. 425 degrees on a cookie sheet, stirring occasionally so that the pieces brown evenly. You can make a large batch and portion it out to warm up with other meals.

    Another plus - generally, you get a lot for the money with regard to fresh vegetables.

    I experimented with vegetarianism a few years back on my first miserable attempt to count calories (before MFP) and learned a LOT. I still eat vegetarian/vegan once in awhile. I never in one million years would have predicted that, but by making a lot of little changes over time, I've adjusted without even trying. I've also discovered a lot of foods that I didn't realize I loved.

    You can do this! Baby steps. You have the exercise part down, which is the hard part for a lot of people. I'm always here to talk, girlfriend!

    EDIT: Heybales is smaaaaaaaart. Listen to him.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    I looked at the last 20 days. Fruits and vegetables are almost non-existent in your menu. Quite a few days you burn 900 calories and eat 2000 or less. About every 3 day you eat 2000 and burn 500. Try to have a consistent calorie intake and higher than 1200, at least your BMR. If your BMR is 1800 then you need to eat 1800+ the 900 calories you burnt that day. You need to increase your fruits/vegetables servings significantly. 1 potato in a blue moon or 2 clementines the whole day are not sufficient portions of fruit/vegetables. Even if you do not like a food, there is exactly research on the subject that on average it takes a person 14 times to eat a food he does not like until he becomes accustomed and can eat it. Try to incorporate salads in your menu. As others said, baby steps. substitute half a meal with green salad and a smaller portion of rice. Change butter to extra virgin olive oil. Use more herbs.

    PS. Set the dates on top and do a printable food/exercise report in the food log page so you can go down fast.
  • mcouturezz
    Thank you guys for all your constructive posts !
    I have downloaded the spreadsheet suggested in the post from heybales it seems to be a very complete 'evaluation' sheet to base things on.
    I know I lack a lot of fruits and veggies.. I was/prolly still am a very picky eater but trying to add 1 new thing every 2nd week or so..
    My latest was peanut butter !
    I will work on eating more 'clean' food for sure but will also keep in mind my body needs a lot of fuel to manage all the workouts :)
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
  • mcouturezz
    Here is this week's change : Brown long grain rice and whole wheat pasta :)) No more white stuff !
    I'm thinking I'm gonna switch all my carbs to clean carbs, then I'll work on integrating more fruits/veggies to the menu :)
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Here is this week's change : Brown long grain rice and whole wheat pasta :)) No more white stuff !
    I'm thinking I'm gonna switch all my carbs to clean carbs, then I'll work on integrating more fruits/veggies to the menu :)

    You do not have to go there if you do not like them. Personally, I hate wheat pasta. I just eat less of the regular pasta and have more veggies with the sauce. I also cut down on bread and eat Ryvita crackers instead. Do you like smoothies? Banana with milk is great and you can add some honey if you want it sweet. Strawberries with banana and oj or milk is also great and you can add blueberries and raspberries as well. An apple with cheese is also great snack. Clementines and cold oj slices are very refreshing.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Well, cut out perservatives and yucky processed foods this may help. Also 70 percent of people in America has some sort of thyriod issue I am amoung one of them and had the same problems as all of you. The only thing that work was a thyroid supplement and P90x fitness and diet plan which for me was 1800 calories 1 fruit 2 dairy and 5 protiens, 4 veggie, and 1 saturated fat servings a day.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    no matter what keep trying guys your workouts and diet is helping your health even thou not your waistline.