Flat Tummy After C-Sec??

I never had a 'wash board' stomach, but it was pretty flat when I was younger but after both of my children were born via emergence c-sections, it's a blubbery mess! Whatever jeans/trousers I wear I get a muffin top.

My daughter was born 3 years ago, and I've always avoided core/ab exercises thinking there is not a lot of point.
Since having my Poppy I've always said I'd never wear a bikini again. Although at 30, I think I'm too young to think like that.

Has anyone on here also had C-sections and lost the muffin top?

I am determined to wear a bikini this year when I go on holiday. I am doing the 30 day shred, I start level 2 tomorrow, and I am keeping my cals to 1350 or under.

I wanted to include my before pic, but couldn't work out how!

Emma x


  • laroja1110
    laroja1110 Posts: 27 Member
    Bumpity bump bump...I need to know this too
  • GreenLaura22
    GreenLaura22 Posts: 110 Member
    I am a 28 year old Mom too, also with 2 c-sections. After my second pregnancy I lost a lot of weight and got in great shape....my tummy was quite flat! I have since gained weight back but am working hard to get back into my two piece : ) I am also doing the 30 ds and have just begun on level 2.

    It is totally possible! I was happier with my body after my pregnancies than I was before : )
  • crawford4398
    crawford4398 Posts: 441 Member
    It is SO Possible !!! I like the Tae Bo For that area because of the form you use it pulls the stomach back in with the leg lifts, Also i LOVE day Shred !!! Its Amazing. I have 3 children c- sections with them all. I dont do half dresses pics, But i think you can tell from my pics, its All Tight. 33 yrs yrs old i look better than Ever !!

    Feel free to add me !
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    it is definitely possible. I've had 2 c-sections and am 35 years old. I'm in better shape now than I was in my 20's.
  • allthatroz
    allthatroz Posts: 32 Member
    great topic...I too have had a c-section (18 years ago) and am wondering if I will ever be able to get rid of my muffin top. This year is the first time in a really long time that I am working very hard toward this goal.
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    I, too, have had 2 c sections. Last one was 13 months ago. I don't have the muffin top so to speak, but I do have a little flabby area right above my scar that is just annoying more than anything. In clothes, my stomach appears flat, but that area bothers me. I am just hoping I can get it reduced by working out more. I have heard that that area will just never be the same, but I'm working to change it, doing a TurboFire and Insanity hybrid calendar now. Will see. Good luck! I would say just focus on healthy eating, drinking plenty of water and cardio, cardio, cardio. Gotta burn the fat to get to the muscle. :)
  • Jenn_Lyn1102
    Jenn_Lyn1102 Posts: 219 Member
    I have the same problem! C-section 20 months ago, and I feel the exact same way!!
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    I love Turbo Jam's Ab Jam. It's a really good all over ab workout. The 1st half is cardio standing abs and the 2nd half is floor work.
  • hadley72
    While I had two C-sections, was in great shape before both and was still very active and worked out regularly after them, I had to turn to Abdonminoplastic surgery. It was NOT an easy decision for me as I was always against cosmetic surgery, however after seeing 3 surgeons for consults, showing my friends and family the large "stomach boob" I had I believed what all the surgeons and my own doctor had been telling me; the muscle was stretched, the skin was stretched and underneath that loose skin was the abs I used to show off quite proudly. The only way FOR ME was to have the surgery to remove the large flap of skin that weighed over a pound! When I did box jumps at the Crossfit gym I belong to or ran playing soccer etc, this flap went up and down like Dolly Partons bra-less boobs and it was uncomfortable and discouraging.
    I know lots of women who've had C-sections and got their tummies back so it just depends on the person. I only share my story with you b/c you could be one of the exceptions to the rule and not to blame yourself or your body. Sometimes, we just need "help" getting back to where we were before pregnancy. I have never looked back with any regrets whatsoever and inspired another lady at the gym to have a tummy tuck after years of being depressed and insecure about how her stomach looked even though she hit the gym hard.

    All the best!
  • XoCountryGirl
    XoCountryGirl Posts: 22 Member
    I hope so as well! I had my c/s 4 months ago. My scar is low but I always hear how hard it is to lose right above scar esp. Good luck to all the Momma's just remember if you cant get a flat stomach like you once had it's still worth the little pudge.

    Congrats to all the Mommys <3
  • JenS2586
    It is totally possible! I had a csection with my twins lil over a year ago, mind u I didn't get very big and they were small so incision is only a few inches in length but still. I went back down to my flat belly afterwards. [My 3rd pic in profile is a few weeks after]
    The shred should do wonders, from what I've heard you get amazing results. Also yoga and anything that'll work your core should help tons too. Just keep at it cuz its only possible if u make the effort.
  • lisab0864
    Not only can you get a flat tummy after a (long ago - 1986) c-section but you can get a flat tummy in your mid/late 40s... The only thing I can credit it to is that I finally lost all the extra weight. Unfortunately I don't have a totally flat stomach cuz.........there is a bit of extra skin (thanks to that middle age thing and how overweight I was). Truly believe abs are made in the kitchen and not the gym. Don't take me wrong -- core work did alot to strengthen them but really didn't do anything for (my then nonexistent) muffin top.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I had 2 c-sections but was told that there is no hope for me. That does not mean that there's no hope for you or the person next to you. Our bodies are all so different. have horrid stretch marks and plenty of extra skin that just hangs. The damage done to my skin by pregnancy is not going to go away no matter how much I diet, I'm just going to lose weight and have more skin. My skin lacks the elasticity to go back where it belongs. I've had the consult with a plastic surgeon and when I am done having babies and am down to my goal weight- I'll go get the yuckiness removed.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    Some women suffer from a diastasis recti seperation. So first you need to find out if this is you by watchign this youtube video.
    This will tell you how to proceed from there if you do have one. If not you have to go a different route. I have had a csection and I have no problem in the area the csection was in. It is very flat and tight as well as my hip flexors and oblique muscles. I am however working on some fat that is holding on around my belly button. I have come a long ways and I do wear a bikin, but my goal is a 6 pack. I know this can be achieved because I have seen it over and over proved by others. You can't spot reduce fat so you have to have a low fat diet and I'm not talking about processed foods in packages. I'm talking an abundance of fruits and veggies and not much if any animal fats, oils or nuts. Also eliminating wheat from your diet because it's as addicting as crack and is in everything. This is my 2 cents :) I recently listenend to Dr. John McDougal on youtube his video about "The Starch Solution" it's about an hour long. Anyways I have done a lot of research on different ways of eating and I am in the process of eliminating meat, dairy and gluten. I eat a lot of veggies, fruit, quinoa and rice with some nuts and a little oil. Hope this helps we all have our opinions and everyone needs to find the right nutrition that works for them but most people are confused and don't invest the time it takes to educate themselves. For a radical approach to kickstart weight loss watch the banana diet videos on youtube....interesting.
  • kbmomma42
    kbmomma42 Posts: 52 Member
    I have had two C-sections with the latest being 11 years ago...and its so frustrating. I was average size 10, but very athletic and being 5'9, I wasn't ever embarrassed about my weight or size or shape of my torso - until after C-sections. I've done every exercise you can imagine while losing weight over the past 10 years and still working on it. I commend those of you who have regained your "normal" stomach, I have pretty much lost hope! And if only I could afford the surgery, I would do it - it just makes me feel awful to look at it. Good Luck!
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    I never had a 'wash board' stomach, but it was pretty flat when I was younger but after both of my children were born via emergence c-sections, it's a blubbery mess! Whatever jeans/trousers I wear I get a muffin top.

    My daughter was born 3 years ago, and I've always avoided core/ab exercises thinking there is not a lot of point.
    Since having my Poppy I've always said I'd never wear a bikini again. Although at 30, I think I'm too young to think like that.

    Has anyone on here also had C-sections and lost the muffin top?

    I am determined to wear a bikini this year when I go on holiday. I am doing the 30 day shred, I start level 2 tomorrow, and I am keeping my cals to 1350 or under.

    I wanted to include my before pic, but couldn't work out how!

    Emma x

    HI EMMA:

    All hope is not lost. I had a 10 lb 2 oz baby and an emergency C section left me with a vertical scar from my naval to my pubic bone. I won't say that my tummy is completely flat because of the scar, but I definitely can see a huge difference since I started working out. Abs are the HARDEST area to get but crunches won't do alone. Get on your cardio and burn some of the baby fat off with some targeted ab work and you will be AMAZED at the muscles underneath. To all you Jillian Michaels 30 day shred fans, I followed her workout last year and dropped 40 pounds. I am just starting round 2 to get the last 25 off and for that I am doing weight training (BOWFLEX), Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones" (LOVE IT), and 3 days I do Jeanette Jenkins Bikini Body Boot Camp. I am starting to get some real results since I figured out this whole eating, weighing, calorie counting thing.
    I wish you all the best of luck.
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    After ripped in 30 I'm going to try 6 week 6 pack to see if it helps!!! I'll keep you posted on what i think!
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    Some women suffer from a diastasis recti seperation. So first you need to find out if this is you by watchign this youtube video.
    This will tell you how to proceed from there if you do have one. If not you have to go a different route. I have had a csection and I have no problem in the area the csection was in. It is very flat and tight as well as my hip flexors and oblique muscles. I am however working on some fat that is holding on around my belly button. I have come a long ways and I do wear a bikin, but my goal is a 6 pack. I know this can be achieved because I have seen it over and over proved by others. You can't spot reduce fat so you have to have a low fat diet and I'm not talking about processed foods in packages. I'm talking an abundance of fruits and veggies and not much if any animal fats, oils or nuts. Also eliminating wheat from your diet because it's as addicting as crack and is in everything. This is my 2 cents :) I recently listenend to Dr. John McDougal on youtube his video about "The Starch Solution" it's about an hour long. Anyways I have done a lot of research on different ways of eating and I am in the process of eliminating meat, dairy and gluten. I eat a lot of veggies, fruit, quinoa and rice with some nuts and a little oil. Hope this helps we all have our opinions and everyone needs to find the right nutrition that works for them but most people are confused and don't invest the time it takes to educate themselves. For a radical approach to kickstart weight loss watch the banana diet videos on youtube....interesting.

    I totally agree with you on the information being overwhelming in what to eat. I was eating a low fat diet and watching calories but I was hungry most of the time and I was GAINING. (I lift so I knew that was part of it.) You are so right, with the right information, people can educate themselves and know what works for them. I would also say that you can't expect immediate results. It took a month for me to see mine.
  • JLN1974
    JLN1974 Posts: 104 Member
    I have the same problem, 2 C sections in 2009 and 2011. This is the year I intend to get fit! Good luck to all in same situation x
  • emmajayneduff
    emmajayneduff Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you everyone! There is hope for me!! xx