Green Tea

Does anyone know any benefits of green tea towards weight loss? I read today that it can help with metabolism but I'm sure it helps in other ways too. Wondering about everyone's thoughts and personal experiences.


  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I know there have been about a bazillion studies done, all with inconclusive results (what a waste of research money!!!). I don't really believe that green tea helps weight loss... well aside from curbing hunger (like any low calorie liquid).
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I had come accross this a while back and it might help.

    Green tea has many health benefits. Which is the better option: beverage or green tea supplement?
    The best known green tea benefit is that you get anti-oxidants when you drink it. Anti-oxidants go through your body uniting with free radicals (oxygen atoms that have lost one of their electrons) and preventing their chain reaction of cellular damage.
    It also helps with weight loss. Green tea contains compounds such as caffeine and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) that increase the metabolism, prevent fat storage, burn fat, block absorption of dietary fat, and regulate glucose levels.
    It is true that caffeine has a bad reputation due to side effects in some people, including insomnia and upset stomach. But caffeine helps burn fat and increases your metabolism.
    Green tea contains only half the caffeine that coffee does, and it contains catechins, which bind to caffeine, suppressing the side effects. Green tea gives you the benefits without the side effects.
    Besides helping with weight loss, green tea supplement can help reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease.
    Drink tea or supplement?
    Some people enjoy drinking tea. It is not only nutritious and soothing, it is enjoyable.
    Others don't care for the tea, but want the benefits, so they take the supplements. Either way, each person will need to decide what works best for them and their lifestyle.
    Some people prefer the convenience of a supplement. Some people do not like the taste of tea or the trouble of brewing cups of tea, so supplements are easy for them to take along with any other vitamins they take daily.
    Green tea supplements are made from lower grade leaves than the green tea used for brewing. This means you could have more contaminants in them when they are processed, which could be dangerous when consumed in large amounts.
    Taking too much of the green tea supplement may cause tumors and liver toxicity. Those who drink green tea instead of the supplements seem to reap all the benefits that green tea offers, without the dangers of overdosing.
    If you feel green tea supplement is for you, choose one that that is standardized for its polyphenol content. If you take aspirin or other blood thinning agents, be aware that consumption of a lot of green tea may make bleeding worse. If you decide that supplements are best for your lifestyle rather than drinking the tea, be careful you don't overdose.
    For unbiased reviews of green tea supplements, visit Amazing Green Tea -- an info-site dedicated to help you discover your next great gourmet green tea, oolong tea and white tea.
  • amberlusc
    amberlusc Posts: 22
    I never knew green tea had health benefits! I started drinking it when i came on MFP because its low calorie and i love it anyway, espeically with lemon.
    To know that something i really enjoy drinking could potenitally help with my weight loss as well is amazing!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Some people find it really helpful when it comes to weight loss and some people don't. It seems to be one of those things in which it will either help or not, hehe. The only way to know for sure is to try it.

    I took it in the form of a liquid-cap mixed with Acai. And I'm one of those who did not notice a change in weight loss, energy, or endurance. :ohwell:
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    This is what the Mayo Clinic has to say about Green Tea and Weight Loss.

    Weight loss (maintenance)
    There are several small human studies addressing the use of green tea extract (GTE) capsules for weight loss or weight maintenance in overweight or average weight individuals. Study results are mixed. Better research is needed before a strong recommendation can be made in this area.
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Thanks for the info! I think I'll try to drink it more regularly then and see if I notice a difference. And oh well if it's not. I love drinking it anyway :)
  • fightthesunrise
    Like most teas, it fills you up. Try having one after your meal, it'll keep your hunger at bay.

    I've heard green tea is better for you than any other tea. I wish I liked the taste.