Water Challenge

Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
Every day I drink over 100oz to 150oz of water. I have this large bottle that I use and its exactly 101oz. My coworkers thought I was crazy for drinking that much water just at work (within an 9hr window). To me, it’s not that much water, so I challenged them to a water drinking competition.

Here it is:

Everyone who wanted to participate had to pay $5.00 to join. All participants start on the same day. Everyone must drink 100oz of water every work day. The money grows every pay day, $1.00 per person. If you fail to drink your 100oz by the time you leave for the day, you’re out of the competition. Last man standing wins the pot… This could go on forever! But I’m up for the challenge seeing as I already drink that much anyways! :)


  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    win that money! It is a lot of water to drink in a work day (for me). I'd be running to the bathroom every 5 minutes.
  • NotBonJovi
    NotBonJovi Posts: 187 Member
    I can force myself to drink 5 or 6 of 12 oz glasses of water during work day (8 hours). That comes to 72 oz max. 101-150 oz is really too much for me.
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    Yeah, thats the downside of drinking a lot of water, you need to use the restroom every 30min! I have to walk past our receptionist every time I go, she must think I have a bladder problem or something. :P
  • adding lemon and a dandelion tea bag to your water will really help with bloat.
  • youlighter
    youlighter Posts: 129 Member
    I love this! I have a 1 gallon container at my desk and that is emptied daily here at work. On the weekends I usually get a gallon in during the whole day. Get that money man!
  • 89thAlice
    89thAlice Posts: 5 Member
    Wow that sounds like a lot of water... I don't know whether I would be able to drink it within working hrs. Then again, I have to restrict myself not to get more then one large mug of tea while at work, so maybe I'm already halfway there... xD

    Still, I drink a lot at home as well, so drinking that much at work would probably mean I'd drink to much...
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I could, and have done it. But over time I've spaced my water out and reduced overall intake so that I get 72 oz while at work (8am-5:30pm) and then an additional 24oz after I get home or 48oz at home, if I workout that night.

    I had been doing a minimum of 168oz of water a day but when I stopped with my training (I trained for a number races last year) I found that it was just too much water for me. It was bloating my thighs, fingers, and calves just drinking that much water. Once I cut back the water, that bloating went away, with no other real dietary changes (only amount of food, not type of food, from training to not training)

    But more power to you and win that money! You'll probably be surprised how many people fall out of it fairly quickly. :)
  • I hate to be a buzz-kill, but this much water could be dangerous, especially if anyone decides to chug it down at day's end. Water intoxication can occur with as little as a quart of water in a one-hour period.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I hate to be a buzz-kill, but this much water could be dangerous, especially if anyone decides to chug it down at day's end. Water intoxication can occur with as little as a quart of water in a one-hour period.

    Actually a quart isn't too much over what the average person's kidney's can efficiently process in about an hour period, so that's nowhere near water intoxication since you're taking in about what the body is able to process and excrete in the same time period.

    You'd have to drink closer to a gallon in an hour to creating issues, assuming you also weren't urinating and consuming food that contains sodium. Most cases of water intoxication involve massive amounts of water (two to three gallons) in a short period of time (three to four hours) and either a lack of urination or an extreme lack of sodium (such as sweating it out during heavy exercise like a marathon).

    So as long as someone doesn't chug the entire 100oz (which still is only about 3/4 of a gallon) in one sitting, I don't think they'll be risking too much on the water intoxication side of things.
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    This is making me want to draw up contracts so that I'm not liable for injuries / death during competition. :P

    I've done the 100oz in 35 minutes once before and I was fine. lol But I'm fairly active unlike the majority of my coworkers. I'm also taking creatine and the water consumption helps with cramping. That's my primary reason why I drink a lot of water to begin with.
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member

    Started with 10 challengers. Down to 4, including myself. :P

    Pot is at $65. Not much, but its a fun-friendly challenge.

    People are just quitting because they're so tired of having to pee all the time! LOL