Ok, I have been trying to sort out all these numbers and figure out how much I should be eating and whether or not to eat back exercise calories, and I am about ready to bang my head against the wall!!! Can someone help me out?

BMR 1166
TDEE 2011

MFP says to eat 1200 calories and add back my exercise calories??? What am I supposed to do? Thanks for any input!


  • I have stuck to tdee - 20% for the past few weeks and I don't eat back exercise calories which means i should be on around 1700 a day. I am happier, more motivated, clothes fit better ( I do exercise a fair bit) and I think it's working. Certainly better than eating the 1300 mfp put me at and the wrought is slowly but surely dropping :-)
  • Sorry, I'm 5 3, 153 and looking to drop around 20
  • I know its all very confusing. I ate far too little for too long and ended up being "skinny fat", so maybe consult with a trainer / nutritionist. I will say, however, that a lot of it depends on WHAT you are eating. For example, 2200 calories of real, whole, clean foods would be far more effective than say 1500 calories of more processed foods. Consider quality over quantity. If there's one thing I've learned, it is not to get caught up in a number, but worry more about getting in good lean protein, good fats, and complex carbs.
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    Ok, I have been trying to sort out all these numbers and figure out how much I should be eating and whether or not to eat back exercise calories, and I am about ready to bang my head against the wall!!! Can someone help me out?

    BMR 1166
    TDEE 2011

    MFP says to eat 1200 calories and add back my exercise calories??? What am I supposed to do? Thanks for any input!

    I don't claim to be an expert - accidently started a debate on my Forum post, BUT. I eat in a range.

    With your numbers I would set my goal to 1166 - and eat back all exercise calories, or set to 1910 and not eat back calories.

    I set my goal to my BMR and try to never eat below - but have no issues with eating up to my TDEE less 20%
    My personal range is 1495 to 1644.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Ok, I have been trying to sort out all these numbers and figure out how much I should be eating and whether or not to eat back exercise calories, and I am about ready to bang my head against the wall!!! Can someone help me out?

    BMR 1166
    TDEE 2011

    MFP says to eat 1200 calories and add back my exercise calories??? What am I supposed to do? Thanks for any input!

    You should pick one method and stick to it. MFP method, eat back exercise calories...TDEE method; exercise calories are included in the calculation so you don't eat them back. Pick a method..they're both viable..just pick one and stick with it and don't over think it. It's really not complicated, it's basic math.

    Also, TDEE - 5% is a completely different weight loss goal than MFP's 1,200 plan. The 1,200 goal is usually to lose between 1.5-2 Lbs per week and is the most aggressive (and often unsustainable option)...TDEE - 5% is going to be maybe 1/2 Lb per week...probably more like .25 Lbs per week. So really, you're not even comparing the same goals. Perhaps TDEE - 20% (most common) would be something to shoot for...that would be around 1,600 calories per your calculations and equate roughly 1 Lb..maybe just shy of 1 Lb loss per week. Nice and safe and slow

    If you want to do MFP method, select a less aggressive approach...MFP only gave you 1,200 calories because, I assume you told it you wanted to lose 2 Lbs and you probably also put that you were completely sedentary (most people honestly aren't, even if they have desk jobs).
  • kmberthusen
    kmberthusen Posts: 3 Member
    Well, I only have about 10lbs to lose, so wouldn't TDEE with 20% be too much?
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    Well, I only have about 10lbs to lose, so wouldn't TDEE with 20% be too much?

    yes, you can drop it down lower.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Well, I only have about 10lbs to lose, so wouldn't TDEE with 20% be too much?

    Yes, it would be way too much...you didn't state your weight loss goals to begin with. TDEE-20% would be too much, so would MFP 1,200 goals. I was just illustrating that you were comparing apples to oranges in RE to weight loss goals.

    Do TDEE - 5% or 10% then and don't eat back exercise calories (included in TDEE activity calc)...or do MFP method and do 1/2 Lb per week loss and eat back exercise calories (not included in activity calc). Both are viable.
  • kmberthusen
    kmberthusen Posts: 3 Member
    Ok, thanks! That helps!
  • luxyt
    luxyt Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, my BMR is 1544, and i'm planning to do exercise 5-6 days. so based on moderate exercise my TDEE is 2393. with -20% it is 1914. If i put no exercise to calculate my TDEE os 1852 and with -20% it is 1482. i'm really confused with this. so to lose weight, with 5-6 days of exercise am i supposed to eat betwen 1544-1914 calories. but on the days i don't do exercise should i eat around 1482, but from what i read on other forums, I am not supposed to eat under my BMR right? this is really confusing. Can someone please tell me how many calories to eat with exercise and how many to eat when i don't do exercise. Thanks