Non-food rewards, and nail art!

So I've been getting involved with nail art as a way to banish the urge to comfort it, and so far it's working really well! Does anyone know of any nail foils or beginner designs I can try and do when I'm next sporting naked nails and a craving?

These are some of the ones I've tried so far:



  • RadioactivePirate
    You need to try nail stamping! Look up a brand called Konad. It's basically a metal plate engraved with a design, you put nail polish on and scrape off the excess, then you pick up the design with a stamp and stamp it on your nail. It's pretty easy. You can go elaborate with all-over designs or just put a little flower or skull or something as an accent nail.

    Konad makes the stamper and scraper and special thick polishes that work really well (you CAN use other polishes, but the Konad ones aren't expensive and they work great). They also make plates, but you can pick up off brand plates for much cheaper on amazon.
  • Bangaranga
    Oh wow, they're awesome! I'm looking at all the google images right now.

    Thank you so much! I know exactly what I'm buying next month :D