*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member

    I have a confession... Biggest Loser is why I started my journey!

    It is why I really started mine too. This is horrible but I was sitting in my kitchen eating homemade cookies and realized wow I really need to change my lifestyle. Hence where I am now! I love watching the show, this is my first time following it and it inspires me so much.
    Keep up the good work! :)
  • Bekah_Davis
    Bekah_Davis Posts: 15 Member
    Hi,Im Lydia.I am on my second weight loss journey in 2 years.Lost 65 pounds the 1st time pretty easy doing ideal protien diet,very little excersize and in 5 months.But I wasnt able to maintain.I gained back 45 lbs over a year.So I started again in January and am just eating a low carb higher protien meal plan and excersizing 30-60 minutes everyday.Its is very slow going and easy to get discouraged so Im hoping having the motivation of this group will help!
  • mcruseturner
    mcruseturner Posts: 10 Member
    Hello All!
    My name is Stephanie and like some of the others, was an original 'skinny chick'. I started my journey on Jan 2 2010 weighing 368lbs. I had had enough of being tired, sore knees, sore back, not being able to buy what I wanted in clothes...you know the story. I started at a gym, trained with my wonderful trainer once a week and in 2011 found MFP. I lost 120lbs and for me had passed the all important 250lb mark...finally closer to the 100s and not the 300s!! Then on Dec 1 2011 I found out that my husband and I were finally pregnant. In July I gave birth to the most wonderful little girl who is now 5 mos old and keeps me very busy.

    During my pregnancy I stopped exercising (just too sore and tired) and lost some of my good eating habits. I was making some okay progress albeit slow when I headed home for Christmas (I'm a Canadian living in London, UK). Well bring back all my old ways and I have returned home 15lbs heavier than when I went and a lot more than before I was pregnant. I'm not happy with having to buy big clothes again (I pitched everything as soon as it didn't fit the first time around). I'm resigned to the fact that it is going to be more challenging now to lose the weight as I am on vacay from the gym and even if I wasn't, I can't be there 6 days a week (and don't want to be now that little one is here). I am however using her as my motivation. I don't want her to think being this big is okay or normal or healthy or to be teased for having the fat mom.

    I look forward to getting to know those of you who are joining us and to the original, girls, I'm glad to see you!!

    Hi Stephanie!

    My name is Mary. It sounds like we can relate in a lot of ways. I couldn't agree more with what you said about not wanting your little one to "think being this big is okay or normal or healthy or to be teased for having the fat mom." I have 2 children, 2 and 8, and recently my son came home from school upset and told me (after some coaxing because he didn't want to hurt my feelings) that he was no longer friends with a girl because she was telling the other kids that she had seen me at the school carnival and I was really fat. My children are my biggest motivation to lose weight. There is nothing worse than telling my kids I can't play tag or climb up on the jungle gym because my back hurts (which I'm certain would be way less of a problem if I wasn't so heavy). Not to mention I don't think I would even be able to fit down those tiny slides.

    That being said, I am determined to get to a healthy weight to set a good example for my kids, and be able to enjoy the things I have been missing out on. Glad to see you have found a new spark of motivation in your daughter :) Good luck, and stay strong!!
  • Hello everyone,My name is Terry, I am 52 years old. I am a mother of six wonderful children and a grandma to six almost seven grandchildren. I have been married for 30 years to my college sweetheart. I have lost 7 lbs since I began my diet and exercise Dec 31, 2012. I weighted 210 in December and now weigh 203. It would be wonderful to have support from others in this group.I don't really know what weight I will end up stopping at.My goal is 125, but I will let my body decide when it is ready to stop. I at least want to get to 140.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    It cannot *only* be Thursday...ugh...
    Still ill, literally the only benefit of this is that I've not really been into food (which makes a nice change, normally when I'm ill I want to eat all the food, and most of it bad...), so having things like hot water with lemon juice and honey have been really easy to fit into cals without going over. It is really weird not wanting to eat though, and only eating because it's "time" and having what I'd normally call really small portions which I have to force myself to finish...
    My bike still isn't fixed, which is probably a blessing in disguise as it's meant I've not been able to cycle and have had to "look after" myself a little more scamming lifts from my parents (and consequently going into work a bit earlier...but still better than cycling). It was meant to be fixed last night though so hopefully I'll be able to pick it up on my way home tonight and ride it home.
    I feel thinner (again...probably lack of eating as much!) but I'm not jumping on the scale, if it's not good news I don't want to know, and I know illness makes your body do strange things...either I'll have an awesomely low number which will take me 3 weeks to get back to once I'm better, or it'll be up and I'll want to hit something...so no weighing for me until I'm off the flu remedies and my hunger is back.
    Hope everyone's ok, hello newbies, stick around and comment please, and update us.

    Steph, great loss today, especially with all the plantain (personally I think you're doing great with all that temptation), I hope things are getting a (little) bit easier stress-mother-head-wise.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    good morning everyone! had a strange night last night kept getting an email from papa johns to get a free pizza..so i did 1 topping mushrooms light sauce thin crust and some wings..im so proud for once i didn't eat all the 8 wings i ordered. i accounted for them all and while i wasn't going to exercise last night i ended up boxing a bit with my fiance and doing 30 min of just dance :) lost another 1.9 yesterday! *happy dance* my main issue is at work. i like to snack or my stomach tells me im hungry all the time. ive combatted this by juicing all day at work at night i have a reasonable dinner. hope that doing this will keep me motivated and keep the scale moving. this weekend will be my first since getting back on track. thinking im going to still juice and do my routine but kinda nervous to see how it goes. hope everyone has a wonderful day

    if anyone wants to add me feel free!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks Penny!

    Happy to discover I was down 1.2lbs this morning which means I am ending the month 1lb down from where I was at the start. Its tiny but given the fact that it has been a super bad month, I will take it! The last 4 days have resulted in me being down almost 3lbs which just goes to show how being diligent with logging can work. (I had never adjusted my ticker hence the show of 1.2lbs).

    I wish we could still have more than 1 ticker. As much as I am heading for an overall goal, I need to also be able to focus on a smaller goal. Currently that is getting back to my prepregnancy weight of 248....and then I can focus on the next 80! But beyond that, I need to focus 10lbs at a time. So my next goal is to get 278...then 268 etc....And I need to have rewards in place.

    So 278 = (actually only 8lbs till this one) £20 iTunes card (to get some running music!)

    268 = scrapbooking kit (for baby's first years)

    258 = mani/pedi

    248 = whole outfit, head to toe

    It's taken a lot for me to come up with these rewards...food was always a reward. Even now I will often think, you've done really well today, you deserve (insert evil food choice (often reece's peanut butter cup)). I go back to work in 25 days, hoping to be close to the scrapbooking kit but know that that is a lot when I'm not exercising that much and not starving myself!

    Thirsty Thursday Drink up!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Penny hope you get feeling better soon and I am glad you have been forced to take care of yourself a bit more. When you are back to normal then its on your bike!

    Jennfl: well done on not indulging in the whole thing and getting some exercise in!
  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member
    Good Afternoon!

    I am feeling awesome today, woke up and did 90 minutes of yoga. I had my usual smoothie for breakfast. I'm excited to get to the gym. I go to waste some time while I am waiting for my class to start. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, hoping for a good number :). I will let you guys know how it goes.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • demitraknows
    demitraknows Posts: 82 Member
    I need to lose about sixty pounds to be totally at peace with my weight. Good luck everyone you can do it..
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Rotten day at work. But massive positive is I got my bike back and it only cost me £20 AND I got to ride it home and it was awesome, even though I feel like crap and I'm really worried I'll have to stay late *again* tomorrow night, when actually the company owes me like 3.5hrs for all the extra time I've already worked this week, not counting lunch breaks I've had to cut short etc. the only reason I care tomorrow is coz it's my Friday to drive to my bf's and is really like to be there before 11pm and if I get home late I know my mum is gong to spaz out at me and tell me I shouldn't drive when tired and ill and that I should go in the morning. But no! I want to go tomorrow night. *stamps feet* I'm an adult and I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions, and I'm well aware I've been ill, and I'm well aware I probably *should* have had about 2 days off...but I've also been put on 2 real life proper architecture projects doing actual drawings rather than just assistanty/admin work for them, and it's a real increase in my responsibility and experience, so I was not going to let them pull me off the project just coz I was sick. And y'know what, despite still being super snotty, sounding like a man and feeling dreadful in so many ways I don't regret it at all.

    Well done jenn on the loss and the pizza! Treats (especially well managed ones) are really important!
    I don't know how you do the juicing thing though, I've had to stop drinking juice as it just makes me more hungry!
  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    Hello! I would love to join this group. My name is Zoe and my current goal is to lose 60 pounds. I started using myfitnesspal again about a week ago. I had used it last year and lost about 20 pounds, but slipped and gained it all back. I am looking for some supportive people to help me through these next months and to help keep me motivated! I would also love to be able to help others stay motivated and feel supported as well :)

    I am 27 and I work as a Mental Health Counsellor. I have always struggled with my weight, always being the biggest in my group of friends. My motivation for losing this weight is to feel more confident as I enter this new chapter in my life. I graduated with my Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology last year, which means I am finally at a point in my life where I am no longer a student! I want to start this new journey with a healthy frame of mind, and get my health on track.

    I am a major sugar junkie, and also cheeseburgers... drool. :)

    I am eating 1500 calories a week and trying to work out about 30 minutes per day.
  • Hi im lisa from the uk I have 58lbs to lose i have pcos &sleep apnea im looking to have supportive friends and in return ill give all my best support to you all :)
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    Welcome to the new faces.

    Only have a few minutes so sorry for no personal responses. Been trying hard this week with the eating as I said in an earlier post. Monday night I was watching biggest loser (season 13 - we are behind over here) it touched a chord in me. My beautiful baby girl. All the excuses under the sun are not worth not being here for her. So I've been trying to remind myself of this trough the days.

    Ate my lunch with baby girl today and even though she's only 7 months old I was very aware of her watching what I was eating. Need to remember this. Also as I was feeding her at the same time it forced me to slow down instead of just wolfing it down

    And finally, I miss running!!!!!! I had get to the store and home quite quickly tonight so was really fast walking, almost running and I was struck by how much I miss running. The sense of freedom, the sense of power an the knowledge I'm doing good for myself. I need to get back at it. It migh have to wait till I'm back at work but I will get back to it.

    It's thirsty Thursday - get that water into you!!!

    ty! i need to learn how to slow down myself i tend to want the food gone asap..ugh
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    Rotten day at work. But massive positive is I got my bike back and it only cost me £20 AND I got to ride it home and it was awesome, even though I feel like crap and I'm really worried I'll have to stay late *again* tomorrow night, when actually the company owes me like 3.5hrs for all the extra time I've already worked this week, not counting lunch breaks I've had to cut short etc. the only reason I care tomorrow is coz it's my Friday to drive to my bf's and is really like to be there before 11pm and if I get home late I know my mum is gong to spaz out at me and tell me I shouldn't drive when tired and ill and that I should go in the morning. But no! I want to go tomorrow night. *stamps feet* I'm an adult and I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions, and I'm well aware I've been ill, and I'm well aware I probably *should* have had about 2 days off...but I've also been put on 2 real life proper architecture projects doing actual drawings rather than just assistanty/admin work for them, and it's a real increase in my responsibility and experience, so I was not going to let them pull me off the project just coz I was sick. And y'know what, despite still being super snotty, sounding like a man and feeling dreadful in so many ways I don't regret it at all.

    Well done jenn on the loss and the pizza! Treats (especially well managed ones) are really important!
    I don't know how you do the juicing thing though, I've had to stop drinking juice as it just makes me more hungry!

    ty! honestly the reason i do ok with the juicing is back in june 2010 i seperated from my husband he was abusive got a boyfriend around the same time and got into a bad car accident a week after and had to have neck surgery my boyfriend actually researched how to not get me addicted to the meds and how to heal my body healthier. he found a movie fat sick and nearly dead i watched that and for the most part of being laid up for 9 months i juiced lost 80lbs and it helped me heal and not get stuck on meds. i still need them when i have a flair up but they aren' t narcotic based just a strong tylenol (like taking 2) and a muscle relaxer helps me sleep. i do typically an ohyeah bar for breakfast and 8-12 oz of bolthouse juice..lunch is 8-12oz bolthouse juice (different flavor) snack is 8-12 oz bolthouse juice and i just pick a decent dinner that i feel like eating and if i want i have some m&m's an hour or so later (about 20 of them) i keep them in my freezer i like chocolate and find i can actually regulate myself. i don't always have the m&ms but to know they are there if i want them is a nice treat especially during TOM.

    so glad to hear you got your bike back! be safe going to the BF house :) i know how moms are mine goes from best friend mode to mom mode at the flip of a switch..i just have to say i know mom i love you
  • AZKat527
    AZKat527 Posts: 31 Member
    I was so excited to see this thread.

    I'm Kat, 34 years old, currently living in Arizona. My goal is to lose a total of 98 to 113 lbs., I'm down 13 so far. I'm looking forward to finding some supportive MFP friends.

    I put the majority of the weight on while in school and working full time but have yet to shed more than 20 pounds before falling off the wagon and putting it all back on. This time around I have really thrown my all at this goal with changing my diet to a plant based whole foods diet and using Bodymedia to show me just how many (or few) calories I burn in a day. I’m 4 weeks in and am loving changes physically, emotionally and mentally.
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Ugg! This week has not been a good one for me relationship/emotional wise and I gave in a few times and ate. I feel like Im fighting with everyone and Im PMSing which is making me crabby. Sometimes I feel like I can't be around my friends because they are eating drive-thru food and ordering pizza at 10pm. I feel so alone and left out but at the same time now I need to put myself and my health first. I just gotta keep my head in the game.

    I know I didn't post much this week. School is seriously so busy and kicking my butt with work on top of that. I have been reading though. Just no time to respond. I'll be gone all weekend as well. I have the opportunity to go on a Mission Discovery weekend to learn more about what it is like to serve in overseas missions. Im really excited but at the same time I won't be able to control what Im eating and there will be no opportunity for me to workout. I will just have to manage portion sizes on whatever they give me and hope for the best. Not weighing myself this week anyway because of TOM.

    Hope everyone had a happy and healthy week. To all the new people hello can't wait to get to know you all better.

    Penny- Sorry to hear you have been sick but Im glad you are starting to feel better. I hope you don't have to work late and will get to see the bf tomorrow night.

    Steph- Congratz on the lose; keep up the hard work. Its motivating when you know there are little ones watching your every move even if they are to young to understand. Just keep thinking about all the healthy habits you want to teach that baby girl as she is growing up. :)

  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    Good morning (at least here it is)

    Last night was a really crappy one, I was starving when I came home from work and that's not good. I just kept eating the whole evening until I finally got to bed. Not unhealthy food, just too much of everything, going over my calorie goal quite a bit. I have to have that 4 o clock snack!
    Well, today is another day. I have my lunch with me to work and I plan to go out for a run at lunch. Tonight I’m going to the restaurant (Thai!), but I will try to chat more than I eat!

    Stephanie, 1 is more than 0!
    It sounds very reasonable to have awards often. I actually don't have weight related awards, but rewards for good behavior. I am currently not drinking any alcohol, I have decided to go 10 weeks without (I live in France so you can imagine how that is seen over here.) I'm 5 weeks down and I will reward myself to a weekend trip to Spain if I go the whole 10 weeks without alcohol. Tonight I'm seeing a friend in town and I'm going to have Virgin Mojitos, they are really good!

    Jenn, good job on the pizza, way to go!

    Penny, glad to hear about your bike. You know that rest is important when you're being sick, but it sounds like you're in a very crucial state at work, so it's understandable why you are pushing yourself and I think that's totally ok. Just make sure that you get your rest eventually. Take it easy at bf's house!

    Zoe, welcome! I hope you mean 1500 per day and not per week :)
  • Tammy22274
    Tammy22274 Posts: 23 Member
    Ok so this is a follow up to my last post on this forum/thread. I am finding that my motivation level has decreased. This is due to the stress that I am currently going through. Long story short, recently seperated since Sept. 2012. Unfaithful husband, and also found out he lied about his entire life to me so I married a fake. With that said I am still currently living in the home we purchased a few years ago but have decided to make a life change outside of the one to get healthy. Me and my 18 yr old daughter are moving to Florida. I know that I have to avoid the stress with the situation I am in and I have been getting out of the house more and doing things to avoid being here with him, under the same roof too much. My weight loss has seemed to slow because of the stress and I have let it take over. I have decided that I have to stop and just walk away from it in order for me to stay focused but this is something I am finding hard to do. It is a hard situation to live with someone you have so much dislike for but I only have a little time left here. I am moving to Florida at the end of March but I want to continue to stay on the right path from now until then as well. Anyone have any suggestions they may want to share on how to de-stress myself other than getting rid of the EX in my life for good!!!!

    I am glad I found MFP and the friends I have made because with out them I would have no one for support and encouragement!! So I want to say Thanks to all those I have become friends with, and wish them a successful life changing journey!!!
  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone, so today is my weigh in day and I lost 1.6 more pounds. This got me to the 10 pounds lost mark, I tried to be excited about it but I couldn't help but be a tiny bit dissapointed because I was hoping to lose a full 2 pounds. I am keeping my spirits up because I am now down to 174 which is only 6 pounds aways from the lowest I have been. I am trying to stay positive and remind myself of that and realize that I really am doing a good job. In July, I was at 200.

    I was really proud of myself yesterday because I went to the gym and ran for 5 miles straight without stopping. It made me feel amazing and I hope I only continue to get better.