New mom needing to lose those pounds--New to MFP

Hello. I'm a mommy to two wonderful girls. My youngest is 6 months old and I am in the all so wonderful (insert sarcasm) journey of losing that baby weight. I was also heavier than i should have been when we conceived so I have a ways to go. Looking for some support. Any new mom's out there who what to help motivate each other? I am new to MFP and a friend recommended it. I am an old WW member so counting calories is not too different than counting points, plus I love the social aspect of the site. I look forward to meeting some of you and good luck to everyone on their journey!


  • juliebahr
    juliebahr Posts: 7 Member
    good luck!

    I'm not a "new" mom. :smile: But my daughter is the reason I'm here... That and I don't want to end up like my grandmother- 80 years old, in a wheel chair, in too much pain to walk, waiting to die. If I make it to 80 I want to be able to enjoy my life... not "socializing" at the doctor's office 5 times a week. So far with MFP and some great friends at work- I've lost 28 pounds. We work in a HUGE governement installation and once around the buildings is 1 mile. So we do it twice- 3 days a week. At least now. we do... in another month with the furloughs coming... who knows..
  • casiej11
    casiej11 Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I am in need of some support and more than happy to support as well. Oh and yes I'm very familiar with the upcoming loom of budget cuts. My hubby is in the Army and currently on orders that may or may not be good after the budget. So here's hoping you and my hubby both have jobs come March 2nd! :ohwell:
  • juliebahr
    juliebahr Posts: 7 Member
    well, I can't figure out how to add you... I'll work on that.

    If your husband is active duty military- I would think he'd be okay. I work with the military- Mostly Navy and Marines... we and they have been told the furloughs don't apply to active duty military... or anyone who is deployed overseas... Good luck! I hope it works out- for both of us!
  • GinE73
    GinE73 Posts: 68
    Hey- new mom to 5 month old and new to MFP too. Add me for more support- always looking for new friends. =):drinker:
  • lilynblue
    lilynblue Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a new mom also! Feel free to add me, so we can support each other in shedding this extra weight!
  • nicsalt
    nicsalt Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome! You've come to the right place. Best of luck as you work towards your goal.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    hey just had a baby in dec. but not a new mom i also have a 9 year old. i also was heavier when i conceived also. there is a great post partum group and lots of my friends are new mommies as well. feel free to add me.