Hi Everyone :)

Hi I'm Amy and I'm new to this site. I found it through a military support group and i am looking for a little motivation to keep up my lifestyle change. I started running and yoga in January while i was in school and now that school is out, i just have my gym membership and am trying to stay motivated on my own. I am also trying to change my diet a little to encourage a healthier lifestyle in my husband as well as myself. I am relatively happy with my wieght number but not as satisfied with my post-baby body that doesn't seem to be getting where i want it to go. I still have fatty areas on the backs of my legs and ick spot on my tummy that i'm pretty self concious about in swimwear. which i wear alot as my son and husband love to go to our gym's pool. :/ which means i go too..... so any way i am just looking for some friends to to ecourage and be encouraged by. :)


  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    Hi Amy! Welcome to MFP - you have come to the right place :-)

    Post-baby body.... :frown: My youngest daughter is 17 next week and I still have that ick spot on my tummy. Probably not helped by 2 Caesareans but I sometimes wonder if I had tried to shift it 17 years ago would it have been easier?

    Anyway....being here can only do you some good - have a great 'first' day! :smile:
  • RebeccaAnne219
    RebeccaAnne219 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Amy! Welcome to the site! I'm relatively new too, but so far I've really liked the site. I've found it to be pretty motivating. When I'm down on myself someone here usually has the right words of wisdom for me!
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    Hi welcome to the site. you will find loads of good information on here and lots of friends.

    i'll send you a friend request, and i'll try and motivate you as best i can
  • LEWISC14
    LEWISC14 Posts: 1
    Hi Amy,

    I just joined yesterday and similar to you I am trying to get my pre pregnancy figure back! Hard work now. I have a stone to loose then I will be back to the right weight but the toning is hard work! I hate the gym but have a very supportive other half who takes me to the gym. I'm finding it really helpful to enter exactly what I eat on here as it makes me think twice about eating chocolate...my weakness! I'll send a friend request and maybe we can motivate each other!
