
I am from CA, I am looking to lose 10 pounds by July 1st. I need some help. I love to go to the gym for about 1 hour. I usually burn about 400cals during the time. I really need help, My problems is I like to eat every 3 hours Someone please help me out. .sweets are really hard to keep up .


  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    10 pounds is not a huge number, and it sounds like you have a good base given you already work out. There is nothing wrong with eating every 3 hours... in fact it is believed by many that eating several small meals is better.

    It would appear that it's what you eat every 3 hours that is your stumbling block. Take it from a serious chocoholic... eating sugar increases cravings for sugar. It really does feed on itself. I didn't want to believe this, but over the last month I've proven to myself that it is so. I have removed most of the chocolate from my house and filled my fridge and cupboard with healthier snacks such as applesauce, watermelon, strawberries, etc and find that when push comes to shove, if there isn't any chocolate available I'll fill the need to snack with something on hand. I still love chocolate, and don't want to cut it out completely, but I try to save my chocolate 'treat' until desert after dinner... I have Hershey's syrup on low sugar ice cream and fresh strawberries - I feel like I've had my chocolate, but with much less calories then a candy bar or piece of cake. Or if I'm really craving it during the day I have something like a Quaker Dipps granola bar... it has chocolate on it, but is filling and again, less fat then a candy bar.

    So I don't have any profound info for you, just what has kinda worked for me. Hopefully you can get something out of it that will help you. :)
  • runningman1203
    Hi there, if you feel the need to eat every three hours, then eat small and try and keep the fat content down, so just check the nutrition label and see how much fat your eating per 100gs. Remember when you excercise you need to feed your body otherwise it will store fat as it thinks its going to starve, which means no weight loss. Do you drink plenty of fluids ? this is another sign if you your feeling the need to eat, it usually means what your body wants is fluid, if still hungry then eat something.