NO sweets in June

clsb1979 Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Today I am starting to not eat sweets. I need to kick my habit! Fresh fruit and sugar free cold treats are going to keep me in line. I will let you know what the results are.....yikes here i go :)


  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    I like! :o]
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Crap! I already blew today.
  • ktmunchie
    ktmunchie Posts: 35
    I don't know if I can go without ice cream! I think I want to try too. Would you be okay with me tagging along on your venture??
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Oops. Ate some chocolate chips for my cramps. :\ I HAVE to have the occasional treat just to stay motivated on this thing 'cause it's not a diet for me... otherwise, I'd be in!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I started today giving up chocolate, as in cookies, candy, cakes, ice cream.... the only "chocolate" I will allow is my daily protein shake. I realize I'm a real chocoholic and I've set a goal to be at 199 by July 4th. I have 14 lbs to lose to get there. I really think the only way I can do it is to cut the sweets! So, I'm with you. So far my sweets today have been canteloupe. And it was delicious!
  • Aghh. Sweets are my main weakness. Especially chocolate and cheesecake.
    I'll try switching out some of my candy for fruit.
  • clsb1979
    clsb1979 Posts: 3
    now worries... you can still join!
  • clsb1979
    clsb1979 Posts: 3
    right on!!!
  • mslovelady
    mslovelady Posts: 4 Member
    I have to lose 7.5 by July 4 as well. Not alot but sweets will make that challenge much harder. Good luck. :smile:
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Good Luck!!!!!! Let us know how it goes!!!

    I wish I could do this, but I would end up binging if I gave up all sweets!!!
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    No sweets in June will be quite a challenge!!! I want in!! I did have ice cream yesterday, but will start today. I'd been telling one of my coworkers that I was wanting to see if I could do without sweets. I think i can... maybe.... Anyway, I feel like I should given the fact that I had an insane amount of sweets during May.
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