May = Bad, bad, bad month for me

Ok, so I have to confess, May was a HORRIBLE month for me. I binged several times and when I say binge, I mean going over my calorie goal by 500-2,000 calories!!!!!!!!! I was half a pound from my overall goal and now I'm 3.5 pounds away!!!! I guess that is still good, but not great!!!! JUNE WILL BE BETTER!!!!!!!!!


  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    Sounds like my May though I binge I didn't lose anything. I met my goal back in February then maintained it all though March and part of April then it all went south. Now I am 3-4 pounds from my goal. Good luck!!
  • danerider
    danerider Posts: 11 Member
    It was great for me right up until Memorial Day weekend, (in which I took Friday and Tuesday off) I ate and drank like I had never tasted those amazing foods and beers before. I actually went in to Thursday evening 0.2 pounds below my goal, I woke up this morning 4.2 lbs. over. As a real lesson, I felt horrible the entire time I was off, my body was trying to tell me that I was doing something horribly wrong to it and I didn't listen.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Look at it this way... a lot of people subscribe to the theory that it's good for the body to take a break and recharge. If you were that "bad" during May, maybe your body will respond better when you get back on track in June.
  • golddogs
    golddogs Posts: 42 Member
    Me too!!! I have done so well for so long but the entire month of May was terrible for me. I ate things that I would usually never eat - way too many binges. June will be better. Have worked out 2x this week already. Good luck and thanks for sharing!:smile: