Getting off the ground

I've been trying to lose weight on and off for four years now. My biggest problem in terms of workout and diet has been getting off the ground. I've finally gotten to the gym and am working out on a consistent basis. The diet however is still something I haven't been able to start. Biggest problems are 1. I have no self control. I eat when I'm bored, when I feel like it etc. 2. I am a picky eater. The stuff I eat is 90% fast food. I don't drink water, I rarely eat veggies (mostly because I don't really like either). I am not sure what to do really. I guess I just need the support and back up really because I don't know what else to do.


  • Heatherdawnxoxo
    Heatherdawnxoxo Posts: 60 Member
    Hi pumpkin! =)
    It might be helpful if you were to sit down with a pen and paper and make a list of all the healthy, or even slightly healthy foods you DO enjoy. I'd write down all the meats you enjoy, all the veggies you already like or are willing to try, fruits you like, grains you like ...and then from there I would try and come up with some decent meal ideas you could make out of those things.
    Then start with trying to incorporate 1 healthy meal a day into your diet and go from there!

    I've sent you an add! And I sort of love meal planning, so if you are lost for ideas or want some help getting started just let me know!

    You can do this =)
  • tanzz9
    tanzz9 Posts: 37
    I am new to. I have found, with calorie counting, that's its not really a 'diet' so much as trying to make better choices and staying within the calories allowed. I don't feel deprived because I'm not deprived, I still eat what I want I just control portions and have introduced 'moderation' to my daily vocab! I drink 8glasses of water and find I'm not craving coke anymore, I might have a glass here and there but mostly it's water. I make a conscious effort to eat better and in turn it has made me feel better, so it's easier to make healthy choices next time. Because my body feels good after a nice salad and salami wrap instead of bloated and stuffed from a maccas meal.

    In saying that, I really wanted a sundae, so I had one, I just ensured it fit into my daily calories. So I'm not deprived.

    Ive only been on this for 10days so far. The first week weigh in had me lose 4pounds! All without feeling deprived and feeling like I was hungry all the time. That helps motivate me forward, I'm here for the long term. I'm not on a diet, I'm changing my food habits for the better.

    Good luck and add me if you like :)
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I'm totally with you on the what you eat, that was me for the last 10yrs or so, sitting on my *kitten* and eating junk food.
    I went off anything healthy almost, the only "good things" i kept from b4 that when i was on a no red meat (chicken and fish only) diet for 7yrs was i gave up adding salt to anything decades ago and cut back on sugar put into coffee and tea but i skulled softdrinks like they were nothing and got junk food often. Which led to me being 244lbs and 40% body fat, sop you are not alone. PS that lifestyle was not sustainable i eventually gave into people prodding about eating meat and got unhealthy from that moment on.

    But you have to make a decision like i did just turning 40, get over your pickyness or live with the possibility of serious health issues if not a sudden death with no warning. I was motivated by my sister in law who had to lose alot of weight due to hip issues and she lost 20kg's inside of 24months. and my father who is a survivor of quadruple heart surgery and has diabetes 2 despite living an otherwise relatively healthy active life, he prodded me into the gym and has been by my side the first 5 sessions and we will train together every saturday and sunday from this point on. I am able to exercise alot more then she could as tho i'm considered obese i'm not totally unfit to the point of not being able to push myself i was just lazy. and i burn twice as many calories with less effort as my father who's considerably lighter then me.

    From next week i'll be on my own as far as training goes except for Saturday and Sunday mornings. So tho i've already done 1 session by myself it's still a big step, i'm not comfortable in large social situations when i'm by myself. if you know what i mean.
    I have 1 session with a Personal Trainer on saturday arvo just to give me a rough starter guide tho all i really need is nutrional advice i think, i can work out the training myself, it's not brain surgery :)

    The diet is something we both have to work on and the whole eating the right amounts of the right things is something i too have to wrap my head around. Having to eat more (of the right foods) not less and exercise to lose weight. You have to drink water period, the body requires it and it flushes out the system, i was always a coffee and cordial drinker over anything else so in part i was getting more then enough fluids but how much of my weight is retained fluid is another thing.

    I can't offer expert knowledge only an ear to listen and fingers to type responses and personal experience.
    the only thing we differ on maybe is when i have my mind set on something i go full bore til i get bored or something forces me to stop, i can't do things half assed. I have self control but i "chose" to ignore it in the past. I gave up smoking dope cold turkey over a decade ago, and as i said above despite everyone around me eating meat i chose to just go cold turkey on that too and pulled it off for nearly 7yrs, i've only ever had 2 cigarettes in my life and that was peer pressure as a teen and i rarely drink alcohol and never wine or beer (yuck) You have the willpower there, you just have to tell that voice in your head to shut up or just plain ignore it :)

    SO there you go that wasn't meant to sound like i was egostic or anything just to show you aren't alone and if i can do it so can you, i'm certainly giving it 100% so far but this only the first week of the rest of my life.

    friend me if you like, i'll be on fairly often. I'm in Sth Australia if that helps with Time Zone
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Hi pumpkin! =)
    It might be helpful if you were to sit down with a pen and paper and make a list of all the healthy, or even slightly healthy foods you DO enjoy. I'd write down all the meats you enjoy, all the veggies you already like or are willing to try, fruits you like, grains you like ...and then from there I would try and come up with some decent meal ideas you could make out of those things.
    Then start with trying to incorporate 1 healthy meal a day into your diet and go from there!

    I've sent you an add! And I sort of love meal planning, so if you are lost for ideas or want some help getting started just let me know!

    You can do this =)

    very good advice
  • bfox0620
    Thanks for the tips! I'm planning on shopping tomorrow for food so I'll try to do make a list
  • bfox0620
    I am new to. I have found, with calorie counting, that's its not really a 'diet' so much as trying to make better choices and staying within the calories allowed. I don't feel deprived because I'm not deprived, I still eat what I want I just control portions and have introduced 'moderation' to my daily vocab! I drink 8glasses of water and find I'm not craving coke anymore, I might have a glass here and there but mostly it's water. I make a conscious effort to eat better and in turn it has made me feel better, so it's easier to make healthy choices next time. Because my body feels good after a nice salad and salami wrap instead of bloated and stuffed from a maccas meal.

    In saying that, I really wanted a sundae, so I had one, I just ensured it fit into my daily calories. So I'm not deprived.

    Ive only been on this for 10days so far. The first week weigh in had me lose 4pounds! All without feeling deprived and feeling like I was hungry all the time. That helps motivate me forward, I'm here for the long term. I'm not on a diet, I'm changing my food habits for the better.

    Good luck and add me if you like :)

    One thing I was thinking of trying was phasing in less bad food to start replacing fast food. Like those low calorie frozen meals. Still not the greatest but it''s a start right?