1200 open diary ?



  • carissawhitworth
    im eating 1290 a day and burning 3-500 calories a day FEEL FREE TO ADD ME :) and take a look it is totally possible!!!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Mine is not open. (Maintenance mode) but here is my sample 1200 day:

    8AM – 2/3 cup FiberOne cereal (60) 2/3 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk (20) – 80 calories
    10AM – 6oz Kroger CarbMaster Yogurt – 60 calories
    12 noon – 2 slices 40 cal bread (80) and 1 ounce turkey (or ham) (30) condiments or veggies to equal up to – 150 calories
    2 pm - veggies or fruit as much as you can get for -100 calories Depending on what you pick this could be a good bit of food
    4pm – Lite Cheese Stick 50 calories
    6pm – (2 grilled chicken Caesar Wraps) 2 light FlatOut wraps (180), 6 oz grilled chicken breast (210), half a bag of Dole Lite Caesar Kit (135) – 515 calories
    8pm – ½ PINT! Arctic Zero vanilla icecream (75) Walden Farms Caramel Sauce (0 I don’t know how they do it) ½ a FiberOne brownie (crumbled up on top) (45) – 115 calories

    That is a 1070 day with dessert so I would typically add a 100 calorie bag of popcorn to a ziplock bag in the morning and use it as a grab snack during the day. I know the nutrition natzis won’t like that I do desert instead of more healthy items for my 8pm snack but it made the limited calories so much more doable.
  • carissawhitworth
    I do have to add I am 186 pounds (more athletic and muscular build so I dont really look it) And I have only been really tracking for 17 days and have only lost about5 pounds SO after reading and learning more I am considering adjusting my caloric intake since I am active veryday now. I am scared that I am not eating enough and there fore not having as good as results as I like. Even tho I really eat and drink healthy!! SO while 1290 a day is possible and my diary will be a good example how to healthily eat on that amount of calories I am not sure it is what is best for me. PLEASE ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS???
  • qwertymh
    Feel free to add me, I have a 1200 calorie goal although I don't really keep to it, some day's I manage only 600 other days I go a little over at 1300, just depends on the day. Trying to get a little more strict now though. :)
  • auntleenie14
    auntleenie14 Posts: 25 Member
    mine is open 1200 cal
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    My diary is open, my goal is 1280 a day, but on workout days I eat about 1500-1750 cals a day, to keep me energized! Feel free to have a look. Some days I go over if I'm hungry, and I just even it out on a day I work out.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    This was me until a few days ago. I actually calculated how many calories I should be eating in fat and protein (filled in carbs with the rest) based on my January diary/results. So now I'm up to about 1400 calories. I still eat pretty clean and am not deprived either, honestly some days I got to force down the extra 200 calories but I believe its for the best. I'm hoping to see good results. I changed my goal to 1.5lbs a week from 2.0lbs a week. I think this is more realistic. I changed my setting to light active from sedmentary too.

    What made you decide to change?

    I'm not using calculations to decide what to eat. I'm using how I feel. And I feel fantastic. If that stops, I will re-evaluate.

    I actually lost weight at a slow, managed rate before (1500-1600) and I hated it. I found it frustrating. I put the weight back on because I couldn't wait to stop counting calories. When I think back to that time, the term "The Arduous March" comes to mind for some reason.

    What I am doing now feels effortless.
  • nannyal
    Hi I'm on 12,000 + some from exercise. Are you finding it hard?
  • kaitgettingfit
    I eat between 1200-1300 per day. Add me if youd like.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Hi I'm on 12,000 + some from exercise. Are you finding it hard?

    Wow! That's a lot of calories.. LOL You must have a killer workout!! LOL!
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    This was me until a few days ago. I actually calculated how many calories I should be eating in fat and protein (filled in carbs with the rest) based on my January diary/results. So now I'm up to about 1400 calories. I still eat pretty clean and am not deprived either, honestly some days I got to force down the extra 200 calories but I believe its for the best. I'm hoping to see good results. I changed my goal to 1.5lbs a week from 2.0lbs a week. I think this is more realistic. I changed my setting to light active from sedmentary too.

    What made you decide to change?

    I'm not using calculations to decide what to eat. I'm using how I feel. And I feel fantastic. If that stops, I will re-evaluate.

    I actually lost weight at a slow, managed rate before (1500-1600) and I hated it. I found it frustrating. I put the weight back on because I couldn't wait to stop counting calories. When I think back to that time, the term "The Arduous March" comes to mind for some reason.

    What I am doing now feels effortless.

    I changed because I read that road map topic. It made sense to me. I did my calculations and am going to test out eating more for a few weeks. Add me and you can watch my progress if you want.
  • Paigeballetdancer
    I have that goal too!!!!
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    I'm on 1200 on non workout days and my diary is open, anyone feel free to add me. Today was my 15th day logging in and I've been committed for 4 weeks. Problem was that my workout partner would be like oh I'm not eating after, just a protein shake (our zumba class) I'm thinking that's nuts, I'm starving afterwards! I usually eat back all my exercise kcals. This website is definitely helping me learn how to fuel my body for my regimen. It started me at 1200, I'm not very good at calculations, so i haven't used the spreadsheet in the road map thread yet, but i plan to. That and a heart rate monitor are my next things to do to upgrade my fitness plan :)
  • jasminwiggs
    ok then ill add u thnk you
  • jasminwiggs
    yes im it is hard but im finding it ok to stay in it but its still hard i just had egg noodle salad and rice and it came 600 calories !
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    1400 open diary.

    I have less than 15lb to lose and 1200 is too low for me - I was hungry all the time!

    My BMR is 1350 so I set my net cals to 1400 and eat back my exercise. If Iose 0.5lb per week then great. It's not a race.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    If you're really that hungry despite making good food choices (like lean meats, plenty of vegetables) then it may be that your goal is simply too low. Sometimes our bodies are trying to tell us something :) There's no harm in setting the goal a little higher for a few weeks and working it down as the weight comes off and you get used to it. You really don't have to starve all day.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I am 158 lbs right now, I am averaging 1167 calories a day and my diary is open to everybody.

    It is ascetic, though. I don't eat any processed, chemical laden foods or any processed sugar or grain based carbohydrates. That was my plan. I had no intention of restricting calories this much. But, doing those two things created a sea change in how I feel about food.

    I find this makes me disinterested in food. I also find I am enjoying the feeling of hunger, which is weird. I have way more energy than before which I attribute to all the vitamins and minerals I am getting. I actually boost my average by having cheat days. My modal average is 1120 which means I'm under that half the time.

    It is working for me, though. For really real. I just did the math and, using my weight lost and the number of calories in a pound of fat, I calculated that I am in a 800-1000 calories/day deficit (the low number assumes 3 lbs of my loss was water which seems likely).

    This was me until a few days ago. I actually calculated how many calories I should be eating in fat and protein (filled in carbs with the rest) based on my January diary/results. So now I'm up to about 1400 calories. I still eat pretty clean and am not deprived either, honestly some days I got to force down the extra 200 calories but I believe its for the best. I'm hoping to see good results. I changed my goal to 1.5lbs a week from 2.0lbs a week. I think this is more realistic. I changed my setting to light active from sedmentary too.

    This post has me giggling very childishly! Sedimentary? Is that like the bottom of a river? Sorry, not wanting to offend, but it did make me smile :)
    My diary is open to friends. I exercise a fair bit and eat back my calories to net between 1200 and 1400. Eating only 1200 and exercising would not work for me as I'm hungry (or maybe just greedy/munchy) most of the time. Add me as a friend if you want to see this in action!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    People who eat 1200 but survive on junk food must be STARVING.