I have come to a simple conclusion....

After a couple of days of really struggling to get my head focused and a marathon binge session, I sat down last night and thought this all through. I have realised that its really very simple; I either start this journey and commit to it, knowing that in roughly 6 months time I will look and feel amazing...... OR I carry on the way I am, eating all the wrong things for a fleeting moment of pleasure, and absolutely nothing changes, I stay looking the way I am and feeling unhappy. I realise the choice is mine alone. No-one can do this for me, I have to chose...... Do it or don't do it.

So today I chose to do it and completely commit. From now on, day by day, i will be that one bit closer to goal and eventually I WILL get there. Who wants to join me?


  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Yo! Woman I hear you roar! :drinker:
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Snowy,

    Thanks for sharing your statement of commitment. I hope it goes well for you.
    It is indeed a very difficult path. One tip that I can give to you is to engage in regular physical activity (if you haven't already got that as part of your plan). I have found that motivation to maintain a calorie-controlled healthy diet and the motivation to start exercising and maintaining a sustainable exercise program supported each other. You also get the benefit and luxury of eating back most of the calories you burn in exercise, which makes the diet a little easier.
    All the very best!

  • samiamrn4
    samiamrn4 Posts: 5 Member
    When people ask what I'm doing I tell them there are no tricks you gotta want it. There is a moment in everyone's life where you want something bad enough to do whatever it takes to get it. When you want to feel great and look good bad enough you will do it. It's so simple too it doesn't come in a bottle or in a $30 dollar book about what one person eats and does.. It's simple decide to do it ,eat what's good for you, and excersise. That's awesome you got real with yourself it's the first and hardest step. You got this!