new on here and wouldn't mind some support

Hey everyone I'm 19 and just started to use this properly today. I have always struggled with my size but I'm determined to get a nice figure. My mum is on here and because of support and pure determination she has lost so much and she looks amazing, I have her offering me support I think I need a bit more then that due to lack of motivation.
If anyone can offer any information or tips for me then please do it will be much appreciated.
Jess x


  • fostermommy_2011
    I am also new on here and like you I lack motivation. I am 38 years old and I was 125 pounds until my 30th birthday then everything changed. Now I am 180 pounds, I feel sad most of the time and embarrassed specially when I go to the gym. And there are times when I don't go for months. I need someone to remind me to go to the gym. Or better I will like to find someone to go to the gym with me.
  • SexyPrettyMama
    Hi it's a good place to be. I'll request to add you. My suggestion is to fill up on green leafy veggies, not salads per say, but otherwise fill up on veggies in general. Watch your fat intake, and drink a minimum of 8 cups of water a day. Watch out for fruits the fructose can make you hungry. Eat in small portions. Good luck, I'm here for you, and anyone else too can add me.
  • 05jescha
    I know what you mean about the gym I get so nervous about going on y own but my friend just joined so I went with her for the first time in about a month. I felt really good after our session nut throughout was still very wary about people round me. All I habe to think is they can either see me sweaty but making the effort or see me sat doing nothing. In a few months they will look and be like...its paying off. X
  • 05jescha
    Thank you its very much appreciated. I will do I'm starting properly today so lets see how the 1st day goes haha
  • SexyPrettyMama
    Thank you its very much appreciated. I will do I'm starting properly today so lets see how the 1st day goes haha

    You will do it. :-)
  • JasmineOravec
    JasmineOravec Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! I'm new on mfp too and I'd be happy to support you all. I need some friends so we can encourage each other! :flowerforyou:
  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    i try to eat clean. unprocessed foods. someone told me yesterday, "if it goes bad fast it's good for you. if it doesn't go bad it's not good". lots of veggies. i reduce red meat to once a week. lots of fish and chicken. water water water. if i do eat something processed then i eat a smaller portion. and get up and move. i've even started challenging myself by doing something in the 60 seconds that my coffee brews, like hurrying to the mailbox or running to pick up clothes. it gets me moving and my house is cleaner. lol
  • swissbrit
    I joined MFP last year and lost 10kgs but had to have my foot reformed which made me a couch potato for ages (Bone taken out tendons shortend and lengthend metal pins etc)
    Now I am ready to start again with my new foot and since the 7th Jan I have lost 7kg and intending to do a lot more hopefully get sown to 65kg at least.
    So anyone feel free to add me if you wish I am 48 and a Brit in Switzerland :flowerforyou:
  • Snooks1992
    Snooks1992 Posts: 10 Member
    Hii!! I love your hair colour....

    I have just re-joined this site and need motivation too stick at it so feel free to add me and we can motivate eachother :)

  • incitata
    Hi, I just joined MFP yesterday. I also need some friends to help motivate me. We can all encourage each other to reach our goals! :happy: