

  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I'm a pack a day smoker. I've found that smoking while I'm hungry actually makes me HUNGRIER. Also, it makes the cigarette less satisfying.

    It's also just plain ole' not a good idea to use an addiction to curb other perceived bad habits. We're addicts, that's going to be difficult enough to give up without adding the worry that it will ruin our weight loss progress on top of it.
  • alleshiam
    alleshiam Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a pack a day smoker. I've found that smoking while I'm hungry actually makes me HUNGRIER. Also, it makes the cigarette less satisfying.

    It's also just plain ole' not a good idea to use an addiction to curb other perceived bad habits. We're addicts, that's going to be difficult enough to give up without adding the worry that it will ruin our weight loss progress on top of it.
    very true!
  • daisygettinghealthy
    @nanainkent. thanks, i know what you mean. i do the 3 ciggs things if im at work and havent got my lunch to stop myself reaching for the cake tin or bakey next door!

    i guess because im young, the effects of smoking hasnt started to show so right now, with social pressures etc id rather look good and be thin than stay the same and feel better. its not a good thing to admit and im not vain or shallow in any way, im just sick of the way i look and i know being thin wont stop all my problems but i guess somedays i think it will..
  • wrests
    wrests Posts: 84 Member
    When I smoked it just really..threw everything out of whack. Yes, it's an appetite suppressant, but so's black coffee, and I'd wager that being a little overweight is better than smoking! Now when I'm hungry I'll drink water (with Mio if I want something sweet) or just munch on carrots/apples. It's MUCH more effective, I assure you! Hopefully this doesn't come off as judge-y as it's not been that long since I quit, so I easily remember both sides of the issue :)
  • wrests
    wrests Posts: 84 Member
    thanks guys for all support. dont know if anyone relates to this. I want to give up smoking because of health benefits, easier to excersize, smell nicers, wont be self concious if i speak to people after just ha\ving one, expenses. i HATE all that. but thats before and after effects. the actual tast of smoking i ciggarette, i really really like that and when i want to quit i always focus my mind on how nice a ciggarette is after a horrible day (sometimes more so than food) i donno, i dont wanna sound stupid and naive because i do know how horrendously bad smoking is, i know all the damage it does but anyway thats my opinion... :/
    Try a disposable e-cig! Some taste like a dog kennel but they're around $10, you still get the taste, the nicotine, and the feeling of smoking, but they don't smell to those around you (and honestly I never knew cigarettes smelled until I quit!). The hardest thing for me when I quit was figuring out what to do! Okay, I've just eaten dinner, time for a NOPE. Oh, just gonna drive to work, time for a NOPE. I couldn't figure out what to do with my hands! Also something dumb that helped me was simple phrasing differences.
    I didn't 'quit' smoking, I 'stopped'. If you 'quit', you're more likely to feel bad if and when you slip up. If you stop, it's less of a big deal, simply because of word choice and the mental effect that it has on you!
  • daisygettinghealthy
    @banshies. thanks :) its great to hear so many peoples weight loss stories, especially people on a weight loss sight who arent saying they gained THAT much weight. its a real motivation
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    never worked for me, and it made it really difficult to excerise.
  • hdutoit17
    I was never a big smoker (1-3 a day), so when I stopped it didnt affect my weight. My friend is a chain smoker and when she stopped for a few days she gained weight, so I guess it did kinda work as a suppressent for her or it just keeps her busy for longer before she reaches for a snack.
  • panicintheattic
    panicintheattic Posts: 102 Member
    Cigarettes never really worked as an appetite suppressant for me (as in I'd have one and then not feel hungry), so the only reason I did gain a little weight when I quit smoking was because I didn't know what else to do with my time or my hands. But I knew I had to quit when I couldn't ride my bike more than a block or walk up stairs. My lungs still aren't in the best shape, but they'd be way worse if I still smoked regularly.

    The first story on this Radiolab episode is a really interesting one about quitting smoking. You should give it a listen, maybe it will help if quitting is something you actually want to do? (Or at the very least, Radiolab is pretty awesome and the whole show is really interesting haha):