Exercise?, I dont have a scooby !!!

Please can someone advise me?, At the moment Iam losing weight using the 5:2 method (aiming to lose 18lbs) but I would like to push things along a wee bit by introducing some daily exercise.(but I dont have a clue where to start), atm I to do spot jogging while holding arm weights (my only bit of kit) for cardio. However, the area I most need to work is toning for my hips and lower stomach area, any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.

btw, scooby = scooby do = clue !! (for you non brits ;) )


  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Sometimes I wonder what goes on in the heads of you British people.:smile:
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    You can't spot reduce, but you can strengthen your abs with planks, and thighs with squats and lunges.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    So are you eating only 500 calories 2 days a week? I would not workout at all on those days, you could really hurt yourself. You should also not jog while holding weights, the potential for injury far outweighs any benefit. You can hurt your joints and throw off your stride. Add in some good strength training. If you don't want to do free weights, I agree with the suggestion of planks, squats and lunges. And, fat loss is going to come from diet. No amount of ab (or any area) specific work will make the fat come off that area any faster.
  • farsteve
    farsteve Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the explanation. I had no scooby what a scooby was until today.

    Ditto on the above, "you can't spot reduce" comments.

    If you have never exercised before the best advice I can give you is to make sure you enjoy whatever you do. Walking is A Great Start for beginners. Carry some music, get outside (if the weather is nice), walk an indoor mall if the weather is nasty. 1 mile is approximately 100 calories and 18-20 minutes (depends on leg length) walking at a comfortable pace is about 1 mile. Remember, make it enjoyable so you will want to do it again.
  • lordyimlardy
    Yes 500 cals twice a week, I hadn't realised spot jogging with weights could be harmful I will desist immediatly !!, and use the weights on their own (is that strength training?) would fat loss not come from cardio workouts?, sorry to be thick but I really dont know much about all this, thank you. Oh something I have learnt .... dont spot jog to hardcore !!, I thought I was going to have a heartattack :sick:
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Fat loss does not come from cardio. You can do cardio until the cows come home, but if you overeat you'll gain, and if you eat exactly what you burn, you'll maintain. Obviously, cardio allows you to burn more, so you can either eat a bit more or create a greater deficit, but nutrition and calories in v. calories out is what = fat loss.