New to fitness pal, heres my story =)

punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
This is my first day on here... my friend Brandy suggested I join. I am 33 and had my second baby almost 17 months ago and am noticing that the weight isnt falling off like it did when i was 20. I am also getting married next year 11/11/11 so i have a little over 17 months to lose weight and look hot in my wedding dress. im looking to lose around 50 pounds, but im not sure how to go about it yet. about 6 years ago I lost quite a bit of weight doing pilates but i cant seem to get back into it... and another issue is my fiance is a cook and makes all kinds of delicious food, and I also love to cook and my specialty is good ol' fatty comfort food. My fiance is actually looking to lose weight before our wedding as well and on top of that I have a daughter who is almost 13 and she needs to lose a little weight and get in better shape also, she plays soccer from aug-nov but doesnt do much during the other months so its caught up to her a bit, lol. I need to find a way that works for my family... any suggestions are welcomed = ) Thanks


  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Firstly, I wouldn't worry too much about the 13 year old daughter. Sign her up for an activity during the school year, or have her join a team at school so she can exercise regularly. At 13, every girl puts on a little weight.

    Secondly, cook things you like, just alter the ingredients a bit. Steamed vegetables can be comforting too with a tsp of smart balance light and a dash of salt. Grilled veggies are delicious with minimal oil. And grilled cheese, there is really nothing unhealthy about grilled cheese, just use pam instead of oil. Small changes can make a BIG difference.

    Thirdly, aside from coffee and freshly brewed tea, drink only water. Diet sodas are very unhealthy and just make your body want sugary things. If you don't like water plain, then add some lemon slices or juice or even strawberries to give a little flavor. And other flavored drinks really add up in calories. I prefer to eat my calories.

    And when it comes to exercise, start slow. Maybe just go for family walks in your area after dinner every night, that way everyone is getting a bit of exercise. Or get a workout dvd and turn your living room in to a gym. Figure out what you like, then you will not only be pleased with your exercise level, but you will also enjoy your exercise routine and look forward to it.

    Good luck!
  • kkholmes
    kkholmes Posts: 6
    try a low glycemic diet. Both you and your fiancée will be able to keep up with it. I'm a cook as well as it hasn't really impacted me so far. Its only taught me how to eat right and bonus it is a habit you could keep for life . It doesn't limit a whole it just teaches you which foods are better fuel for your body. It will show you which carbs are good carbs ( those that take longest for your body to metabolize/ burn) and which ones are bad carbs ( those that take least amount of time for your body to metabolize). I started doing this back in january and have lost over 55 lbs. I work out a lot and gave up my caffeine and began drinking tons of water. Water is a natural filler if you feel hungry drink some water often times our bodies mistake hunger for thirst. If your a tea drinker decaffeinated tea counts as water with splenda( type sweeteners are also better tasting than they used to be). I also exercise 30min- hr 3-4 times per week. Losing weight has never been easy for me till now . I know your thinking this chick is only 24 but i have a insulin problem that causes it to be more difficult to lose weight with the medication for the insulin problem and this diet the weight has melted away. I hope this can help
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Cooking healthy can be FUN!!! I'm having a lot of fun discovering new recipes on here :)
  • First thing I have to say is "I LOVE FOOD!" I totally feel you on the food thing. When I started off I couldn't let go of the food, so I just started on exercising. Surprisingly I lost weight just exercising 30mins a day. My suggestion would be to start on one thing, don't overwhelm your family by trying to do everything all at once. Eliminate sugary drinks or replace white bread with whole grain, anything counts. =) Hope this helps.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    As a chef maybe he would enjoy altering his favorite recipes into healthier versions.
  • Brandzilla
    Brandzilla Posts: 51 Member
    I'm so excited you're on here!! If you stick with this you'll learn tools to shed some poundage. Taking baby steps will help. I understand about being lazy. I was super lazy after I broke my leg and got pregnant. I avoided a scale and convinced myself it wasn't that bad. Then I decided I had enough. The cool thing about first starting to lose weight is if you put forth a decent effort you'll lose a weight! Just switching to diet soda and portion control I lost 5 pounds the first week. Then I started switching some foods out fr a lower fat version and adding exercise and then things really started happening.
    I'm happy you're on here!! YOu're going to be a hot bride!
  • punkrockpickles
    punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for making me join Brandy lol
  • punkrockpickles
    punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for all of the support and suggestions everyone I appreciate the help!! Here we gooooo!
  • punkrockpickles
    punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
    I'm so excited you're on here!! If you stick with this you'll learn tools to shed some poundage. Taking baby steps will help. I understand about being lazy. I was super lazy after I broke my leg and got pregnant. I avoided a scale and convinced myself it wasn't that bad. Then I decided I had enough. The cool thing about first starting to lose weight is if you put forth a decent effort you'll lose a weight! Just switching to diet soda and portion control I lost 5 pounds the first week. Then I started switching some foods out fr a lower fat version and adding exercise and then things really started happening.
    I'm happy you're on here!! YOu're going to be a hot bride!
    Thanks Brandy! I think we should work out together, you are always working out, that will motivate me!
  • Yay! Thanks for making me join too :) This is cool. I know you can do it!!! <3
  • punkrockpickles
    punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
    Yay! Thanks for making me join too :) This is cool. I know you can do it!!! <3
    Thanks, im gonna look up some gyms around here right now and see how much they cost! = )
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I've found that I lose weight simply by following the calorie guides that MFP gives me (even without exercising). Also, drink lots of water and don't eat after 7pm. The weight is really falling off pretty quickly once I started doing that.
  • I have a 17 month old and I have a husband who is a chef-go figure:) It is so hard, we do cook healthy a lot, but it is the amount of food we eat that is the problem. I seriously LOVE to eat, I just love food. I love flavor, I was a veg for more than 10 years, I love all kinds of food.....when it comes down to it, you can eat anything you want, but you have to eat smaller portions and workout. I have lost 14.5 pounds since coming on here, and believe me, I love my Jack Daniels and Twisted Teas....I love to eat a pu pu platter (like last night), but I have had to really step up my game working out. I eat really good all day so when I have dinner w/ my husband at night, I can be a bit more relaxed and not completely changed my life style...eating at 10pm is hard sometimes for me, but we always make the best of our nights!
  • punkrockpickles
    punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
    I've found that I lose weight simply by following the calorie guides that MFP gives me (even without exercising). Also, drink lots of water and don't eat after 7pm. The weight is really falling off pretty quickly once I started doing that.
    Thanks for the advice, I had already been trying not to eat after 8 so maybe I will have to bump it up to 7... and stop having late dinners (which we do around here...) its gonna have to be a lifestyle change for sure. = )
  • punkrockpickles
    punkrockpickles Posts: 29 Member
    I have a 17 month old and I have a husband who is a chef-go figure:) It is so hard, we do cook healthy a lot, but it is the amount of food we eat that is the problem. I seriously LOVE to eat, I just love food. I love flavor, I was a veg for more than 10 years, I love all kinds of food.....when it comes down to it, you can eat anything you want, but you have to eat smaller portions and workout. I have lost 14.5 pounds since coming on here, and believe me, I love my Jack Daniels and Twisted Teas....I love to eat a pu pu platter (like last night), but I have had to really step up my game working out. I eat really good all day so when I have dinner w/ my husband at night, I can be a bit more relaxed and not completely changed my life style...eating at 10pm is hard sometimes for me, but we always make the best of our nights!
    Ha i hear ya! Thats what I was thinking too, im gonna have to watch what i eat during the day so that I can still have my delicious dinners and add some work outs to my week. (Im not actually sure how much i weigh, since i havent weighed myself in like 6 months but) My goal is to lose at least 50 pounds, which i know isnt gonna be easy - but i have 17 months until we are getting married so im gonna try to get as much off as i can =)
  • You can do it, just don't get discouraged! Doing it slowly and healthy-you will take it off and keep it of vs. losing it quickly and putting it right back on.
    As far as you changing your eating late lifestyle, really it is all calories in/calories out.....I always eat late because that is when my husband comes home. I love to eat together, it is 'our' time and he doesn't want to come home and eat alone.
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