Need Suggestions for Aerobics

I have a small dilemma and I would love your input...

I need to include exercise in my new fitness plan to optimize my weight loss efforts, but I have literally NO money to join, VERY limited space for activity within my home, and there's about a foot and a half of snow on the ground outside and to be perfectly honest, I would rather do ANYTHING than be outside in the freezing temps. If there's no other option, I suppose I will have to suck it up and go outside, but I'm hoping to find some other suggestions for exercising until the weather clears up. So I pose this question:

Does anyone have any suggestions for aerobic exercise that requires limited space, no money, and no frostbite?

Thanks, friends!


  • becjovincent
    becjovincent Posts: 25 Member
    There are tons of videos that incorporate good work outs with little space. Just some weights & basic moves. Have you ever tried the "walking" videos where you march in place with some arm work?
    Try your local library - they usually have some videos for free.
    You'll definitely be focusing more on strength training in small areas... but a jump rope is amazing cardio & doesnt require tons of space.
    Good luck!
  • Pr1ncessWarrior
    Pr1ncessWarrior Posts: 69 Member
    just walking in spot while watching TV and bringing you knees up to waist height will get you sweating. If you do that while watching TV you can go on for a long time. Keeps you away from the food too. There are alot of free exercise videos as well online that will get you moving is a small place.
  • brian1383
    brian1383 Posts: 39 Member
    I was going to suggest shoveling the snow, but you kind of shot that one down. :)

    There are exercise vids on youtube, so those are cost free. Exercise bands are a god stregth builder and those are relatively cheap -- $15 or so for a basic set. Save for those if $$$ are real tight. Many on these forums say they aren't as god as lifting real weights, but I'm curious on how their bodies know the source of resistance. They are easy on the joints and very portable. Plus - and I powerlifted for many years - I have yet to pinch my finger in a resistance band.

    If you are just starting out, though. use the free videos and some canned goods for weights. Sounds funny, but a one pound can of corn is the same as a one pound weight. same with a 5lb bag of potatoes.

    Now -- you live in Illinois. You have to go out and face the cold sometime ... why not now?
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    There's tons of videos on YouTube. Sparkpeople has some good ones, too. You can "jump" rope, do jumping jacks, burpees, groiners, mountainc limbers, high knees, etc. in a circuit as well.