So mad at myself for giving up! Restarting.

I had 30 days of dieting and exercise under my belt and around 6-8 pounds lost and I completely threw it away all the month of Feb. I have now not only gained the 6-8 pounds back but also 2 more. I am so mad at myself for giving up and now having to start all over! Also, I just do not get it because I feel so great when I am dieting and exercising, I have ten times the amount of energy I normally have but I give it all for junk food. I am hoping and praying I can be successful at it this time and make some life changes. Id love to have some new friends on here!


  • RooBug88
    RooBug88 Posts: 55 Member
    I understand where you're coming from... after a family tragedy and a serious illness, I was down nearly 40lbs from my highest weight, but I lost the momentum and I gained almost 15 of it back. But you've already done the right thing. You came here and asked for some help, just like me! Don't let a backslide ruin the success you've already had. You've done it before, you can do it again...only better! I'm here for you if you want some encouragement. Best of luck!
  • brian1383
    brian1383 Posts: 39 Member
    If the beach at Ludington isn't drawing you to exercise, then I don't know what will! LOL. Seriously, it is one of the prettiest beaches in the world, and I've seen many.

    I feel for you. I'm working full time, finishing a degree, and teaching a class right now. My "baby" is 21, so I do have less activity, but still equal worry (note: being Dad to a pretty 21 year old is big worry).

    School and kids and a husband and ... it can be tough. If you get to an ideal weight, I hear it's less tough. Let that be our motivator. We're not dieting. We're making our lives LESS tough.

    Feel free to add me if you like.