I just quit smoking !!!!!

I just quit smoking and started walking today.
I'm 45 and I'm ready to change my life. I need support on this journey I'm about to embark on.


  • you are off to a great start!! I would be happy to help encourage you to stay on track! feel free to add me :)
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    I am with you on your journey. Feel free to add me
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    how did you quit? I want to but I'm scared I'll replace smoking with eating.
  • jamesleesmith
    jamesleesmith Posts: 60 Member
    A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Sounds like your off to a great one. Good luck!
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    That's fantastic! Taking that first step is the hardest (I'm a smoker). I wish you luck.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Good luck!! I getting ready to do that too. It is time......
  • cazzer69
    cazzer69 Posts: 162 Member
    I quit yesterday.
    It lasted 10 hours.....
    But...I have an excuse.

    I work away 5 weeks and then home a week. Yesterday was the day I came home.
    I neglected to tell SWMBO that I was quitting and she had made me 200 cigs.
    That's an awful lot of effort for me to say "ta but no thanks love"

    So my non smoking is on a haiatus till these are gone.
    But once they're gone, they're gone. No more. I am determined.
  • Welcome to the club! I quit on New Year (2 months tomorrow). Not over yet, it is a long process, maybe a lifetime one...

    The best thing one can ever do for themselves. Congratulations on the decision!

    I was so scared of putting weight that actually lost one size. It can be done.

    Shall we be friends?
  • AJHUGZ - that was my pitfall, but wasnt aware of it, i think you will be OK since you know to watch out!!

    Iif you do increase your eating, try to use fruits and veggies raw and sans dressings etc. then you will have a positive habit, because you may need some sort of 'habit' at the beginning. Im just talking about those 5minute moments you know?
  • That is great ! You should be proud of yourself. When I started this program and started to exercise, I found that I really didn't want to smoke and I felt so much better.
  • I have been smoke free for a year and a week. Congrats on the decision, it is a long hard road but you will be happier for it!
  • Kristi858
    Kristi858 Posts: 31 Member
    Good for you! This will be the best decision you'll ever make! I'm a former smoker... Things will start tasting better.... you'll actually be able to smell things again! And exercise will come SO much easier! Plus, you don't smell like an ashtray anymore! :) I didn't replace cigarettes with food, just chewed gum! Don't give up! The rewards are soooo worth it!
  • i'm not ready to quit yet getting the weight off and attempting to drink less booze is enough of a life style change for this year!
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    AJHUGZ - that was my pitfall, but wasnt aware of it, i think you will be OK since you know to watch out!!

    Iif you do increase your eating, try to use fruits and veggies raw and sans dressings etc. then you will have a positive habit, because you may need some sort of 'habit' at the beginning. Im just talking about those 5minute moments you know?

    I've already slowed down. i went from smoking a pack a day to at most 4-5 cigs a day. I can go hours without smoking, then I realize it and I smoke smh. Slowly but surely they're becoming disgusting to me.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Good for you! This will be the best decision you'll ever make! I'm a former smoker... Things will start tasting better.... you'll actually be able to smell things again! And exercise will come SO much easier! Plus, you don't smell like an ashtray anymore! :) I didn't replace cigarettes with food, just chewed gum! Don't give up! The rewards are soooo worth it!

    I forgot about gum. I'll try that.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Kudos to you! All my family smokes (son, daughter, husband). I don't.
    At least they go outside so I don't have to breathe it or clean the nasty walls.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    That is fantastic!
    I'm a nurse and see the ravages of smoking every day.
    Your body will thank you :smile:
  • I;m right there with you. I'm on my 4th day and feeling strong, but the weekend is what gets me so I'm changing up my routine to stay focused. You should be proud of yourself that's awesome!
  • Way To Go Girl . I am 44 and amost two years quit and is the best thing I ever done ,only regret is why I did not do it before :).
    Add me and Congrats again
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I quit two Thanksgivings ago, feel free to add me for support!
  • i quite 6 months ago. its hard but worth it. running and walking is much easier without smoke in my lungs. you got this :)
  • We all need to stick together on this. My dad died almost 1 year ago from chronic copd and emphysema and I refuse to be taken out like that. That was a slow death and fighting for air is not the way I want to live. Sorry for the downer, but it's a reality.
  • Congratulations! and welcome! Im soo happy for you. :happy:
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    Im on day 2 of quitting chewing .....the one thing that helps is thinking about everyone whos ever quit nobody ever says man i wish i wouldnt have quit......so it must be worth it
  • Dol10
    Dol10 Posts: 48 Member
    congratz. Im officially a non-smoker as of Oct 11th 2012! :D Feels good to be healthy.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Congratulations!! I am on day 45 of being smoke free....:):):)

    I was a pack per day smoker and quit cold turkey. It was ugly, but I am well past the worst of it and am so grateful to not be a slave to it anymore!!

    Plus, I've saved over $400 in just a month and a half! Holy Sh^t!! :) You can do this!

    There is a Quitting Smoking forum on MFP. Lots of information and support there too.
  • It is amazing after only just TWO MONTHS I can actually RUN!. OK, run for 5 minutes or so... but that to me is an improvement on nont-even-running-to-get-the-last-bus!

    Skin looks beautiful too.

    You can do it to!
  • rickthexpreacher
    rickthexpreacher Posts: 57 Member
    For those just starting out to break the addiction & maybe wavering & those who don't want to stop smoking in case they eat more, please read my blog on the consequences of not taking the plunge. I am living the consequences daily.
  • DLH45
    DLH45 Posts: 44 Member
    Good Job! Today is 2 months smoke free for me. Its been tough but I feel so much better! You can do it!!
  • Vicky, u r doing it the right way. I lost 3 stone in 2011. In November 2001 I weighed 10 stone. I gave up smoking and ate like a pig for over a year and 4 stone later here I am!! Feel free to add me as I do know exactly how you feel x