I just quit smoking !!!!!



  • rickthexpreacher
    rickthexpreacher Posts: 57 Member
    Sorry people, I forgot the link the blog is called "warning to smokers"

  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I've never smoked, but my partner did. She quit about 4 years ago. She says if you can get past the first week, you got it.
  • msdelisle
    msdelisle Posts: 4 Member
    For those just starting out to break the addiction & maybe wavering & those who don't want to stop smoking in case they eat more, please read my blog on the consequences of not taking the plunge. I am living the consequences daily.

    Can you post the link?

    What is the date or title of your blog?
  • KML617
    KML617 Posts: 220 Member
    Feel free to add me for support! I'm a smoker, but want to quit soon. I wanted to get started on my fitness and diet goals first, so I would already have good eating habits going and not switch my habit from ciggs to snacks. How did you quit? Just cold turkey, or some kind of help?? I would love some advice and extra support. :smile:

    I quit a year ago and just take it day by day. Before you know it you will look/feeel/smell so much better. the choice to return will be a no brainer!

    Feel free to add me.:smile:

    Mind you this doesnt mean that you wont ever have a craving or a situantion that you will want to bum one. This is the start of your test of wills and you got what it takes to do some pushups or jumping jacks instead.
  • Feel free to add me for support! I'm a smoker, but want to quit soon. I wanted to get started on my fitness and diet goals first, so I would already have good eating habits going and not switch my habit from ciggs to snacks. How did you quit? Just cold turkey, or some kind of help?? I would love some advice and extra support. :smile:

    How can you start on your fitness if you still smoke? surely it is an excuse, just do it, you have support from everyone on here, quit for 7 days and it's downhill from there
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I just decided to go ahead and quit smoking, right now. If anyone wants to add me for support please feel free to. I'm going to blog about the process for other people who aren't sure if they're ready to quit.
  • ammadove
    ammadove Posts: 97 Member
    Hoorrrraaayyyyy for you !! Well done !:flowerforyou:
  • KerryKpie
    KerryKpie Posts: 2 Member
    Good for you. I am a smoker too, as some of the others on this thread, and it is a hard job to quit. I wish you luck!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Feel free to add me for support! I'm a smoker, but want to quit soon. I wanted to get started on my fitness and diet goals first, so I would already have good eating habits going and not switch my habit from ciggs to snacks. How did you quit? Just cold turkey, or some kind of help?? I would love some advice and extra support. :smile:

    How can you start on your fitness if you still smoke? surely it is an excuse, just do it, you have support from everyone on here, quit for 7 days and it's downhill from there

    I did the C25K program as a full time one pack per day smoker :) I would regularily run 5k's a couple times per week plus do bootcamp 3 days per week. I'd have already had 3 cigarette's before my 9am bootcamp class!!

    In all honesty, I think I pushed myself harder BECAUSE I was a smoker. I am 45 days smoke free and am getting back into my more intense workout schedule. I really slacked off the last few weeks and have only done some HIIT workouts a few days per week and some runs here and there. I had half expected the clouds to part and be able to effortlessly run 10k but that didn't happen and I was pissed off!! LOL I was a total grump, and it took me a few weeks to feel like a human being again.

    Now, I feel amazing and am ready to re-commit to my diet and fitness goals! Oh, and I HIGHLY recommend Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking!!

    Good luck everyone!! You CAN DO THIS! you will go from 'I can NOT smoke' to "I CAN not smoke". Very liberating!!
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    You can do it. I've never been a smoker, but from hearing friends talk I know its hard to stop. Buy lots of gum and even toothpicks. If you have enough will power you can beat it :) Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Kudos for quitting! I quit almost 4 years ago, after 12 years of smoking (yes, I started when I was 13. No, my parents did not know and when they found out I got grounded for a gazillion years)... It is not as hard as you might think, and once you find a way to keep your mind off it (like walking), it gets much easier. Even if you have a wee relapse, don't go back to smoking. :flowerforyou:
    Im on day 2 of quitting chewing .....the one thing that helps is thinking about everyone whos ever quit nobody ever says man i wish i wouldnt have quit......so it must be worth it

    I don't know about chewing... but sometimes I do wish I hadn't stopped smoking so I go out and buy myself a pack of good 'ol Marlboro reds and light one... And it hits me, I quit because they are nasty. But I miss the company sometimes... that's what beer is for I guess :drinker:
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    how did you quit? I want to but I'm scared I'll replace smoking with eating.
  • me too!! Whenever i "quit" i start craving food like I'll never get another meal. It's so difficult to quit smoking and alter nutrition styles at the same time. My doc told me to try chewing gum instead of excess eating. It worked for me a bit. I haven't completely quit but I have lessened my intake dramatically of both nicotine and food lol
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Decided a few weeks ago to quit March 1. Sooooo.....tomorrow it is. I'm nervous. Best of luck to you OP and everyone else who's making that decision!
  • Whoot Whoot!! Good for you, Im on the same page..need to quit this bad habit soon!
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    I just quit smoking and started walking today.
    I'm 45 and I'm ready to change my life. I need support on this journey I'm about to embark on.

    Yeah you! Congrats! I quit 2 yrs ago and never felt better...Huge pat on your back! :happy:
  • charleneh13
    charleneh13 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats!! I am three years smoke free and used to smoke up to 2 packs a day. I was one of those people that most thought I'd never be able to quit, including myself.... so, my advice is "one day at a time", and "what is new, will become normal soon". You can do it, I am here to encourage you too! PS... I just started gaining weight in the last year... so don't let weight gain deter you!:happy:
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    Good luck to all that quit or plan to quit smoking...as one person said...it is very liberating!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Congratulations! As you know, you've got to make up for the metabolism boost of smoking. Don't be like my mother and make your activity eating a quart of ice cream every night.