Seen any Ex's Since Your Weightloss



  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Lost 90 lbs - never ran into him once.... gained back 81 and have ran into him twice. FML. The plus side would be that my husband is hot, but the downside... he wasn't with me either time. Arg.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    i dont have any exs. what i do get is... O M G... if i had known yyou were gonna turn out like that... i would have dated you back then. Uh no thanks back then or today!!! *kitten*!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I was in shape with my ex's so it doesn't really apply. BUT working for the military I have run into people I haven't seen in years who say "Man you haven't changed one bit, still killin the gym I see Sarge!"

    Which drives other people around me nuts! I know they want to scream "NO NO NO HE GOT FAT YOU DIDN'T SEE BUT HE GOT FAT!!"

    Which makes me VERY happy hehehehehehehehehe:bigsmile:
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    I was just wondering if anyone has run into an ex since their weightloss, or anybody that used to make them feel bad about their weight. How did it go?

    Since my weight loss?! Apparently NOT. He'd seen the whole darn process, from whence I'd started, which is horrendous!!!

    I'm just too used to seeing him now, so I don't particularly care for what has fast become his normal routine to my use of time, so I continue with my (outdoor) workout routine, regardless.

    He must've been thinking "How the hell did you let yourself go? You didn't for me!" :laugh: But seriously, if I don't exit my home in time, one of his drivers will ring my door bell, to make certain or to check that I'm okay (that I'm not under the weather).

    * Former fiance.
  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    Not yet, but one.. a doosey, is my friend on facebook. He had issues with my weight when i was 130.. when I seen him again at 152 he said " Looks like you lost weight. " I wanted to shoot him in the face. My goal? Get WAY hot, take bikini pics of myself on my motorcycle, and post them on facebook. It will be my personal win knowing he sees it but can NEVER EVER have it!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    bump for tonight because..
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    I see my ex-wife regularly because of our kids but yeah, she mad. LOL!

    I did not acquire anymore ex's since divorce however during the separation I dropped about 40lbs & had a few women who jerked me around / freindzoned me and ultimately just blew me off all of a sudden remember I existed when I dropped the last 60lbs.

    Lame. I do admit, I did go see them just so I could let them know "you dun goofed" & DID NOT go out with them :)
    A little childish but it did feel good.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Yes! He proceeded to cry and beg me to forgive him and take him back... HA! Sucker..:laugh:

    I hope you crushed his heart
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    I got hit on by some guys who made my life hell on hs because I had lost so much they didn't recognise me.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Yup...ran in to him at a bar. His exact words were "crap, you have lost a lot of weight"! He must have went home and went straight to him email, because the next morning I had an email from him, asking for another chance. not just no, but h*ll no!!!

    The funny thing is, the girl he cheated on me with told me that he said "he didn't love me anymore because of my size". But, when I ran in to her, I saw that she is bigger than I ever was. But now that I have lost 70 pounds, she is easily 100 pounds heavier than me. She may have just said that to make sure I wouldn't take him back, but I figure they are meant for each other. I am not the insecure woman I used to be...heavy or not, I will never let a man treat me that badly again.

    That's awesome! YOU ROCK!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    But I would want at some point. Not to brag, not to show off. Along the relationship he pushed me to start losing weight and I know he would be very happy that I finally did it (we currently live in different city so we don't have `unplanned` opportunities to see each other)... or at least I started doing it.
    Although things did not worked between us, I still feel sometimes that I wanna share good things in my life with him... kind of an custom after almost 4 years of relationship.
    The whole weight loss process changed my life in many ways, not only weight... and I realised amongst others that both people make mistakes in a relationship, there is never just one... and not seeing my mistakes and keeping a bad energy about something that didn't just worked out it's just wrong... somehow as wrong as not knowing when to stop eating.
  • Purple5150
    Such mixded feelings about this topic. I just joined MFP this week to get healthy again. In 2005 I was 270lb. The pic of me on here is 2/1/2 years old and is what I want to return to. Most of the pleasure of seeing people was from people who thought I could never do it, or people who just never grew up and thought they were better because they were thinner. But short lived after that was my marriage of 22 years even though the stress made him drop 60lb in 3 months. I found half of it. Even with that I see people I haven't seen since being heavy and get compliments and sometimes flirts. Even an offer for friends with benefits because I looked so good. Ugh! He can wake up and move past his ego because he is not all that. With that said, I am currently fighting with my ex and see him regularly, but what makes me grin is when people we both know tell me I deserve better and now I can have it.