Canadian Eh - Wednesday

Well it is definatley a soggy day today. I hear it is suppose to clear up later, but I am thinking....NOT.

Really tired today, went to physio this morning and it did me in. Just gonna rest for the rest of the day

Hope everyone is having a better day than me

PS.. Made those "On the Go Cookies" that were in the recipe forum....yummy and sooooo filling., I did do a few alterations, but for the most part I followed the recipe.

Ta Ta


  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Well, it wasn't too bad a day in Southern Ontario, until it started to rain here too. So far it's just a light sprinkle but who knows how this evening will shape up.

    My poor dear, how severe were your injuries from the accident? It's hard enough to get a good exercise in when you're in relatively good shape but to have to deal with the pain of injuries too, not the least bit nice!

    I finally dropped 1.5 lbs yeah! hopefully it will stay gone but at least it's a number I haven't seen for a year & not one that has been bouncing around all this time.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I got out for a walk today in the sunshine, but it looks like the clouds are rolling in and so I doubt I'll convince my kids it's a good idea to walk in the rain!
    Better day tomorrow!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    argggghhhhhhhhhhhh getting sick of the rain!!
    Soon maybe!!!
    Whats for dinner tonight?
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Sunny beautiful day here in Saskatoon. Went for my 1/2 hour walk at lunch. My shins were killing me, but I did it. I have had a few people asking to walk with me, but I am not very fast so not sure if I feel like sharing....we'll see. Still have to do 1/2 hour of something else tonight...not sure if it will be another half hour walk or Wii games again.

    Supper/dinner is kinda a "not really sure yet". I logged in a chicken ceaser ingredient by ingredient...I was surprised by how low the calories were (234 for the whole serving) so I think I will have that. May have to throw together extra for Friday lunch at work.

    Tomorrow is going to be a challenge for me. I spend lunch at a facility and eat with the youth there. The chef is awesome, but usually makes a side salad. If I watch portions and eats lots of the salad I should be okay. I won't be able to go for my lunch walk though so will have to find time to add that time into my evening. Also tomorrow is burger and beer night with friends...will have to remember substitute salad for fries and ask for diet coke in my drink (I don't drink beer)...and really really watch my intake for the rest of the day.

    WildeChikk....I saw that recipe for the cookies...I am thinking of trying those too

    Avandel...congrats on loss

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Avandel my injuries…weeeellll….

    Whiplash, so my back, neck and shoulders
    Pulled something in my knee
    Pulled something in my ankle
    But the worst part is the concussion. I can live with the other pain. But the head is sure doing a number on me. It happened 2 months ago, and I have had just about enough. I haven’t exercised one iota since then, and for someone like me it is sooooooo depressing. I NEED my endorphins. Hopefully soon though, I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. The pain is nowhere near as bad as before, I just have to get my energy back now. But who knows, they have me working for 2hrs a day, two days a week and that is killing me…Im toast for the next three days after I work. So maybe it is wishful thinking that I am nearing the end of this ordeal. A girl can dream right?
    Congrats on your loss (FINALLY). How frustrating hey. Perseverance

    Squoozyq glad you got out before the rain began, but my kids would jump at the chance to walk in the rain, so long as I let them splash in the puddles along the way. Lol

    Blondie YUP definitely sick of the rain.
    Haven’t even thought of dinner yet, but I better get on that before hubby comes home and finds nothing on the table. That would make for one grumpy guy. Hmmm maybe some chicken and potatoes for them. Me, a nice salad with grilled chicken. Salad just doesn’t cut it for the man.
    Off to look in the cupboards

    Later Ladies
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Corrie I missed you. PLEASE send some sun my way. I don’t like to share my walks either. I like to plug my IPod in and go, Im not a chit chatter, don’t like it, leave me alone when I am exercising. Lol. Good luck at your lunch tomorrow, and yummy burgers and beer…Mmmmmmm

    Definately try those cookies
  • hexidecimal
    Hi There. Just a quick into here as I posted a lengthy on on the introduce yourself thread..... I've just started with MFP today, and need all the help I could get. I'm from PoCo (North side) and am totally sick of the rain too. My kids asked me yesterday if we'll get sun on the first day of summer! I look forward to chatting with everyone.
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Well you have sent the rain to me.....supposed to get rain tomorrow and then again for the weekend. Just got the sun here in Alberta after having SNOW...yes snow the end of May. Don't want the rain.

    Anyways had a quiet day at the office, I don't really like these days as I have them more and more right now. We just finished a big project and things have quieted down. Tomorrow I have a job interview, I am just bored having to sit around doing nothing and making a long story short, my manager does not know where to put me right now. My co-workers are trying to keep me around, but looking just the same. So wish me luck....this new job is actually closer to home, but I have been at the other one since early 2003.

    Other than that nothing much is happening here in my part of Alberta.

    Have a great evening. I have a friend coming over to help me find something to wear to my interview tomorrow. I will post tomorrow how it goes.
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Hexidecimal So you grew up on the South Side (the good side) and still went over to the North Side???? Why on earth??? Lol JK. You are only 1 year older than me, I wonder if we know each other..hmmmm. Did you grad in 87 or 88? And sorry, I snooped at your profile, it sounds like you got a bit of a farm started over there…haha, only 1 dog for me, that’s plenty, she is kinda NUTS.
    It will probably take a bit to get used to what keeps you satisfied throughout the day and doesn’t put you over on your calorie intake. I made the “On the go cookies” last night (they were in the recipe section) and I had one this morning at about 8:00 and I was NOT hungry, without a word of a lie, until 2:00, then I had another one. I did some variations to the recipe, but they are pretty big cookies and full of great stuff. Then I had a Pork Chop, some Mashed Cauliflower (instead of potato) and green beans for dinner. Don’t knock the cauliflower until you try it, first time for me tonight, and it was pretty good. I just put a bit of sour cream and garlic powder in it, yummy. I am soooooo full, and WAY under for my calorie intake. Maybe some popcorn later.

    Chgraham there’s that S word again….I hate that S word…brrrrrr. Good luck on the interview tomorrow, closer to home is always better for sure. You will ROCK it!

    Well the sun has poked its head out here and it is most welcome…although still cold and getting a bit windy. I believe we are in for some weird weather the rest of the week too. Hey as long as the S word doesn’t come around these parts, I will be ok with what we get. For god’s sake mother nature, IT IS June……

    Have a great night everyone.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    Happy Wednesday!

    I finally got a few minutes to stop and hope on the forums here... going to get up to bed early tonight, but wanted to stop in, say hi and see how everyone was doing..

    i had a rough eating day. first off, it rained a lot... boo. well, its camp day here for tim hortons, where all the money raised today sends underprivileged kids to camp (i think this is national?) so one of the managers bought 3 DOZEN donuts... ok, let me back track... there are 11 people in our office, and two were gone today... so um, yeah, 4 donuts each?? hello?? i was good, i caved and ate one after i worked out (I brought it home... didn't work out in the office, my co-workers frown down on me randomly breaking out into burpies :laugh:) anyway, then tonight was my boyfriend's dad's birthday (well, all day but you get my point lol) and we were bbq burgers... grrr.... there is SO much fat in that. well, fortunately, we had blue menu ones, so it wasn't too bad. i had burger, and then his sister suggested i share one with her, so i managed to get what i want and still stay under on my calories and fat... so, over all, pretty successful.

    i'd say i'm happy to see that it rained elsewhere, but no, i wouldn't wish rain on anyone... oh well, we need it.

    i'm going to turn it in now. apparently lots of sleep = lots of weight loss and i'm sure me being tired also = rambling me :-)

    good night all
  • Barbboomer
    A DONE DAY......WHEW

    Achieck in hello to all as I too have entered the "Barbboomer Coles Notes" on the intro thread

    Hung in there today on the caloric intake....too many carbs...sheesh.

    For Wildechikk - thanks for pulling us all management is definitely your forte!

    and....Hexidecimal - so good to be the company of another newbie who also is somewhat challenged by the technical requirements of todays life!!

    Chgraham - yeh!!!.... another what I'd do to be in Vancouver or Victoria. Let's face it even the stereotyped rain has our rain, snow, sleet and mud beat!

    EXERCISE!@#@!! - hiw is it one can have not a decent exercise to report and be completely spent. Surely laundry, cooking, cleaning, Dad to Dr appt , Mom grocery shopping, significant other on a (long overdue) rampage of clearing out the garage,...but did it have to be today!!!

    On a serious note I would just like to say that as crazy as it sounds I sometimes find that kind of "on the go" can make for good exercise and sometimes not as boring.