Need help with tonights menu, going out!

So my husband wants to take me out to dinner tonight, and I was playing around with the meat choices in the food log. I was going to choose smoked turkey thinking that was the healthiest, but my sodium count went off the charts! So please help me. I'm going to get the small plate (1 meat, 1 side & cornbread). I always get the sweet potatoes....but what is the healthiest choice for meat here??

Thanks a million!

Edit: I should have mentioned I have about 900 calories left for the day.


  • recyclebella
    I don't know what your eating plan is, but if it were me, I would choose the half chicken as my meat and remove the skin (which has most of the fat & calories). You can just eat as much of it as will fit in your plan and take the rest home, if needed. I would get either the corn or baked potato (skip the butter & cheese, of course) and just have a bite of cornbread, unless I had planned ahead and saved up my calories for it. But most importantly, have a good time! It's awesome of your husband to take you out to dinner. Yay for date night!
  • ShastaAngel
    I would go with either chicken or the pulled pork. I went out last weekend and had pulled pork, only ate half of it and stayed well within my limits. I personally would order the jalapeno cucumber relish to go with the pork... but that's just me... I am a hot pepper fanatic!
    Have a wonderful time with the hubby. It has been a long time since my hubby and I had a date night. I am jealous!!!! LOL
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I would also chose the 1/2 natural chicken and avoid the skin and eat just the chicken breast (save the dark meat for smaller portions such as add to a salad, etc). I'd go ahead and enjoy the sides you want but schedule an extra workout this week. You have to enjoy eating or you will not stick to the changes you've made. One night out will not derail you, in fact many claim when you vary your calorie intake like this you confuse your body and avoid platues.

  • hollymires
    hollymires Posts: 117
    There are 180 calories in the ****'s BBQ Turkey, 6 oz..
    There are 396 calories in the ****'s BBQ Chicken, 6 oz..
    There are 540 calories in the ****'s BBQ Sausage, 6 oz..

    I know this is from a different restaurant...but just so you have an idea! I was amazed at the difference between chicken and turkey!!!