Need more support please

Hello people. My name is Vince. I been on here for a couple months now and was doing pretty good with logging in my foods.
But I've been feeling down in the dumps lately and have fallen a bit off track.

Basically, I just need more friends to help motivate me and inspire ;)

so I will be accepting all friend request!!




  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    16 lbs lost--way to go! Hang in there!
  • hollymires
    hollymires Posts: 117
    16 pounds is GREAT!!!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Hi Vince!!:drinker:
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    Oh wow, overwhelming response. Thanks guys, I very much appreciate the comments and support
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    It's really tough to stay disciplined sometimes, and I hate when I stop steering the car for awhile and undo my hard work. But you've done great--16 pounds is really a lot, and you don't want to let that slip away. Good luck finding your motivation again! I find that continuing to log helps so much, even if I am logging embarrassing crap foods and too many calories. It's easy to get too far off track if it's not there in black and white. I wish you well!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hi Vince .... 1st of all congrats on your 16 pound loss .... 2nd of all you can do this .... take one day at a time ... for me when i 1st started i started with 1 task at a time ... which was logging my food in ... then i added excercise .... DONT GIVE UP .. you can do it ...good luck
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Sorry you feel down......try and get back on track

    Congrats on your success so far

    Feel free to add me

    You can do this......
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    It's really tough to stay disciplined sometimes, and I hate when I stop steering the car for awhile and undo my hard work. But you've done great--16 pounds is really a lot, and you don't want to let that slip away. Good luck finding your motivation again! I find that continuing to log helps so much, even if I am logging embarrassing crap foods and too many calories. It's easy to get too far off track if it's not there in black and white. I wish you well!

    Amazingly, the food part is kinda the easy part. It's the exercise that I have trouble with. I dont know what it is, I got through cycles where all I want to do is workout and then all I want to do is sit around.

    I lost most of those 16 pounds by consuming 1800 calories daily eating 5-6 times a day. Yes, I worked out during, but counting calories and eating clean is pretty much how I dropped 1.5 pounds a week ( I started March 1st )

    Feeling down in the dumps for the past week (personal) and that sadness, drama, frustration takes a toll on your happy. I havent been eating enough and feel myself starting to get detached from using this great site.

    I like this site. People are for the most part friendly and leave their egos at the keyboard. And this is the first time that I've put myself out there to find some fsupport on here so I really appreciate the response
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Hey Vince, sorry you're feeling down but it will happen to all of us at some point. For me it was around my 12 lbs lost mark; there were two days that week where I went over by 500. Come day three though, I felt better and back on track and, because of the extra food I'd eaten the two days before, I wasn't really hungry and ended up being 800 under, for a net overage of only 200 and I still managed to lose .8 lbs. So sometimes it's just your body telling you its needs something so it's just a matter of slowing down and listening. You can friend me if you want. Good luck!
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    Hi Vince .... 1st of all congrats on your 16 pound loss .... 2nd of all you can do this .... take one day at a time ... for me when i 1st started i started with 1 task at a time ... which was logging my food in ... then i added excercise .... DONT GIVE UP .. you can do it ...good luck

    Wow Megan, 67 pounds lost? Tha's fantastic. And you are smoke free to huh? Thats awesome. You know what? When I get stressed out, I turn to smoking. And I have been smoking a lot these past few days. In general, when I'm feeling good about myself and all pistons are reving, I never touch them. But as a recovering smoker, yea.. I fall back down every now and then during these "down in the dumps" days
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    Hey Vince, sorry you're feeling down but it will happen to all of us at some point. For me it was around my 12 lbs lost mark; there were two days that week where I went over by 500. Come day three though, I felt better and back on track and, because of the extra food I'd eaten the two days before, I wasn't really hungry and ended up being 800 under, for a net overage of only 200 and I still managed to lose .8 lbs. So sometimes it's just your body telling you its needs something so it's just a matter of slowing down and listening. You can friend me if you want. Good luck!

    haha, isnt it amazing how counting calories works? It makes things so easy because when you get to know the foods your eating, you know if you're gonna be over or not.

    I will definitely friend you, thanks
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    It's really tough to stay disciplined sometimes, and I hate when I stop steering the car for awhile and undo my hard work. But you've done great--16 pounds is really a lot, and you don't want to let that slip away. Good luck finding your motivation again! I find that continuing to log helps so much, even if I am logging embarrassing crap foods and too many calories. It's easy to get too far off track if it's not there in black and white. I wish you well!

    Amazingly, the food part is kinda the easy part. It's the exercise that I have trouble with. I dont know what it is, I got through cycles where all I want to do is workout and then all I want to do is sit around.

    I lost most of those 16 pounds by consuming 1800 calories daily eating 5-6 times a day. Yes, I worked out during, but counting calories and eating clean is pretty much how I dropped 1.5 pounds a week ( I started March 1st )

    Feeling down in the dumps for the past week (personal) and that sadness, drama, frustration takes a toll on your happy. I havent been eating enough and feel myself starting to get detached from using this great site.

    I like this site. People are for the most part friendly and leave their egos at the keyboard. And this is the first time that I've put myself out there to find some fsupport on here so I really appreciate the response

    Funny how things come your way sometimes!!! I was just looking at the message boards thinking I was going to start a new thread for help for myself.!!! I feel the exact same way you do right now. I have been on such a high because of my weight loss and then suddenly these past few days, all I can think about is eating everything and I haven't really exercised in about 2 weeks either. Sure I have gone for a walk now and then but not enough to loose the weight I need to loose. I have been beating myself up and feeling really bad because I feel like my success is slipping away and I don't know how to get my groove back, sort to speak...... ;-) All I can keep telling myself is "don't give up" and " a few days of bad eating is not going to ruin everything". I am trying to tell myself that I can't be perfect all the time and that during this long jouney that is ahead of me, I will make mistakes. As long as I don't let those mistakes control me, I will succeed.

    You will succeed also Vince, because you want to!!! WE CAN DO THIS!! It won't be easy but we can!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!!

    Keep up the great work and never look back!!!

    Julie :flowerforyou:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Hey Vince

    sometimes a post just speaks to you, you know? It's late afternoon and I was just thinking, "man, am I struggling today." It's a bit frustrating because i've done well since i started logging a month ago, and i have the urge to eat everything right now.

    You've done amazingly well since starting and I know how it is when the personal stuff starts interfering with the weight loss effort. Take one day at a time and come here for support.

    I've added you as a friend too. You can never have enough support!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    16 lbs!! No small accomplishment. :flowerforyou:
    It's OK to feel down when things go bad. I work in a children's hospital and can you imagine that people often tell the kids to not cry. They mean well though. Probably this thing for you won't be that way for a long time.
    Maybe you could change some things up a bit; see an old friend, pick up an old hobby or activity you used to like, go somewhere new. It's also nice to remember the people who have helped you in life and make a point of thanking them for their benefits to you.
    We are here for you in a small way :flowerforyou:
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member

    I know what you mean. I am actually back on this site after several months away. I was doing quite well then I got busy at home and work and quit logging in. I lost a little more while I was away but not losing enough. Getting a group together and/or making a connection with even just one person can be especially motivating. Find little things to work on each day or week. I will send a friend request!
  • MiniRose2B
    MiniRose2B Posts: 53
    Hello Vince, I agree friends do make a positive difference, I posted a call for friends yesterday and got a good response, however you were loaded in just a few min's, Wow, It must be your masculine charm! There is a lot of hungry wolves.. I mean women on here... lol Anyway we need more guys like you to even things out. You got my support! Good Luck!
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    16 lbs!! No small accomplishment. :flowerforyou:
    It's OK to feel down when things go bad. I work in a children's hospital and can you imagine that people often tell the kids to not cry. They mean well though. Probably this thing for you won't be that way for a long time.
    Maybe you could change some things up a bit; see an old friend, pick up an old hobby or activity you used to like, go somewhere new. It's also nice to remember the people who have helped you in life and make a point of thanking them for their benefits to you.
    We are here for you in a small way :flowerforyou:

    Thank you. You are so right. I need to be doing more to keep my head busy. But it seems that I have to be ready to do it. Part of me wants to bury my head and continue to feel the way I do. And the warrior side wants to break free of it right now. And I'm stuck in the middle with uncertainty

    ehh.. it will pass. I'm already feeling better cuz of everyone who replied. Thank you
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52

    I know what you mean. I am actually back on this site after several months away. I was doing quite well then I got busy at home and work and quit logging in. I lost a little more while I was away but not losing enough. Getting a group together and/or making a connection with even just one person can be especially motivating. Find little things to work on each day or week. I will send a friend request!

    Yes! Like someone who I can play tennis with!! Why are they so hard to find??
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Really tennis? You don't strike me as the tennis type?!
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    Really tennis? You don't strike me as the tennis type?!

    No kidding? lol, I love Tennis and an awesome way to burn calories