Another TDEE question....

24 Male. 214#

So MFP tells me I need to eat around 1700 calories a day to get down to my goal wait of 190#. I did that scooby calculator thing and it says for 20% calorie reduction I need at a minimum of 2626. Plus, on that site my BMR is 2118. So basically my question is where should I be calorie wise? I've been floating around 1900-2000, but should I be eating more? I've lost about 7# in a week thus far, but I know that the majority of it is water. Take a look at my diary to get an idea of what I've been eating. Thanks for any help.


  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    Are you hungry?
    don't eat any more - your losing wieght - whats the problem?
  • DomFruch02
    I want to make sure I'm being healthy about it. If my BMR is 2100 and MFP has me at 1700 to lose weight. There seems to be a big difference if you ask me.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    1700 does seem possibly a little low for a male of your size, have you looked at the in place of a road map thread?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    MFP's suggested goal is 1700 NET, right? Are you logging your exercise and eating those calories earned? I'd guess that would bring you closer to scooby's estimate.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    MFP expects you to eat back your calories: how much are you burning a day?
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    24 Male. 214#

    So MFP tells me I need to eat around 1700 calories a day to get down to my goal wait of 190#. I did that scooby calculator thing and it says for 20% calorie reduction I need at a minimum of 2626. Plus, on that site my BMR is 2118. So basically my question is where should I be calorie wise? I've been floating around 1900-2000, but should I be eating more? I've lost about 7# in a week thus far, but I know that the majority of it is water. Take a look at my diary to get an idea of what I've been eating. Thanks for any help.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Two ways to figure TDEE. One, you figure your lifestyle only, ie. sedentary, lightly active etc. Two, you figure lifestyle PLUS exercise together. If you figure lifestyle only, eat back your above lifestyle exercise calories. If you figure it the second way, you would eat between your TDEE and BMR. Assuming those numbers are correct, 2200-2300 per day.
  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    You said you were eating close to your BMR anyway.. which should be fine especially if you are losing weight and not feeling like you want to keel over and die. MFP had me at 1200 and my BMR is 1630. I only eat close to 1600 on the days I workout - close to 1200 if I don't. I haven't lost a whole lot of weight yet, about a lb a week, but I also am not starving all day. I wouldn't get so hung up on the numbers unless you find you are not getting results.
  • DomFruch02
    MFP's suggested goal is 1700 NET, right? Are you logging your exercise and eating those calories earned? I'd guess that would bring you closer to scooby's estimate.

    Yea I eat those calories back, but it still has me around my BMR. I'm wondering if I should stick around my BMR calorie intake, or up to my 20% calroies reduction. I it safe to continue to eat at BMR, or no? ...and yes I feel fine.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    So MFP tells me I need to eat around 1700 calories a day to get down to my goal wait of 190#.

    MFP sets your calories depending on how many lbs a week you aim to lose - did you enter 1lb a week or more?
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    You wont "keel over" if you eat less than BMR. But its not a healthy way to go about it and you will eventually plateau. Reason is your metabolism will slow down to accommodate the lower amount of calories. This is not good long term. Now before someone jumps me, eating less than BMR occasionally is not a big deal, doing it every day is.