
sayuri1 Posts: 111
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been trying for the last two months to work out but something always comes up. I wanted advice from
others in similar situations. I have to wake up at 6am to go to work. I get off work at 7pm. I cook a healthy meal
once I get home. As you can see I get off work really really late so I'm pretty much wiped out. At 10pm I'm already asleep.
My question is should I go home and work out for an hour and skip dinner altogether? I feel like I don't have enough
time. =(


  • ARJacobson
    ARJacobson Posts: 11
    If it was me I would not skip dinner. It would be too long of a time from your last meal at night to the first meal in the morning. I do have similar problems though. I don't work late but after being at home with my children all day I am wiped out. I have been having a difficult time finding time to exercise. An idea you might think about is having a meal that you could heat up in the microwave, like a healthy choice or lean cuisine, and that will save you the time of cooking. It might free you up some time to exercise.
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    It seems like there isn't enough hours in the day, huh?!

    I have a crazy busy schedule, too. I'm not a morning person, so getting up early isn't an option and by the time the day is over; I'm done!

    How about your lunch time? I have an hour lunch (give or take 15 min :bigsmile: ) and I either run or go to the nearby gym. I also eat my food at my desk since I spent my lunch hour exercising!

    You must take time for yourself! Make working out a priority...!
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    I wouldn't skip your meal. I would take advantage of any break times you get at work. If you get them but don't take them, maybe start. I started working out by using my 2 15 minute breaks. Start with 1 minute of jumping jacks (find a hallway people don't walk very often, and no one will know what you are up to) Then do some walking lunges or just power walk. You'll raise your heart rate and you won't get too sweaty. If you can do that twice a shift that's 30 minutes of cardio a day. If you can add one more session before or after work then you get 45 minutes a day. It adds up, burns calories and helps get your heart in good shape. Knee ups are a great exercise too!
    Make sure you eat and get your rest both of those things are just as important as calorie counting and exercise.
    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Don't skip your meal you need it to reboost your system and to stay healthy. (ARJacobson had a good idea for quick meals) I leave for work at 7.30am and don't get home till 7pm or later. As soon as l get home l now do 20 min work out doing the 30 day shred (by Jillian Michaels) its a complete work out. I then have my meal. I find after doing the work out l am buggered but l feel more energized. If you can't do it everyday try for at least 2 days during the week for a short work out and then make the time to go for an hour walk each day on the weekend. Remember your work outs dont have to be an hour 1/2 an hour a day is better then none. Hope this helps.:smile:
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    I would also recommend doing something during your lunch. I work at 7am (which means waking up at 5:30am) and I only have a 30 minute lunch break and I've got 2 small kids that I pick up from school/daycare everyday. I jog during my lunch break - thankfully I work in a casual environment that doesn't care if I'm a little stinky in the afternoons! And I eat lunch at my desk while I work. I'm also fortunate that my kids' daycare has a great workout facility. So before I pick them up, I do another 30 minutes on the elliptical before I pick them up. That's the only way I'm ale to get in enough exercise.

    If you have the desire, then you need to make it a priority and schedule it, just like you would a doctor appointment or something. Once you get into the routine, it gets much easier. And ditto to everyone else who said don't skip a meal!
  • mrsESP
    mrsESP Posts: 2
    I hear ya. I'm busy at work until I'm busy at home then I hate to do cardio & mess up a good night's sleep. Weight training is easier to slip in. You can even just use your own body weight. Whenever you think of it, hold your tummy in especially if you have to drive a lot. Straightening your arms & squeezing them behind you with or without weights or soup cans with tame any tricept wiggling. Push ups or backward ones on counters or the floor work your shoulders. Twists work your waist. I'm a preschool teacher so I do the twist to most of our songs. I can't remember what dancers call them but....turn both feet out & squeeze your calves as you go up on your toes. You can also use stairs or steps to work or stretch the calves. Spread them and go down to work the thighs. Leg lifts in each direction with or without ankle weights including a sideways motion for the inner thigh work well. The thigh muscles are the biggest in the body...the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism. So fit in whichever whenever and concentrate on the legs. If you get bored, think of your muscles from head to toe. Remember that heavy work can be cardio including housecleaning and yard work. Don't give up just because you can fit a full workout in. Some is always better than none. Good luck!
  • kathp
    kathp Posts: 2 Member
    When I worked, I had an hour for lunch. I'd walk for a half-hour and then eat my lunch for a half-hour. It worked out perfectly. Just a suggestion if you have enough time on your lunch hour. Of course, I was training for a half-marathon then and made myself do it.
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