What is your ultimate motivator?



  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    The man in the mirror.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • 3nchantress
    My children. I want to see them grow up. A couple of months ago I realized that I don't see any fat 80 year old people around. So, if there's any chance of me living that long and seeing my children grow up then I had better do something about it.

    Aside from that, I hate not being able to do the things I want. For example, running - really, really miss it but have to lose weight to do it without hurting myself any more than I already have.
  • Coach_T
    Coach_T Posts: 462 Member
    Gaining self confidence in my body and sex appeal
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My fiance. We found out that he may only have a few years to live because of his MD, and I want him to see me at the best I can be before he passes.

    And to look freaking sexy for myself, too!
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    my future career in Law Enforcement(future Federal Marshal baby!! )
  • agbrown7
    agbrown7 Posts: 1
    I have 2: 1. Looking at myself naked in the mirror - I'm not even close to where I want to be. 2. Working out. I feel SO good after a good workout. I'm proud of myself and I know I'm doing something good for my body and mind.
  • RiotxRiot
    RiotxRiot Posts: 14
    The ability to run away from Zombies/Zoombies and so I can wear sexier clothes. But mostly the Zombie thing. Being ripped and ultrafit could only come in handy if the world ends.
  • JediMomof3
    JediMomof3 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I was thinking about this today. I can't wait until my thighs don't rub together! That's what pushed me on my C25K today but playing with my kids more, not feeling worn out or short of breath. Being able to fit back in my Wranglers again and being able to ride my horse without feeling guilty about being heavy (once she actually sagged when I got on!)! That's the ones for now. I am sure I'll find others!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member

    Best flowchart ever.
    The ability to run away from Zombies/Zoombies and so I can wear sexier clothes. But mostly the Zombie thing. Being ripped and ultrafit could only come in handy if the world ends.

    When you run out of boomstick shells and slugs... well the ability to just run... I would think helps!
  • somehotchick
    somehotchick Posts: 3 Member
    Being sore the next day, for some reason it makes me want to work out more so I pick out a Victoria Secret bathing suit and hang it (or picture of it) where I see it everyday, by the mirror! Also to look hott naked and not just in clothes!
  • RiotxRiot
    RiotxRiot Posts: 14
    When you run out of boomstick shells and slugs... well the ability to just run... I would think helps!

    Right? NO ONE in the Zombie Apocalypse is gonna be like: "Oh man, I seriously regret being able to run super fast now because I got in shape." But everyone whose fit will be like "PHEW, thank God that guy's still a fatty and I'm not."

    If I had a fitness flowchart it would say: Can you run from Zombies
    > No.
    > FIX THAT
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Because it is a constant reminder of my failed marriage. I have always struggled with depression but getting married to the wrong woman put that into overdrive. I just kept eating and eating. So my motivation is to get rid of all this crap and move on.

    Also I cannot stand looking in the mirror. I grew up with a 6 pack and had it up until my wedding day. Then it all went to hell. I hate fat with a passion it grosses me out. I will be a much happier person.when I get down to a healthy body weight again and don't have to look like that.

    Went in with a six pack and came out looking like Homer Simpson.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    My workout buddy usually. When I don't feel like doing it, she makes me. When she doesn't feel like doing it, I make her. We don't usually get unmotivated at the same time, but when we do, we still seem to push each other to do it.
  • grabenson7
    one to know i have lost that weight and to keep it of and for people to know that, and two to feel good about my body and me if you what i mean.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Mine is the feeling of accomplishment.

    I have an idea of what I want to look like and push through the pain (the good pain!) and keep going. (WRT pain, I recognise the bad pain which means I need to rest or stop whatever I'm doing.)
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Fashion and looking good naked
  • WeightWatcherCindy
    My health . I was recently diagnosed pre diabetic . I'll be damned if I'm going to become full blown diabetic if I can help it .
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    Being able to look at myself and see greatness.
  • shellykzoo
    shellykzoo Posts: 21 Member
    Remembering where I was and how unhealthy I felt.