Needing some advice

Hey Everyone,

I was wondering if I could get some advice from you all. Since I've got back on the band wagon to try and lose weight last week, I've noticed this week I haven't been feeling hungry at all, in which I know some days I haven't eaten all of my calorie intake. My mum says you need to eat these all otherwise you won't lose the weight, So I have been struggling. I have also gained a pound too. My calorie intake on here is 1370. I am 5'7 and currently weight 213lb. Has anyone else struggled with this?

Hayley x


  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    I've had that; some days its not enough and I have to be careful to limit myself, others I'm battling to fill the cals as I'm just not hungry! You'll probably have a few veterans on here that can post more/better ideas than mine lol. But maybe try out a new recipe? Might get you interested and excited for your lunch/dinner and the process of prep and cooking and the nice smells might make you hungry. ;) if I know I'm cooking something different/special I get more excited about eating it. I guess as well if you can't eat many cals on a particular day, don't overdo it with heavy cardio! But that's pretty obvious ;) best of luck!

    Ooh edit; and try working things like nuts into your meals or snack on them throughout the day; they're great to fill the cals and good protein :)
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    When I first started off here I wasn't eating my exercise calories back, and like you, it was because I didn't feel hungry enough. I lost 10 pounds in the first three weeks and then it just stopped, and I even put 4 back on.

    Then I checked the boards on here and decided to eat those exercise calories back. The first day I did it, I didn't feel hungry enough - until I cooked the food! At that moment it was like a switch was flipped and I had no problem eating it. Since eating the calories back I've had steady weight loss, and I never feel like I'm starving myself.
  • Markwells01
    Hayley - I took a look at your food & excercise dairy and to be frank it is no surprise you are struggling.

    Firstly just look at the amount of sugar you are consuming....Mar bars, Breakfast bars, sweets, Matlteasers, Crisps and a lot of processed food....though your calorie intake might be at or near to target your body is constantly being refuelled with sugar hits which will be turned in to fat if not burnt. I am no expert but I know sugar is very bad for us in so many ways.

    Secondly....there is little evidence of any serious amount of exercise?...are you doing some but not logging it or just not doing any?

    Obviously I do not know you but are you sure you are being really honest with yourself? are you logging everything you eat & drink? It is hard I know but until you are you will continue to Yo Yo in the way you describe.

    Advice...stop the junk food treats and processed food...fill up properly with good stuff....then go do some exercise.
  • Hra391
    Hra391 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for your input everyone. I shall take it all on board. (: I'm sure can help me out!

    As you can see from my diary, I am over my sugar intake, but for me it is better than normal as I was eating a lot more sugary foods and fizzy drinks. Cutting back slowly. I will keep an eye on it though. Also exercise, I have only been walking for the moment, and currently looking at fitness classes that'll suit me.

    Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate it. x