Runners ONLY....



  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    30 pounds! But I also do some strength training as well.

    Wow...well done. I am starting to think I should add in some form of strength training too but I thought it would be best to loose the weight first then tone up? Any thoughts on this?.
  • diddylove
    diddylove Posts: 30
    I have never like Running, and detest it totally. I always bought the prettiest apparel, dressed up neatly, went to the park and can't even run for more than 5 mins!

    However things changed! I started running on Nov 2012, and begin to love it. Stamina improved, and most importantly that I lose those fats.

    I have just enrolled a Women 5km Marathon (coming next week) and 10km marathon (coming this may).

    I AM LOVING IT! Woohoo....
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I lost 20 lbs between running and healthier diet. I'm plateaued right now but that's more because I've gotten sloppy with my food choices lately. I've started doing some cross training recently, so I'm hoping that will break the cycle of no weight loss.
  • AQ3107
    AQ3107 Posts: 81 Member
    I am not sure whether I have lost or gained weight with running. I have been running since high school. I am now 30 years old.
    I fit in the same clothes I had back then so I guess am still the same weight. I don't own a scale. But I am a UK size 0/6.
    What I can say is running for so long has given me a fantastically toned and lean body. Running has given me a lot of confidence, kept me looking young ( I look like am still 16 ), and makes me feel invincible hehe
    But seriously I run because running has never RUN me down.

    I know a lot of people take up running initially to lose weight but once you get past that point of wanting to lose weight and

    wake up one day - itching to run/ you breathe running/you dream of running/you cannot wait to tie your laces and run out of your door regardless of the weather/your mood/your weight/what's going on in your life etc etc - that's the day you will know that running is simply more than a weight loss tool.
    I wish you all the best. Enjoy the freedom that running brings.
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    I have never like Running, and detest it totally. I always bought the prettiest apparel, dressed up neatly, went to the park and can't even run for more than 5 mins!

    However things changed! I started running on Nov 2012, and begin to love it. Stamina improved, and most importantly that I lose those fats.

    I have just enrolled a Women 5km Marathon (coming next week) and 10km marathon (coming this may).

    I AM LOVING IT! Woohoo....

    I would love to do a 5k Marathon at some point. I can see this as being a goal I work towards...but right now I am just running for the love of it and to shed pounds! Oh and all the health benefits that comes with it too. Good luck to you.
  • Ender126
    Ender126 Posts: 44
    I've lost 40 lbs pretty much from running. I started around May of last year. I went from 29% body fat to about 18/19% body fat as well. In my opinion running increases your overall health IE: Heart, Abs, Legs, ECT. I can do things now that I never could have before getting on my running program. I went from having issues running 2 miles to breezing thru 7-8 miles a day 3 days a week. I will add that I also do push-ups and "Navy" sit-ups every night to increase my Physical Readiness Test (PRT) score. While running won't give me 6 pack abs, it is a GREAT enabler for future endeavors!!!
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    about 5 lbs...but I would have lost more if I strength trained. That's what I'm working on now. Cardio in the form of running, zuma and HIIT along with weightlifting. :)
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    i started running about 17 years ago after my 1st son. It's how I was able to lose all the extra weight after all 3 kiddos. So, roughly i lost 20lbs each time. I still run but I combine it with various workouts to work different muscles. I think it's good to shock your body. And, of course, better food choices. You cant run 10 miles and treat yourself to a big greasy hamburger after. ok, maybe sometimes!

    good luck!
  • Add me in as another runner who did not lose any weight. I spent four months (Sept-Dec) logging and faithfully maintaining a 1200 net calorie amount. As for macros, I kept my protein on the high end and my carbs on the low end. Best part, I could train (and lift) hard. I got a PR in my half marathon by 10 minutes. But I didn't lose a single pound and I did need to lose some weight.

    So I switched to a low carb diet, scaled back my cardio to a more interval type, and kept lifting. My cardio has suffered a bit and eventually I had to reduce weight in my lifting. But I have lost 10 pounds since Jan 1. The program I am on allows reintroduction of carbs at eight weeks (very structured, select types, and with gram limits) -- so that is where I am almost. I really hope to keep losing at this new stage but gain back my strength -- it's all a balancing act.

    Don't know if I'll go back to running once I'm closer to my goal weight -- we'll see. In my experience, it was tough on my knees but I am hoping with the weight loss it will impact my joints less. Good luck finding your own balancing act.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    My SW was 153, I lost some and fell off the wagon. When I got back on MFP I was at 140 the first week of January. I've been doing C25K since then, and I'm currently at 130. 10 pounds in 7 weeks seems decent to me! I'm at the gym 6 days a week, and on the days I'm not running I'm on the elliptical.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I lost weight by changing my diet and consumption. I got fit and lost sizes with running and strength training. Running is what I love most, but I cross train in many ways and strength train. I gain weight every time I marathon train.
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    My SW was 153, I lost some and fell off the wagon. When I got back on MFP I was at 140 the first week of January. I've been doing C25K since then, and I'm currently at 130. 10 pounds in 7 weeks seems decent to me! I'm at the gym 6 days a week, and on the days I'm not running I'm on the elliptical.

    Great job! thanks for sharing :)
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I was about 12 pounds above my original goal weight when I began the C25K program and the pounds were still coming off fairly easily when I reached it, so I lost an additional 12 pounds. That was with a calorie deficit, of course.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Honestly I do not know if there is anything more effective for cardio exercise than running. You can burn over 800 calories just running at a moderate pace for an hour. It is my MAIN form of cardio exercise, and I have lost about 60 pounds.

    Plyometrics and jumping rope....and it's not even close.
  • donna123smile
    donna123smile Posts: 24 Member
    Since starting in November, I'm down about 20 lbs. This has greatly helped me with stress!! I feel relieved and clear headed after a run...wish I discovered the runner in me years ago! I can do a 5k in 31 for 10k now!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I lost 70 lbs just doing cardio. Added strength training and lost almost 10 more lbs (so far).
  • cayadear
    cayadear Posts: 79 Member

    Add strength/lifting, and your legs start looking amazing, too. :)
  • janalear
    janalear Posts: 1 Member
    I've only been running (jogging) for 6 weeks and I've lost 6 pounds. I've also been counting my calories and I Zumba once a week. Although I've only lost 6 pounds (10 more to go to reach my goal weight), I lost 21% of my body fat (went from 36% to 29%) in these six weeks. To me that says a lot more than just losing pounds. I always loved the idea of running but could never do it. I downloaded the C25K program on my phone and it has helped me so much!! I would recommend the program to anyone who wants to start running. Keep up the good work! :smile:
  • bcrivers14
    bcrivers14 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a life long runner, been running on a regular basis for 25 years. In my 25 years, I have ran several marathons, ran in local events, and continue to run at least 5 times a week for about 40 minutes each run. It is a great way to clear the mind and relieve stress. In my two decades of running, I never noticed any weight loss. During this time I actually gained 20 lbs (10lb per decade).

    My weight loss began when i logged into myfitnesspal and began to keep track of my calories. In the four months since I have joined, I have lost 15 lbs. I noticed I have more energy on my daily runs. Running is a great way to stay in shape, but I wouldn't use it for weight loss purposes, for that I think monitoring your diet is more important.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I've lost 10.6 lbs since January 17th with running as my main form of exercise.

    I'm training for my first 10k and run 3x/week. I cross-train 3x/week, alternating between things like Pilates, strength training, swimming, and spinning.
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