new and looking for friends

toxic17 Posts: 10 Member
hello beautifuls,my name is Veronica and its my second day on this site and im loving it so far. Everyone is so nice and supportive and thats what i need. Im 22 years old and ive been struggling with my weight for over 7 year. i use to weight 415 pounds and im down to 386 i tried so many weight lose program and failed, til now.. im very proud of myself and i would love to share my tips to those who are struggling with weight too. If anybody needs a support buddy im here. have a nice day and God bless... STAY BEAUTIFUL <3


  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    Hi Veronica - welcome. I am new myself and today is my second day on here as well. I love this tool. It keeps me focused on every piece of food that enters my body. I have been at my weight steadily for 12 years now. I need to lose 50 lbs and it seems as though I can't do it! I do need to incorporate my ChaLean workout in soon. However, on the flip side, I've only been watching my food intake for 4 days now... yes, I am someone who wants to see immediate results. But since I have this tool, I will be able to stick to it! Good luck and I'm very proud of your success !! :smile:
  • piperloritudhope
    piperloritudhope Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Meee Tooo :flowerforyou: I will be your friend. I just started, and would love to have some you can do it, Buddies... I am going to go get off my tush, and do some Yoga that I will just be starting today. Wish me luck:happy:
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    Welcome! This site is awesome and everyone is very friendly. Congrats on your weight loss and keep up the good work!!
  • toxic17
    toxic17 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you so much and losing weight takes time and time flys... Good luck
  • toxic17
    toxic17 Posts: 10 Member
    thank you and good luck!
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss journey! Feel free to add me. Same goes for anyone else. I've been trying to log onto this daily and posting as much as I can. I feel it helps to have a support group to cheer you on. The more the merrier if you ask me
  • Hi, you can add me too! I'm also 22 and struggling a bit with losing weight but this website is so helpful! Good luck to all of you on your weight loss/fitness!
  • FitToBeKim
    FitToBeKim Posts: 85 Member
    I've only been on this site a short while but I absolutely love it and I downloaded the App for my cell so I could log my food when I am away from home. I would love to be your cheer buddy ! We all need support ! Just add me :) and a big congrats on your weight lose !! Woo Hoo !!
  • ksrek
    ksrek Posts: 4
    Hi Veronica, my name is Tracy and I just joined this site today. I am looking for a friend/pen pal to talk too while working through this weight loss. Seems when I write or type things down, I tend to do better. I have been through every weight loss plan there is including the Lap Band Procedure. If anything, I have gained weight. I too am at 387.00lbs as of this morning. I am gonna try and write/type down what I eat each day and when I am tempted to eat, I am gonna get on her and blog to whomever will listen to help. May talk in riddles(ha ha), but if it helps then I am gonna do it. :smile:
  • MrsHoback
    MrsHoback Posts: 32
    Welcome to MFP! Congrats on your weight loss so far. That is awesome! Please feel free to add me. I try to log in daily and comment as much as possible. I have lost 45 pounds so far and have another 10 to go! Rock on lady!
  • SunOfMan
    SunOfMan Posts: 67 Member

    Hope you enjoy your stay and that you achieve everything you are aiming for.

    Anyone can add me, I'm here every day!
  • toxic17
    toxic17 Posts: 10 Member
    thank you all and Good luck with your weight lost journey!!!
  • krayne07
    krayne07 Posts: 1
    Hey Im new here too, just trying to lose 15 lbs and tone up my underlying muscle have already lost 35, anyone can add me and I will help support weight loss goals as much as i can
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Hi Veronica! Please add me as one of your friends. I understand your struggle for I have over a 100lbs to lose and have been overweight most of my life. I have tried just about every diet out there and none of worked (at least not for long). I finally realized I need to change my ways, so here I am.
  • Looking for friends to keep me motivated.