post-menopausal and on cancer drug...HELP!!!

Any post-menopausal women out there?? I was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer almost 6 years ago....and cancer free now but am still taking maintenance cancer drug. My flab and fat just does not want to leave....what can I do differently to get my metabolism moving so I can say buhbye to 50 extra pounds??? I am eating well and exercising....although I admittedly could be doing more in the exercise department...


  • Klberry06
    Klberry06 Posts: 1 Member
    Are you on any meds for being post-menopausal? I too had cancer and am now post-menopausal, I noticed that when I stopped taking my meds that it was harder to keep off weight and my dr said that your body stores fat when trying to regulate hormones because it will then go back and use that fat to fix hormone imbalances.... i didn't want to be on hormone therapy so I am taking a low dose effexor which has worked wonders! No more hot flashes and I am able to control my weight with diet and exercise :)
  • bakerbecky4733
    bakerbecky4733 Posts: 26 Member
    my cancer was estrogen positive so I am taking a drug that keeps the estrogen at bay....I am taking effexor for hot flashes....oh, so bad....I will not let this get me down....if I am doing everything right, my body is going to have to let go of flab at some point, right??
  • lisamarieayotte
    lisamarieayotte Posts: 8 Member
    While I am not post-menopausal, I am taking Tamoxifen (so I have menopausal symptoms) and have been struggling with 40 pounds of weight gain for the past 7.5 years. Gained the 40 lbs within 8 months of starting the drug. With cancer treatments long behind me, the weight gain has been my biggest struggle since having had cancer. I hear ya!
  • stephaniep12345mfp
    stephaniep12345mfp Posts: 116 Member
    First and foremost, congratulations on beating IBC! That is one scary beast, and you are a tough cookie for tackling it head on and winning. I had triple negative breast cancer so there are no maintenance drugs to help post-treatment. I tested positive for a BRCA2 genetic mutation, so I had an oopherectomy and have been post-menopausal for 6 years. It sucks!!! Hot flashes, weight gain, weight shifting and all the other stuff that is for a completely different forum...I've got it all.

    I have found that it's getting more difficult simply to maintain my current weight, and I've been trying to focus on adjusting my expectations that I will ever fit in my smaller jeans again. My goal is morphing into one of not having to buy the next size up. I wish there was some sort of magic that could change it, but so far I haven't found it. But at least we have each other to fight the good fight!

    Feel free to friend me... :flowerforyou:
  • nlsthompson
    nlsthompson Posts: 4 Member
    My sister was diagnosed with stage 2 ductile carcinoma about 4 years ago. she had gained about 30lbs and was extremely stressed during that period leading up to the diagnosis. She had a double mastectomy, reconstruction and eventually implants. She was not allowed to diet or lose weight during chemo but as soon as she could she began the South Beach Diet and started walking 2 miles a day, fast paced in about 30 - 20 minutes, at least 5 times a week, no matter what. It was a tough, tough time for her but she buckled down and did it. Praying and meditating also helped her. She lost 20 lbs in about 8 months and continues to have to work at keeping it off as she is also on a anti cancer drug. It is a struggle and a fight and she has gained back 3 -5 lbs and then gets back to her walking and healthy eating and loses it. Her ultimate goal is to lose another 10 - 12 lbs but she is happy at keeping off the 20lbs she lost. Hang in there and just don't quit.