
Hi I am new to this site. I am not sure how to navigate around just yet but working on it. My goal is to lose 20 pounds. Just lost my first 9 since starting my new eating lifestyle. Gave up Pepsi and Pumpkin Latte's and started eating way cleaner. Any support would be nice. thanks!


  • taywee
    taywee Posts: 3 Member
    I am new also. Just started on Monday. I too am looking to lose 20lbs that I've let myself to put on in the last couple years. You can add me if you like.
  • WatchMeLose80
    Hello! I'm new to this site as well, and trying my best to eat healthier. I'm going to add you as a friend :)... Hope we can be good motivation buddies
  • aboure
    aboure Posts: 11
    Thank you ladies for letting me add you. I am trying to eat healthier. I am having to rethink everything that i have cooked in the past so any healthy recipes that taste great are welcomed.
    Have a faboulous day!