Anyone else have a fatty liver too???!!!!

LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been to see a doctor here in the Middle East about my PCOS.. when I went for my abdominal scan, the doctor taking the scan decided to do a full body scan and for the first time ever I was told that I have a fatty liver and that apparently it's very bad... The whole of my liver is covered in fat....... I was pretty shocked....
I know that I haven't always had the healthiest lifestyle and have yo yo'ed with my diet and I am overweight but for the last 15 yrs probably only a maximum of 3-4 stone overweight (42 - 56llbs)... In the last 12 months I've become heavier and am now the heaviest I've ever been but it's still a bit of a shock.... I've no idea how long it's been like this as no one has ever scanned my liver before!!

I wondered if anyone else has had this problem? I found a webpage about it that says it's very difficult to lose weight when you have a fatty liver (great! Like I don't already have enough problems losing weight with the PCOS.. let's throw this in too!!)
If you managed to lose weight with the fatty liver, was there any diet in particular you followed? Do you have any advice for me?

Maybe you have found out you have it too?...
Here is the page I found on the web... I think the last part of the page this doctor is trying to sell her products and I'm a bit cautious about that..... but the explanations about what the liver does and why it's hard to lose weight are interesting

Thanks! Lisa


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I don't have a fatty liver that I am aware of, and I did read the website you posted, thanks. There are natural ways to cleanse the liver to get rid of gallstones that will help your overall health. If you are interested, please PM me. ( I am not selling anything, I jsut don't want to get bashed for saying something that other people may not agree with.):flowerforyou:
  • Hi...I also have a fatty liver but the doctor told me it was no big deal. Said that most times its past on from family members. She never told me to do anything different or that I would have trouble losing weight...Hmmmm guess I am going to have to question her again. Thanks...
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I don't know much about it, but when preparing for weight loss surgery, they made me go on a very low carb, high protein diet to reduce the fat around the liver to make the stomach easily accessible during laparoscopic surgery. After my surgery, they told me that my liver looked good because it wasn't too fatty and surgery was successful.

    So eat seems that it gets better just by eating right and exercising just like losing fat anywhere else on the body, but I'm not a doctor.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Hi! I don't have a fatty liver, but my husband does. He also has very high blood pressure and he's only 29. His doctor didn't give him any instructions other than try to lose weight so he hasn't really taken it that seriously (although he is trying to exercise more and lose some weight). I never really thought of him as overweight because he's just a tall big guy with toned sexy legs, but I guess he is technically considered as overweight according to the charts. I will have to check out the site you posted. Thanks for the info.

    Hope you find the answers you are looking for and that your weight loss journey is a successful one!
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    I have a fatty liver as well, finding that out was probably the best thing that has happened to me, because it scared the crap out of me and forced me to take another look back at my life and see what I needed to change. My doctor also said that it wasn't that big of a deal and that many americans have a fatty liver, and that it wouldn't really affect my life at all - but I've had two members of my family die from liver disease (alcohol related though). That isn't something I ever want to have to go through, so I started immediately eating healthier, losing weight and working out.

    As far as your original question, I haven't found it hard to lose weight at all, once I had the focus to actually do it. I've had trouble in the past, but only because I wasn't focused enough to actually do it.
  • Hi. I had my gall baldder removed several years ago, and since then I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver. However, I was told by my Doctor that I could get that under control by changing my diet and that it would be easy to do. all i have to do is eat right and lose some of this weight and the Fatty Liver will heal itself.
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I have a fatty liver as well, finding that out was probably the best thing that has happened to me, because it scared the crap out of me and forced me to take another look back at my life and see what I needed to change. My doctor also said that it wasn't that big of a deal and that many americans have a fatty liver, and that it wouldn't really affect my life at all - but I've had two members of my family die from liver disease (alcohol related though). That isn't something I ever want to have to go through, so I started immediately eating healthier, losing weight and working out.

    As far as your original question, I haven't found it hard to lose weight at all, once I had the focus to actually do it. I've had trouble in the past, but only because I wasn't focused enough to actually do it.

    I have always struggled to lose weight because of my PCOS which means I gain very easily and find it twice as hard to lose weight than women without PCOS..... For yrs I have worked hard in the gym, eaten very healthily and then found I've only lost 2llbs over a 6 week period.... I then get disillusioned and wonder what the hard work is all for.... but even when I'm not really restricting my calories I still eat less than my friends without PCOS and they don't gain weight... and that's the double whammy of PCOS is that we have to eat a lot less calories than most people.. plus I've been told I have a slow metabolism.....

    I have been putting a lot of effort into my diet since I joined MFP over a week ago and have been to the gym 9 days out of 10 and you'd think I would have lost something.... but no! I've not lost a thing...
    Even though my ticker shows I have, I had actually put the wrong start weight in at the beginning and was trying to adjust it, so it shows I've lost...
    I've been more focused than I have ever been before and this time I haven't even lost the small amount I would have in the past...

    Did your doctor tell you about following a syndrome x diet?
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I don't have a fatty liver that I am aware of, and I did read the website you posted, thanks. There are natural ways to cleanse the liver to get rid of gallstones that will help your overall health. If you are interested, please PM me. ( I am not selling anything, I jsut don't want to get bashed for saying something that other people may not agree with.):flowerforyou:

    I will do! Thanks!
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi...I also have a fatty liver but the doctor told me it was no big deal. Said that most times its past on from family members. She never told me to do anything different or that I would have trouble losing weight...Hmmmm guess I am going to have to question her again. Thanks...

    Mine told me to just lose weight and that it was very bad as the whole thing on the scan was covered in white... and that was the extent of help I got!
    I'm going to try and see someone else! Good luck with yours and please let me know if you hear anything new.. and vice versa with me!
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I don't know much about it, but when preparing for weight loss surgery, they made me go on a very low carb, high protein diet to reduce the fat around the liver to make the stomach easily accessible during laparoscopic surgery. After my surgery, they told me that my liver looked good because it wasn't too fatty and surgery was successful.

    So eat seems that it gets better just by eating right and exercising just like losing fat anywhere else on the body, but I'm not a doctor.

    That's very interesting as when the doctor told me to lose weight for the fatty liver I asked her if I should stick to a low carb, high protein diet, she told me no!! I've always been a bit concerned about seeing doctors here in the Middle East as I wonder just how good they are!

    I was actually on the NHS list back in England to have a gastric bypass before I came here to the Middle East to work which means I then lost my place on the waiting list..... Even though I don't meet the normal weight for a Bariatric patient, they were going to do it because of my PCOS...
    If you don't mind me asking, how have you found having the surgery? I'm thinking of paying for it as I can't get back on the NHS list now I'm living out of the UK.....
    I was on the list for a gastric bypass rather than a band as the surgeon I was assigned to preferred to do gastric bypass as he felt there were too many problems with bands slipping and eroding into the stomach... but then other people swear by it and say they have not had any problems....
    I'd love to hear about your feelings on it if you don't mind...... PM me if you'd rather not put it on the boards! Thanks!
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi! I don't have a fatty liver, but my husband does. He also has very high blood pressure and he's only 29. His doctor didn't give him any instructions other than try to lose weight so he hasn't really taken it that seriously (although he is trying to exercise more and lose some weight). I never really thought of him as overweight because he's just a tall big guy with toned sexy legs, but I guess he is technically considered as overweight according to the charts. I will have to check out the site you posted. Thanks for the info.

    Hope you find the answers you are looking for and that your weight loss journey is a successful one!

    Thanks! Hope your husband does well!
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi. I had my gall baldder removed several years ago, and since then I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver. However, I was told by my Doctor that I could get that under control by changing my diet and that it would be easy to do. all i have to do is eat right and lose some of this weight and the Fatty Liver will heal itself.

    Has your doctor given you any guidelines to follow to lose weight with a fatty liver?
    I know that losing weight helps with a fatty liver but from what I have read and also my personal experience it's hard to lose weight with the fatty liver (and also my PCOS which makes things twice as hard)

    I have been working very hard since I joined MFP 10 days ago and sticking to my goals and I've not lost a single pound..... I've been to the gym 9 days out of 10 and you have to wonder just how much effort a person has to put in to get even a tiny little reward
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    Yup...fatty liver here too. Not surprising since my start weight was 350lbs. Diet and exercise will help. You're on the right road. My liver actually hurt that's how bad it was. I've lost over 20lbs and it doesn't hurt anymore. It's still fatty, but it's getting better.
  • Not sure if I have a fatty liver or not. I don't have health insurance and could never in my wildest dreams afford to go "just to get checked up"

    I have noticed lately, though, that after eating very very unhealthy food, my... liver/gallbladder area hurts.. A LOT.
    And it's ONLY after I eat unhealthy. It varies, depending on what I eat, from somewhat uncomfortable to not being able
    to lay down because it hurts so bad.

    So, listening to my body it was a wake up call to start eating better. When I eat within the healthy carbs/calories/fats/protein
    of my daily limit, I feel just fine.

    Weird huh?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I don't know much about it, but when preparing for weight loss surgery, they made me go on a very low carb, high protein diet to reduce the fat around the liver to make the stomach easily accessible during laparoscopic surgery. After my surgery, they told me that my liver looked good because it wasn't too fatty and surgery was successful.

    So eat seems that it gets better just by eating right and exercising just like losing fat anywhere else on the body, but I'm not a doctor.

    ***Disclaimer*** - For all of you that don't agree, please do not start bashing me.

    My suggestion is the higher fat, moderate protein and very low carb. I am surprised that your doctor did not suggest that on his own.

    It sheds the fat from around the organs (what we don't see) and the external fat we see. I have never had my liver scanned, but I had laparoscopic surgery done and was told I had a lot of fat around all of my organs, which is more dangerous than the fat under the skin.............

    I am not a doctor (yet), but within the next year, I will be entering a Naturopathic Docotral program, so one of these days I will open an office to be able to execute my beliefs and research.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I don't know much about it, but when preparing for weight loss surgery, they made me go on a very low carb, high protein diet to reduce the fat around the liver to make the stomach easily accessible during laparoscopic surgery. After my surgery, they told me that my liver looked good because it wasn't too fatty and surgery was successful.

    So eat seems that it gets better just by eating right and exercising just like losing fat anywhere else on the body, but I'm not a doctor.

    That's very interesting as when the doctor told me to lose weight for the fatty liver I asked her if I should stick to a low carb, high protein diet, she told me no!! I've always been a bit concerned about seeing doctors here in the Middle East as I wonder just how good they are!

    I was actually on the NHS list back in England to have a gastric bypass before I came here to the Middle East to work which means I then lost my place on the waiting list..... Even though I don't meet the normal weight for a Bariatric patient, they were going to do it because of my PCOS...
    If you don't mind me asking, how have you found having the surgery? I'm thinking of paying for it as I can't get back on the NHS list now I'm living out of the UK.....
    I was on the list for a gastric bypass rather than a band as the surgeon I was assigned to preferred to do gastric bypass as he felt there were too many problems with bands slipping and eroding into the stomach... but then other people swear by it and say they have not had any problems....
    I'd love to hear about your feelings on it if you don't mind...... PM me if you'd rather not put it on the boards! Thanks!

    Just curious as to why your doctor would say no to a low or controlled carb eating plan?

    If done correctly, you would be eating lots of veggies, moderate fruits, protein of your choosing, nuts, seeds, some whole grains and some dairy..............

    What is unbalanced or unhealthy about that?
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Generally for a fatty liver (well, a non-alcoholic fatty liver), it will improve when you lose weight. Sometimes people aren't very overweight at all and they can still have quite a bad fatty liver. It's just to do with the content of their diet (ever met those annoyingly skinny people that just seem to eat deep-fried fast food all the time??). If someone is overweight though, it is more likely related to that.
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    Did your doctor tell you about following a syndrome x diet?

    My doctor was very blasé about it. He basically just said it wasn't something to worry about, but just try to eat less starches and sweets. That was about it. I'll have to look into the syndrome x diet, see what that's about.
    I have always struggled to lose weight because of my PCOS which means I gain very easily and find it twice as hard to lose weight than women without PCOS..... For yrs I have worked hard in the gym, eaten very healthily and then found I've only lost 2llbs over a 6 week period.... I then get disillusioned and wonder what the hard work is all for.... but even when I'm not really restricting my calories I still eat less than my friends without PCOS and they don't gain weight... and that's the double whammy of PCOS is that we have to eat a lot less calories than most people.. plus I've been told I have a slow metabolism.....

    My wife has PCOS as well, and has made it very hard for her to lose weight. She's about 5 weeks into Medifast and doing very well on that, but diets didn't work too well before this.
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member

    My wife has PCOS as well, and has made it very hard for her to lose weight. She's about 5 weeks into Medifast and doing very well on that, but diets didn't work too well before this.

    I think Medifast was called Accomplia in the UK and also here in the Middle East.. I was due to be put on it and then the week before I had my appointment to be seen to be given it they took the damn thing off the market.... not long after they then took Reductil off the market too.... both the only 2 obesity drugs that seemed to work!
    I'm going to be in the US in the summer so was thinking about trying to pay to see a doctor who would put me on it!
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    Yup...fatty liver here too. Not surprising since my start weight was 350lbs. Diet and exercise will help. You're on the right road. My liver actually hurt that's how bad it was. I've lost over 20lbs and it doesn't hurt anymore. It's still fatty, but it's getting better.

    Well done on the loss!

    I occasionally get sharp stabbing pains under the breast area on my right side which don't last long but take my breath away and I can't take deep breaths in... it then disappears as quickly as it comes and it's very sporadic... Is that anything like you had?
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