New to my fitness Pal, Looking for supporters!

My name is ashley im 21 going to be 22 this march, I just started a Lifestlye change about a week ago and decieded to join this site for support and counting calories for me really helps alot because sometimes you dont even really how much your eating untill you plug it in and your like wooow,I had my beautiful son in december im 188 and need to lose at least 45 pretty willing a dedicated once I start I intend on finishing, ive started my jillian michaels 30 day shred workout yesterday, I plan on doing that at least 5 times a week since I have a alot of weight to lose, I want to be healthy for my son and show a good example. I would love advice and tips from others who have achieved there goal, or starting out just like me. If there anyone out there who who give me advice and support id love that, thanks!


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome Ashley...Feel free to add me .........WE CAN DO THIS .,...wishing you much success :smile:
  • averylopez
    averylopez Posts: 28 Member
    I have been on MFP since last year and track my foods and exercise everyday. I have had a couple of my friends sign up and track on MFP but for them it only lasted a few weeks. I am in this for the long haul. I lost over 110 lbs ten years ago and have managed to keep all but 10-12 off. Everyday is a new day and I track and am conscious of everything I put in my mouth. Would love to be a support system to anyone who needs encouragement!! Avery
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Welcome! Feel free too add me. I'm on here a lot throughout the day, I love to support and help when I can.
  • npd2007
    npd2007 Posts: 11
    Welcome Ashley! I have been on for several weeks now and I love the "accountability" of LOOKING at what I am eating each day! And it's most times I log in from my phone. I haven't weighed in almost 3 weeks.....I guess I should do that :smile: I started doing Insanity 3 weeks ago! I have seen and feel the results already. But I know you will see the results from the 30-day shred too!!
  • averylopez
    averylopez Posts: 28 Member
    Looking to add some friends who are serious about tracking and encouragement! Please feel free to friend me! I see you responded to the last post of friending and I am also on here quite of bit!!